Extreme Yama System

Chapter 955: back to 0

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Miss? Xue Wusuan smiled and nodded to show that he understood. Then Wang Yuyan bowed and stepped back. It seemed that he had waited so long to say these words to Xue Wusuan.

This is a private matter, how can Yan Jun's private affairs be known to others at will? Wang Yuyan knew the truth, so it was very interesting to do so.

How could Xue Wusuan, the young lady and wife Wang Yuyan speak of, forget it? Now that Wang Yuyan came to report on purpose, the sign of goodwill was obvious. It seems that he is worried that the secret agents who deliberately exposed himself in the Naihe Hall will report first, which is why this happened.

In the Wudao Underworld, who could be called a young lady by Wang Yuyan, naturally has Yan Jun's righteous sister, Azhu, and the couple are talking about Azhu. At the beginning, Ah Zhu got a good death in the eight parts of Tianlong, and after his death, Xue Wusuan took him to the Wudao Underworld, and then because of his undiminished love and unwillingness to be a yin god, he wanted to continue to be with his husband, that is, Xiao Feng. So Xue Wusuan promised them a lifetime of marriage.

However, the marriage of this century is not the experience between that person, but the silent support between the kapok and the oak tree. Every life has gone through storms and rains, but there is nothing to say. Or they can accompany for half a year and then wither, or they are trampled into mud by the wild beasts in the mountains just after breaking the ground, or they happen to be both turned into coke by the thunder, or they are destroyed by a knife and axe...

Anyway, as the world is approaching, the souls of Azhu and Xiao Feng have already entered the reincarnation passage, and they are heading towards Naihe Hall at this time.

This is a good thing, and it is something Xue Wusuan is quite looking forward to. On the one hand, the obsession in his heart still has the place of the righteous sister Azhu as before, and now that he has returned for a hundred generations, he rarely feels a little happy in his heart. On the other hand, it is a rare confirmation: after maintaining the wisdom for hundreds of generations, what will happen to a common dead soul? Has the emotion that was once regarded as life and death faded away?

Thinking about it in my heart, the divine sense had already fallen on Azhu and Xiao Feng who were floating in the reincarnation passage.

"Azhu, look, there's another reincarnation channel in this ruthless mansion. I want to come to Yan Jun to open up the territory again." It was Xiao Feng who spoke, and the soul was the same as when he and Xue Wusuan first met. , The soul of a young girl who was next to him was the righteous sister Azhu of Xue Wusuan.

"Brother Xiao, my eldest brother is the future co-owner of thousands of planes. This expansion of the territory is naturally a no-brainer. But I don't know how the eldest brother will arrange for us after the end of this time of reincarnation."

When Xiao Feng heard that he didn't know the worry in his wife's words, he said with relief: "Hahaha, Azhu doesn't have to guess, Yan Jun must have arrangements, you and I love each other for a lifetime, how could Yan Jun do the same thing again? Don't worry, don't worry. "

In this century of reincarnation, the relationship between Arjuna and Xiao Feng did not become as weak as Xue Wusuan thought at first, but it was already as one, and there was no difference anymore. A look, an action, and sometimes even without needing anything, can instantly understand the death of the other party's heart.

Perhaps the so-called heart-to-heart is like this.

In all, these centuries of reincarnation have allowed Arjuna and Xiao Feng to stay together for nearly a thousand years. Love has gradually transformed into a deep-rooted habit in this long period of time, a habit that no one can do without. Whether it is the nature of living beings or the most loyal feelings in the world is unknown.

Every reincarnation, Azhu and Xiao Feng would return to this reincarnation passage, then go to Naihe Hall, and finally reincarnate, but they did not drink the medicinal soup that forgets their memories. So, Bai Shi, it's a long way for them.

Every time I go back to this ruthless underworld, the changes in the surroundings are visible. Even if the vision is limited in this reincarnation passage, the changes are still obvious. Do you understand that this unscrupulous underworld is probably ten times stronger than when they first came here?

Seeing the evil mirror platform from a distance, where there are many ghosts, most of them are those **** ghosts who are shirtless, full of hostility, and fierce faces. Although these ghost pawns Azhu and Xiao Feng cannot both know each other, many of them have seen each other. After all, they have passed by here a hundred times.

But this time seems to be different. There seem to be a lot more ghost pawns on the edge of the evil mirror. As they got closer, Azhu and Xiao Feng realized that they had actually stood, thinking that their soul body was extremely solid, and there was a big ghost exuding strong coercion. Looking at that appearance, Azhu remembered that this was not her back then. Rong Ziju, the soul gatherer that you met when you first came to the Wudao Underworld, is that Master Rong? In other words, this couple with them are still fellow villagers, and they all come from the eight parts of Tianlong.

Needless to say, Azhu and Xiao Feng also knew that the Master Soul Gatherer was here to welcome them.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived at the edge of the evil mirror, Rong Ziju gestured towards them with a smile on his face, and the ghost **** on the side also politely lifted them up from the reincarnation passage. The vicious face is full of flattery, and the contrast is especially strong.

"My subordinate Rong Ziju has seen Miss. After a lifetime of separation, Miss's complexion is still dazzling, which is gratifying." Rong Ziju only greeted Azhu, but directly ignored Xiao Feng. This may seem a bit rude, but it is Rong Ziju's shrewdness. He is in charge of the Iron Guard, and it is proper courtesy to be polite to Yan Jun's righteous sister. But what is Xiao Feng? What if Yan Jun has other arrangements for him in the future? Tiewei doesn't need to pay attention to it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Azhu has a honest and honest nature, so naturally he would not mind that Rong Ziju left her husband in the cold, not to mention that what she misses most now is her brother. He opened his mouth and replied: "Master Rong is very polite. I wonder if my brother is in this underworld now?"

"Haha, so that the young lady knows that the subordinates are here to welcome the young lady's return by order from Jun Yan."

"Then let Lord Lao Rong lead the way." The implication is that he doesn't want to chat with Rong Ziju here, and there is nothing to say. It is only reasonable to see his elder brother as soon as possible.

Yan Luo Temple, the first time the door was fully opened, Xue Wusuan also stood outside the temple door with his arms behind his back and greeted him.

Seeing his righteous brother like this, Azhu naturally understands that this is his righteous brother welcoming her, and at the same time it is an act of showing his attitude: Look, you, Azhu, are the righteous sister of this monarch, and she was and still is.

Rong Ziju took two steps with the same smile, Azhu took the lead, Xiao Feng followed, and Rong Ziju followed behind. Yan Jun met face to face, and his actions showed his treatment of Azhu, so Rong Ziju would naturally have trouble. The scene that should be there is indispensable.

"Big brother!"

"Hahaha, it's good to come back, it's good to come back!" Xue Wusuan was also really happy, and rubbed Azhu's head as he did at the time, his brother's appearance was very natural.

"Let's go, let's talk in the hall. I think you have a lot of things to tell my brother in this Hundred-Life Reincarnation, right?"

"Yeah!" Arjun was so emotional that he couldn't help himself, and he was speechless. This righteous brother is the only relative in this world who treats her well besides Xiao Feng.

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