Extreme Yama System

Chapter 956: still the same

Arjun opened the chat box only after being excited. Hundreds of lifetimes have become human-like plants like kapok. This is actually not a good thing. If you really want to be serious, this can be regarded as an extremely harsh criminal law. This is true for everyone, Azhu and Xiao Feng as well.

But Azhu didn't intend to say this, but maybe he hadn't seen his brother for a long time, or maybe he was really moved by his brother's presence with Yan Jun's prestige just now, so he went back to Juxianzhuang and thought he was going to die. When Shi felt wronged in his heart and called Xue Wusuan to save her, he said it all at once.

"Brother, you don't know, it's really uncomfortable to be unable to speak. It was fine at first, but then I panicked..."

Xiao Feng next to him wanted to remind his wife who was emotional, but just as he was about to speak, he found that he was unable to speak, and a force imprisoned him. Surprised to find that Xue Wusuan glanced at him, and his mind became clear, and he stopped talking.

I don't know how long I have said this. There are longings, complaints, and complaints in the words. It seems that a sister who feels wronged is venting on her brother nonsensically.

"Hundreds of reincarnations, the path you chose by yourself is also your lofty ambition to prove to your brother that your husband and wife are loyal. Now that you are back, are you still thinking as you used to?" Xue Wusuan looked at it with a half-smile A Zhu glanced at Xiao Feng who was sitting beside A Zhu and asked with a smile.

These words passed through the hearts of Arjuna and Xiao Feng like ice slag, and then quickly disappeared. He also instantly calmed down the excitement of seeing "brother" in Azhu's heart.

Yes, this person is not only her Arjuna's righteous brother, but also the sole ruler of these planes. With every gesture, countless creatures are born or annihilated.

Xue Wusuan said a word, and what he asked was Arjuna's perception of his original "rhetoric". He was also asking her whether her love could withstand the test of baptism and loneliness. This is very important to Azhu, Xiao Feng and Xue Wusuan himself.

Even Arjuna can understand that once he answers inappropriately, his husband will definitely enter reincarnation again, and he will definitely drink the medicinal soup from Naihe Hall. From then on, life and death will never meet again.

"Brother, although my husband and I have never spoken a word in a hundred lives, we have always been dependent on each other, facing the wind, frost and rain together, enjoying the sun and moon together, and going back and forth together. The love in our hearts has not subsided, but even worse. Now the little sister can speak loudly. Tell eldest brother, my husband and wife are still as they said before, they would rather be a tree than a stone, and still do not want to be separated!"

Xiao Feng was still imprisoned, but the smile on his face and the affectionate eyes that A Zhu looked at each other already showed his attitude.

Xue Wusuan asked again: "So steadfast? Then if Big Brother lets you go to reincarnation like this again, you will have no regrets and no regrets?"

"Brother is unreasonable! How come you have been here for a hundred lifetimes? If you don't go, I want to stay with Brother Xiao!"

"Hahaha! It's up to you." Xue Wusuan was only joking after all, and he smiled happily when faced with Ah Zhu's words. That's good, Baishi has verified that even if people's emotions wear off for thousands of years, the zero communication in words can still exist perseveringly.

"Then what do you want to do now?" Xue Wusuan asked again.

"Little sister, little sister doesn't know either. What do you think, eldest brother?" Azhu didn't talk nonsense. Although she had been here many times, she didn't know much about it at all, and she didn't know what she could do here. made. Ask herself, she thinks that she is not only smart but only able to do some needlework, and her cooking skills are barely able to do it. When she was alive and Xiao Feng shepherd sheep outside the Great Wall, she also had some survival skills of herdsmen, but she didn't know it. Are these things of any use in the ruthless underworld?

A Zhu is like this, and Xiao Feng next to him is similar. When he was alive, he still felt that he was quite capable. His martial arts skills were rare in the world, and he also had a lot of experience in managing a party's forces, but in this unethical underworld, Xiao Feng also had no confidence in his heart. After all, this is the intersection of several planes, a magical and great existence, and the means of mere mortals, I am afraid no one will look down on it.

Xue Wusuan understood, raised his hand, and Rong Ziju approached behind him, he opened his mouth and said, "My little sister and his wife are not familiar with the Wudao Underworld, you should inform Wang Yuyan, the master of the Naihe Palace, and ask her to take her with him. Let my little sister and his wife take a good look around this absurd underworld, and hurry up."

"Subordinates take orders."

Rong Ziju is not suitable to be a guide. This thing is now considered to be the top wind and stink among the yin gods of the unworldly underworld. If he led Azhu and Xiao Feng around, he would probably feel awkward seeing everyone. Or Wang Yuyan. Hasn't this female ghost been planning to increase her influence in the unscrupulous underworld? This time, he took the initiative to come to report the situation of the Azhu couple, and they just gave her some face.

After chatting for a long time, Wang Yuyan arrived. There was a strong smile on her face. This was the opportunity she was looking forward to. Now that Yan Jun is giving face like this, she is a little excited.

"Wang Yuyan has met Miss."

The world is really impermanent. I think when Wang Yuyan was in the eight parts of Tianlong, she was the young owner of Mantuo Villa~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a noble status, while Azhu was just a servant girl under Murong Fu. The status of the two was very different. Ah Zhu called Wang Yuyan "Miss". But now, this status has been changed.

Facing Wang Yuyan's name, Arjuna was already able to handle it with equanimity. The first life is only a hundred years, and she is no longer the original Arjuna. The relationship in that life has long since disappeared, and now she is the sister of Wudao Yan Luo, who can bear Wang Yuyan's servility.

"The king's hall master, don't give up. Azhu wants to ask the hall master to lead a tour of this underworld."

Xue Wusuan saw that Azhu and Xiao Feng stood up to greet Wang Yuyan one after another, so they no longer kept them. It is estimated that the couple were also anxious about what they could do in the Wudao Underworld in the future, and they were anxious to go everywhere. So he waved his hand and let them go.

Seeing the three Arjunas who bowed and left, Xue Wusuan leaned back on the chair with a smile, not knowing what to do again.

Actually, according to Xue Wusuan's plan, Azhu doesn't need to do anything after returning, just find a good place to practice, and it's not too late to make plans in the future when his cultivation base is high. As for Xiao Feng, this guy has a good talent, he has the perception of reincarnation and attachment to emotions, and his mind is also quite firm. He can go to the shadow soldier array and fight. .

But now it seems that his sister and his wife have no plans to do something big in the Wudao Underworld, but want to continue their ordinary life. That's fine, it's always what he wants, and it's not easy for him to interfere.

I don't know how long it took, Xue Wusuan suddenly disappeared from the chair, I don't know where he went again...

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