Extreme Yama System

Chapter 960: Chaoge

"It's really strange here. It's obviously in the most primitive feudal dynasty, with almost zero technology and primitive living conditions, but what's strange is that the food is still abundant, the population is not large, and there are few wars. The place is completely different."

"How could it be the same? There are obvious signs that the vitality of the heavens and the earth has been forcibly pulled away. But even so, it is surprisingly rich. It is conceivable that there are not a few immortals in this world. Use immortal methods to replace technology. It’s not easy to carry out production, so that mortals can have food to eat and not go hungry? It’s not hungry anymore, and it’s still fighting. Go, the meeting point marked by the captain is in front.”

The two who spoke used sound transmission. The first was thin, middle-aged, with sloppy eyes, rough clothes, bare feet, and dark skin. He seemed to be a farmer. The latter person looks similar to the first person, and he is dressed in the same way, and his appearance is also ordinary and has no characteristics. The two turned into a house one after the other.

Pushing the door open, seven or eight people had gathered in the room, men and women, old and young. It looked like a big family was gathering, but it wasn't. If a person with high mana power is present, such as a first-class character like a real immortal, he will find clues, because the people in this room, including the two who came in later, all have strong yin and no vitality, and they are not real people at all. .

"Okay, it's all here, let's start assigning tasks now." The person who spoke was tall, in his early twenties, very strong, with bright eyes, and he had the temperament of a strong man. He has two names, one is Zhu Zhao, the other is Zhu Liu, and now his name is Zhu Liu.

"Yes." The others stood up and answered. But whether it was Zhu Liu or the others, they used voice transmission to speak, so even though there were nearly ten people gathered in the room, it was still silent without any real sound.

"According to the previous plan, our sixth group's lurking location is here, Chaoge. There is also the third group lurking here with us. I have communicated with their team leader before, because of the situation in Chaoge City. It is complex, and it is the current power center of this aspect, so there must be a clear division of labor between them and our group, and they must share and cooperate closely.

Therefore, after deliberation, the main goal of the three groups is to erode the imperial city, and our goal is to erode the rest of the important target points in Chaoge City. Now start assigning specific tasks. Zhou Yuan, your mission is the prime minister's mansion in the east city; Lin Jue, your goal is the brothel in the city; Hui, your goal is the yellow mansion in the west of the city..."

After this meal was arranged, everyone had tasks, and then left the room one after another without saying a word.

Zhu Liu, the leader of the sixth team, the leader of the elite of the Iron Guard spies in the Wudao Underground. Survived from the first spies to the present. Not only him, but also the rest of the team leaders. They were the most experienced spies in the entire Iron Guard. And they are all outstanding. But this time, none of them dared to take it lightly.

There are still many spies like Zhu Liu's sixth group, not only the third group, but also in various places in this world that need close attention, but Zhu Liu has no way of knowing where, he only knows himself. The only companion nearby was the third group targeting the Imperial City.

This plane is called "Fengshen", and it is a plane that makes Zhu Liu anxious and excited at the same time. He likes this kind of exciting life, and the feeling of walking in the dark between life and death is very refreshing, and it is also his favorite way of venting. But prudence is an attempt that a spy must have, so he is suppressing all the emotions in his heart that should not appear all the time.

It has been a month and a half since I came to this world. They entered and survived by a means called "tourism" by the great Yan Jun. The time of existence is not infinite, so it is urgent, and it is necessary to collect information as soon as possible and complete the established tasks.

For a month and a half, the brief task assignment just now was the first time after entering, and it was also the safest. After all, the first priority of being a spy is not to focus on completing the task, but to integrate yourself into the environment and become an ordinary drop of water in the vast ocean.

As far as Zhu Liu felt, the world is full of weirdness and mystery in this dimension. Even though agricultural tools are still in the extremely backward stage of wood, the output of grain is surprisingly high. Even with simple farming and fertilization, things like fertilization are just a matter of chance, but you can have a good harvest every year.

In terms of the political situation, Zhu Liu's observations and comments on the market are still very stable. What is adopted here is the **** strategy of enfeoffment. In other words, the top of the power is the "king", and the following are the princes of the four directions: Jiang Hengchu, the prince of the East, E Chongyu, the prince of the South, Jichang, the prince of the West, and Chonghouhu, the prince of the North.

The four major princes are all hereditary clansmen who have been operating in their respective territories for dozens of generations and are deeply rooted. Both are also loyal to the Middle Kingdom: Shang.

In the Shang Dynasty, there were many wise kings in all dynasties. In this generation, the king of Shang was named "Shou". Known as the King of Shou.

According to anecdotal reports, this King Shou was fairly diligent in his administration, and he did not have any bad habits of laboring the people and hurting the wealth. Although it is not very wise, it is not stupid either. It may be a bit reluctant in wartime, but it is still acceptable to be king in peacetime.

And King Shou's subordinates have a big backer, which is also the fundamental reason why the Shang Dynasty could not fall down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has always been able to suppress the four vassal states: Taishi Wenzhong.

Wen Zhong has an army under his command, called "Jiejun". Most of the army is highly cultivated and powerful. It can be said to be the number one armed force in the mortal world in this direction. As the controller of this power, Wen Zhong's strength and identity are even more remarkable.

It is said that Wen Zhong is a disciple of immortals, and his magic power penetrates the sky and the earth, and no one is invincible. And by the great favor of the Shang Dynasty, he has been loyal to the Shang Dynasty and sheltered to this day.

The power overwhelms the government and the opposition, and one person is below ten million people. He is talking about Wen Zhong. Even Guo Junshou did not dare to neglect Wen Zhong at all, treating him as an elder, and performing the ceremony of the younger generation when meeting him.

For a month and a half, Zhu Liu not only found out about these basic situations, but also found a suitable identity for himself. And through various means, finally successfully opened a tavern in the capital of the Shang Dynasty under the name of Zhu Liu, and the business was not bad. Be on a firm footing.

And the other six members of the group did not eat rice, and each completed the basic procedure of integrating into Chaoge City, and found a reliable identity as a cover. Either a farmer, or a hunter, or a brothel prostitute, or a wrestler, anyway, the huge Chaoge City can be regarded as a nail that has been buried in a ruthless underworld.

All this is silent, and no one notices at all in the whole plane. And these, the elite spies from the Iron Guards have slowly started to take root in each node, and spread the aura of ignorance towards the surrounding without noticing it.


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