Extreme Yama System

Chapter 957: New Era

After returning from vacation, Xue Wusuan was very busy, and also the bosses of various institutions. They suddenly realized that the Underworld seems to have entered a new era of wanton expansion.

And Azhu and Xiao Feng, who have returned to the underworld after a hundred reincarnations, also found their place in this "great era" that suddenly appeared: farming. Compared with other things, these two couples feel that it is more suitable for them to grow yin food in the unethical underworld. The life is dull but interesting. Anyway, Wang Yuyan, who has repeatedly persuaded her, is completely unable to figure out what these two think.

Wang Yuyan's idea is that it's best for the couple to be able to set up a situation in the unscrupulous underworld. Then she can climb up along the friendships she had in her previous life, and then catch up with a big man to push up the prestige of her Naihe Hall. But the reality is that people don't have such a tossed mind, and they actually choose to farm. You think how awkward Wang Yuyan must be.

However, the arrival of the big era also makes Wang Yuyan have no time to think about the affairs of the Azhu couple, because she is also very busy now. In order to maintain the speed of the Naihe Bridge, not only did she recruit fifty new bridge patrol girls, sometimes Even she herself got a hand on the bridge. Can't be busy.

In the past six or seven reincarnation passages, Naihe Hall was still very leisurely. Wang Yuyan even spends a lot of time practicing in her own palace or specializing in those strange foreign methods. But now, the number of reincarnation channels has doubled, and the leisurely days are gone forever.

The saying of this "big era" came from the Yin Barracks. It is said that a military division in the first military division shouted out after being drunk by accident, and was later used by Wang Tianyun to motivate the soldiers in the camp. Later, Bao Zheng also took it and wrote it into many notices for the ghost people. . Now the three words "big era" have become a common name.

The beginning of the matter will start before the 3,600 Yin eclipse seasons. At that time, it was not long after the Aju couple had just returned from the reincarnation of the world, and they were even wandering around the Wudao Underworld accompanied by Wang Yuyan, marveling at the power and mystery of the underworld, while still thinking about what they would do in the next endless years. what to do in.

And just when Azhu and Xiao Feng had just made eye contact and reached an agreement to become a pair of yin food farmers in the abyss, the so-called "big era" began to emerge.

The huge passages that attacked the plane have hardly stopped since that moment, and they appeared one after another, and new passages of reincarnation began to appear one after another in this ruthless underworld.

The ghost country in charge of the three sticks once asked the judge Bao Zheng curiously, saying that each additional plane used to be prepared for a long time, but why is it now like fishing for fish?

"Everything is the huge change brought about by the breakthrough of the bottleneck of strength. In the last attack, the underworld won the plane with the power of the Dao Realm, which means that the strength of the underworld has reached a very high level. It has reached a new level. Yan Junshengming, it is clear that the current growth of Wudao’s strength requires accumulation, not the input of high-level resources. That’s why the current move is made.”

Bao Zheng's explanation of the Wang family's three sticks is also on point, and it is similar to the judgment of the large number of military divisions in the First Military Division. This is in line with the law of development of all things.

Just like a tree, when it just emerged from the soil, it was dying and growing upwards, because in this way, it can rush outside before the shade of other trees smothers itself, and absorbs sunlight so that it will not be smothered to death. . And once you can receive sunlight and your branches are so thick, there is no need to continue to grow up. Because it is too high and windy, it needs a thicker trunk to support it, so the next step is to have luxuriant branches and leaves. Grow your trunk. This is exactly the same change that the Wudao Underworld is currently undergoing.

Yan Jun Shengming!

At the beginning, all the military advisors and Bao Zheng, who was good at calculating, thought about giving Yan Jun some suggestions for strengthening the foundation, hoping not to always focus on those powerful planes to clean up, some weak planes can actually strengthen the unscrupulous underworld Strength, this is a must go through the process. But who would have thought that before these suggestions were handed in, Yan Jun had already begun to implement them. Foresight is this.

And these changes are placed in the entire Wudao Underworld. Except for the big bosses of various underworld institutions, the rest of the dead souls are all excited and inexplicable.

In the past, people who hoped for the stars and the moon will attack the plane again. In order to get a little bit of military merit so that they can find a good job in the unscrupulous underworld or get a position in the underworld, it is simply It was too difficult, even more difficult than crossing a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops. Well now, the Yin soldiers are fighting endlessly, and the militia can also have the opportunity to play and fight with the natives in the plane. How many chances are there?

Let's talk about the commercial and entertainment industries in the ghost country. It is now more luxuriant than imagined. There are also many more programs at the Opera House~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition to the large-scale dramas and "movies" promoting the formation of the Yin Soldiers, there are also many "documentaries" and village legends about the customs of various planes. Even the story of Azhu and Xiao Feng's love was made into a show by those screenwriters who like to flatter in the opera house.

And the processing industry of yin food is also booming, and even the "compressed military ration" similar to the technological plane has been vacated. Forty percent more. This increases the stamina, recovery ability and recovery speed of the Yin soldiers by 40% out of thin air!

The standard armor of the Yin Soldiers has also been updated from the fourth generation to the fifth generation when they attacked the Westward Journey to subdue demons and subdue demons. Long-range weapons such as the Yellow Spring Cannon have been updated faster, and a new secret weapon has been extended, tentatively named: Judgment. However, the ruling is still in the research and development stage and did not participate in actual combat, but even so, this thing really opened Xue Wusuan's eyes, and even felt that if this thing can really be completed, then the combat capability of the Yin Soldier array is definitely a rocket take off General jumping.

In the Yanluo Palace, Xue Wusuan looked at the eleven six-way roulettes floating in front of him, and said to himself: "Jade Blood Sword," "Covering the Rain and Turning the Clouds", "X-Men", "Endgame" "Shushan", "Shushan"... It's a lot of harvest from these planes. Should I challenge a new difficulty in the next plane? Or wait for my cultivation to go up a realm ?"


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