Extreme Yama System

Chapter 958: today's underworld

In the current Wudao Underworld, there are a total of forty reincarnation passages merged into the Naihe Bridge. That is to say, since the attack on the plane of subduing demons and subduing demons in Xiaxiyou, Xue Wusuan has won another 33 planes. Ten of them were obtained from the hands of the Lord God, and the remaining twenty-three were taken from the scanning planes of the system one by one.

As rumored in Wudao Underworld, Xue Wusuan's plan is indeed to develop the comprehensive strength of Wudao Underworld horizontally. This is also a stage that he has planned for a long time: using a large number of middle and low-level resources to increase the total amount of resources held by the unscrupulous underworld, speeding up the cultivation speed of the ghosts and shadow soldiers in the underworld, and reaching the next unscrupulous underworld Minimize this time before developing bottlenecks.

There is no time in the Wudao Underworld, but there is it outside. Whether the time outside is fast or slow, it is constantly moving forward. And the more contact with the Heavenly Dao of different planes, the more information Xue Wusuan can get about that "Hongjun".

It is a huge alliance, it seems to span thousands or even thousands of planes, and the strong inside are like clouds, and Hongjun is the strongest known to Xue Wusuan, is there any stronger existence? Currently unknown.

Therefore, there is a problem here, that is, in fact, this anti-magic cultivator alliance is not waiting to meet the magic cultivator all the time. They are collecting the information of the magic cultivator all the time. The Tathagata of the face and Taishang Laojun contacted the magic weapon. In fact, many planes have actually visited them and left their eyeliners. They are also constantly looking for the traces of the magic cultivator.

This discovery was informed by the Heavenly Dao of that plane when Xue Wusuan attacked and captured the "Shushan" plane. This is also a benefit that Xue Wusuan got after saving the Heavenly Dao of the Westward Journey to subdue the demons and subdue the demons. Now the attitude of the Heavenly Daoists towards the demon cultivators has been greatly changed. So it gives a lot of convenience.

In this way, Na Hongjun's group is looking for a demon cultivator or he is looking for Xue Wusuan, the demon master, and is ready to kill it directly. Naturally, what Xue Wusuan needs to do is to increase his strength as soon as possible, and he must become stronger before the other party comes to him, stronger than any generation of demon masters!

The control of the thirty-three planes means that Xue Wusuan now has thirty-three planes in his hands that can continue to provide him with resources. This is a good thing, and it is also a time for the comprehensive strength of the Wudao Underworld to advance by leaps and bounds. Horizontal development. If you want to be able to play, you must not only grow tall, but also grow strong.

Now with the addition of 33 planes, the number of sergeants in the Yin Bing has increased from 100,000 to 120,000, and four legions, each of which has been expanded to 30,000. And these 120,000 Yin soldiers have gone through dozens of battles in this stage, which is generally called the Great Era. Although the intensity of the battle was not comparable to the one they once conquered the demon plane in Journey to the West, it was a huge boost to the overall combat power of the Yin Soldiers.

In Wang Tianyun's words, today's 120,000 Yin Soldiers are true masters of a hundred battles, and neither their strength nor momentum can be compared to anything before.

Xue Wusuan did not intervene from the beginning to the end of the attack on one plane and one plane, and he did not bother to calculate half a point. They are all shot down by the Yin soldiers array, go straight, see it, if you don’t accept it, then annihilate it. From top to bottom, after killing a transparent one, the rest is to give benefits or force it into a no-dao system, and then spread it. "God Protection Theory" and "God Purification Theory" quickly rebuild the order of the plane with the benefits of belief feedback.

However, after so many battles, especially when dealing with a plane like "Shushan" with a high level of cultivation, the Yin Soldiers also suffered losses, so much so that the heroic monument on the central square of the Wudao Underworld, the There are more than 40,000 names.

The blood ghosts also participated, but not killing, but "cleaning", cleaning the bodies of those souls that were annihilated by the shadow soldiers to the hell, so that the blood ghost queen can have fresh blood food, and can continue to be born A new vampire.

Compared with the Yin Soldiers, the blood ghost's replenishment and consumption of resources are completely incomparable. Even 10 million vampires are much more resource-efficient than 120,000 Yin soldiers. But vampires are not suitable for wars, especially in such unrestricted wars, which may produce wars that are not conducive to later work.

If it was said that the strength of the Wudao Underworld was ten when it attacked the Westward Journey to Subdue Demons and Demons, then the strength of the Wudao Underworld, which now has forty plane resources, has grown to 20, or maybe more. But Xue Wusuan's own strength has not grown so fast.

Above the Golden Immortal is the Great Immortal Luo Tian. According to the judgment of Heaven, the average cultivator needs hundreds of thousands of years or even longer. But at this level of cultivation, innate talent and other innate conditions have been weakened to the extreme. Whether we can break through more depends on chance or luck, as well as accumulation.

Xue Wusuan's cultivation speed is actually unbelievable, which is also the fundamental reason why the Wudao Yama of all dynasties can become a common disaster of thousands of planes. It may take hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years for a powerful person to become a cultivator, but the Demon Lord doesn't even need a percent of the time.

The harvest is also there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the knowledge of the top cultivators from all planes. This is the only thing Xue Wusuan can see, but it is not so rich. He now needs more, more complete and deeper cognition to perfect himself. Of course, his current cognition has far exceeded the limit of the golden fairyland, but after Luo Tian Daxian there is still a powerful person, and there is a realm above the almighty person. The more knowledge, the thicker the road behind him. It's better to go.

"It's still a little short of accumulation. The total amount of mana required to break through to the realm of Luo Tian Daxian in this Golden Immortal Realm is actually so much that it is almost twenty times more than when I broke through to Jinxian. Judging from the situation, at least one hundred Hell Seven Emotion Fruits are needed to break through. Maybe more. But I didn't think that eating too much of this rare treasure would cause patience."

In the past, each of the Seven Emotions Fruits of Hell could bring a huge amount of mana energy to Xue Wusuan, but now this sky-defying effect is rapidly diminishing with the amount he takes. Up to now, Xue Wusuan only got 50% of the benefits from eating a fruit of the Seven Emotions of Hell. And if you keep going, you'll get even less of the mana increase. And Xue Wusuan predicted based on the degree of decay, and after he really ate another 100 fruits of the seven emotions of hell, this kind of rare treasure would be of no use to him in disaster.

"So it seems that the next plane has a good plan, and we have to find a rich plane."

While thinking, after a spiritual thought, a figure was moved into the Yanluo Temple, and it was Tiewei who was in charge of Rong Ziju.


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