Extreme Yama System

Chapter 959: elite

"Jun Yan, everything is ready." Rong Ziju, as always, bent slightly, standing behind Xue Wusuan to report. But the usual pious and submissive tone was filled with a touch of excitement that was hard to suppress.

Xue Wusuan smiled and turned his head to look at Rong Ziju, and asked, "Do you want to go with us too?"

"My subordinates really want to go, but I know that's not where my subordinates should go." Rong Ziju answered truthfully, without concealing the entanglement in his heart at all.

That's the truth. Although Rong Ziju respectfully followed Xue Wusuan from time to time and acted like a general manager, it didn't mean that he didn't have the eagerness to move forward in his heart. More still, he was stymied by his ambition for power in his heart.

"It's good to know. You are in charge of the Iron Guard, and strategizing is what you need to do. The first-line charge has nothing to do with you, remember."

"This subordinate understands." Rong Ziju hurriedly bowed.

While speaking, a small hole appeared in the Yama Hall, and then over a hundred dead souls were moved into the hall. Seeing Xue Wusuan, they bowed down in a frenzied tone.

"Jun Yan, these are the 108 elites selected by the subordinates to carry out this mission. They are good at lurking, reconnaissance, spying, assassination, etc., and they are all engraved with the method of returning to the sun. Can't figure it out."

Xue Wusuan nodded. Rong Ziju didn't need to explain these hundreds of dead souls. With just a swipe of his spiritual sense, he could know the abilities of these guys. The cultivation base is not bad, at least it is enough for the characters they are about to face. After such a long training and backed by previous experience, plus the information given to them in advance, it is still possible to grasp it.

"In that case, let's enter the plane world as planned. Remember your tasks and emergency measures."

"The subordinates will swear to the death to complete the task!"

After speaking in unison, the elites in Rong Ziju's mouth then filed in, submerging into the tiny hole and then disappearing.

"Okay, Rong Ziju, you should step back as well, keep an eye on Tiewei, keep an eye on the trends of those newly added planes, and if you find any bad signs, you must immediately eliminate them, understand?"

"My subordinates understand, my subordinates respectfully send Yan Jun!"

Rong Ziju said so, but the regret in his heart has not been reduced by half. This time was different, he always felt that it was a pity that he could not go to the front line. Seeing that Yan Jun didn't disappear into the void, he had to sigh, shook his head, and left Yan Luo Palace with regret.

What kind of plane would that be? Rong Ziju couldn't help thinking to himself: Listening to Yan Jun's words, that plane is a high plane with "fairy people walking all over the street, monks like dogs", and it is even stronger than that plane of Journey to the West, subduing demons and subduing demons. It's a pity that I didn't get to see it first.

By the way, that face seems to be called "Fengshen" by Yan Jun. Just hearing this name Rong Ziju can't stop numb. It is definitely an unbelievably strong plane, otherwise how can he be so arrogant and domineering? name?

Forget it, let's not think about that "Fengshen" plane. There are still many things waiting for him, Rong Ziju, to do. The Yin Soldiers did not stop attacking the plane. At this moment, they were still killing blood in a plane called "The Legend of Sword and Fairy". As the Iron Guard's head, he must follow up on the control of all kinds of intelligence in the attacking war. It can be said that in the current plane attack, the strength of the Iron Guards is not much less than those of the Yin soldiers who are fighting on the front line.

Active and effective participation has resulted in a change in the impression of the Iron Guard in the shadow soldiers array. After all, in the absence of Xue Wusuan's meticulous calculation, to win a plane, relying solely on the Yin soldier array is actually very difficult. It has no eyes or ears, which is quite passive.

The spies trained by the Iron Guards now act as the eyes and ears of the Yin Soldier array. They are almost pervasive. After collecting information from all aspects, they are quickly screened and refined, and the accurate information obtained in the final follow-up will be sent to Wang Tianyun or the first. In the hands of the military division, the effective conduct of military operations is supported.

Even sometimes, the intelligence analysis department of the Iron Guard will directly come up with an action strategy for the Yin Soldier array to refer to. In Wang Tianyun's words: Rong Ziju, that bastard, finally did a good thing.

And those Iron Guard spies are not without losses. After batches of training, they will lose more than half of them during the first mission, and then they will lose a lot more in the second mission, and so on. What remains are the real experienced elites.

The one hundred and eight Iron Guard spies who entered the "Fengshen" plane with Yan Jun are the elites of these elites. To this end, Rong Ziju also invested his blood.

But apart from the one hundred and eight Iron Guard spy elites and Rong Ziju, who is in charge of the Iron Guard, in the entire Wudao Underworld, no one knows about the "Fengshen" plane. In Yan Jun's words, this is top secret, and it's not time for other local government agencies to know.

As soon as he returned to the Iron Guard camp, his subordinates came to report that Zhong Mei, the head of the Weapons Research Institute, had arrived at the camp with a group of scoundrels and a hidden object, and was waiting for him.

The former weapon workshop has now been upgraded to the weapon research institute, and together with the research institute that was also named by Tigue, it is called the two brains of the absurd underworld. The difference between Zhong Mei also followed the rising tide and became one side in charge. Recently, I have also gotten very close to Tiewei, of course, it is only a business relationship. For Tiewei, Zhong Mei actually didn't have the slightest impression of him.

"Understood, I'll go over right away." After speaking, Rong Ziju did not get up immediately, but sat on a chair and took out a cigar to light it. Now that there are many planes, cigars are in the abyss. Li is in short supply~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Rong Ziju also likes this stuff very much.

"I guess it's that thing again? I don't know what the trouble is this time. Hey, it should be seen." After taking a few sips, Rong Ziju got up and went to a high-secret room in the camp. , when he came, there were already no less than fifty dead souls waiting for him, and Zhong Mei was among them.

"Rong is in charge, there is new progress in the research of the ruling. I hope to find a suitable plane for testing, and I hope you can arrange it properly." Zhong Mei said. His tone was a bit stiff, and his eyes tried not to contact Rong Ziju in front of him. He didn't like this Rong in charge. I feel that the other party is always ill-intentioned and evil.

"Ah? There is a new progress? Master Zhong is indeed one of the two brains in the unscrupulous underworld, really. However, you also know that the new battlefield is currently in a stalemate stage. The news that has come is also quite chaotic, and now does not seem to be an appropriate time to intervene. I wonder if we can wait for the situation to stabilize a little before testing it?”

Although Rong Ziju is annoying, he doesn't really like to tear his face with anyone. And what he said is also true. The current battle situation on the Yin Soldier array is indeed not suitable for the Weapons Research Institute to intervene in the testing of new weapons.

But Zhong Mei's attitude did not change, and he said bluntly: "Rong is in charge, the research plan of the ruling cannot be delayed. I also know that the battle situation is a little anxious, but the test of the ruling cannot be delayed either. I hope the ruling will take more care."


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