Extreme Yama System

Chapter 970: There are still pitfalls in the big and small

Xue Wusuan's biggest weapon or convenience is the way of heaven in this direction. Tiandao controls all living beings in the world, and even the powerful ones cannot interfere with Tiandao's records about them before they join the Dao. All of this will be revealed in numerology in every detail.

Now Tian Dao and Xue Wusuan are on the same page, and they are going to **** off all the cultivators in this world. They each have their own goals. It is very tacit understanding when they cooperate.

When something strange happens, Xue Wusuan always gets the news right away. For example, a meeting with unprecedented content.

The conference is a once-in-five-hundred-year event. The original purpose is to give the monks of the two religions an appropriate opportunity to communicate more, enhance their feelings, and also have the opportunity to mutually verify what they have learned. But this time the event was very different.

The Dao of Heaven is very sensitive, especially after Xue Wusuan, the master of magic cultivators, approached him. He pays close attention to all the activities of the leaders of the three major sects in the world. On the third day after having an in-depth exchange with Xue Wusuan, the three received a message at the same time, asking them to go to the thirty-three days immediately. Therefore, Tiandao quickly focused his attention.

What happened in the thirty-three days, the Dao of Heaven does not know, it is not within his scope, and there is no way to investigate. But afterward, he found clues from the words and deeds of the three sect masters after he came out, and informed Xue Wusuan, who had been staying in this direction.

"They seem to be thinking about something." Tiandao called Xue Wusuan's first sentence.

This time, the place of conversation was placed in the gap between the planes where he existed. Besides him, Xue Wusuan was able to step in by virtue of the nature similar to the way of heaven. very safe.

Planning what? Xue Wusuan smiled, he actually knew something about this before he came. After all, this plane was chosen by him, and it was also a plane scanned by the system. Some legends about this plane were also known to Xue Wusuan in the original world. Now that I heard Tiandao say this, I have already guessed it.

This azimuth was named "Fengshen" by the system, and these two words are actually the most important event in this azimuth, which is exactly the reason why Tiandao called him to come here.

The word Fengshen means a killing, a conspiracy, a betrayal, an infighting, or even a farce that no one wins.

Before Xue Wusuan knew many details of Fengshen, but he didn't know that there was a "teacher" in this direction, that is, the existence of Hongjun, so he always had doubts, but now since he knew that he had bumped into Hongjun's After the "site", these doubts were immediately resolved.

What did Hongjun explain to the three sect leaders in the Baguio Palace in those thirty-three days? The numerology of the Tao of Heaven cannot be revealed. The reaction after coming out of Tianbiyao Palace, everything was very clear in Xue Wusuan's heart.

It was a Yellow List, and it was named "Fengshen".

Combining the details of the numerology of the three sect masters with the Tao of Heaven, I figured out the details, and then I knew everything.

The matter is due to a newly established management agency called Tiangong. This organization was instructed by Hongjun, and then prepared by the leaders of the three religions. Finally, a monk named "God" appointed by Hongjun was in charge of this heavenly palace.

The function of the Tiangong is to completely control the chaotic monks, restrain them from killing each other without restraint, restrain them from interfering in various changes in the world, restrain their various behaviors, punish evil and promote good, and regulate the world. The bottom line of the highest creatures.

After all, if you look at the Shang Dynasty in the mortal world, you will know that the monks in this world have no restrictions. They can do whatever they want, and participate in the replacement of dynasties in the mortal world; teach the cultivation method to the emperors of the world so that their lives will last forever. , so that the world loses the opportunity to enterprising and change; wanton killing mortals, practicing the law of evil spirits to harm all living beings; monsters make trouble but no one clears them up. It seems that all this does need someone to take care of it.

It seems quite reasonable to say, but if you think about the function of the Tiangong in the depths, it will be incredible. Combined with the "God" designated by Hongjun as the lord of the Tiangong, then everything will come to the head of the three religions. It's not a good thing to say.

The three major sects almost include more than 90% of the monks in the world, ranging from high to low. It is no exaggeration to say that they are the three most powerful forces. But now that Hongjun's paper conferred gods list, it is breaking the balance forcefully, not only to control all the monks in the world, but also to separate the monks from the vulgar, forming a mortal who manages the vulgar, and the heavenly palace manages the monks. situation. In this way, how will the three major sects handle themselves?

But no one dared not to obey Hongjun's words. Therefore, the establishment of the Heavenly Palace is irreversible, and even the "God", the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, is ready.

And since the Tiangong has been established and the administrator of the Tiangong has been found, then the Tiangong must be equipped with a number of large and small staff. Moreover, being able to serve as a messenger in the Heavenly Palace must not be low, and the worst must be someone who is quite capable or famous.

Therefore, after the establishment of Tiangong, Hongjun once again summoned his three students, namely Tongtian, Taishang, and Yuanshi, and directly gave them a list of conferred gods for them to study which monks were on the list.

Fengshen, it sounds lofty, but it is actually a very cruel thing.

Just imagine, everyone is an independent individual, and they are all monks. How good is it to practice freely? Who would like to go to that day palace as an errand to be called by a descendant of the younger generation? Moreover, once you are on this list of gods, it means that in the endless years to come, the growth of your practice will have nothing to do with you! That is to say, from the moment he was listed on the Conferred God List, the cultivation of the person on the list was completely locked!

And the three sect masters who got the list of conferred gods also have their own plans~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is obviously a very justifiable opportunity, which can be used as a tool of competition for Taoism.

The helm of the three major forces in the face, that is, the leader of the three religions, also understands that there is no room for so many monks in this world. Even if the world is full of vitality, in the end, if you want to go a step further, you still have to fight for it. Therefore, the dispute of Taoism has always been secretly unstoppable. It's just that because they are all students taught by the same teacher, this kind of affection and face must also be taken into account, so there is not much trouble.

But now that the Conferred God List is out, isn't there a great opportunity?

Therefore, an alliance was established in an instant, and it began to operate immediately, and quickly finalized the rules and outlines of the Conferred God Ranking.

And this alliance is the combination of Taishang and Yuanshi, and they are Tongtian. Who makes Tongtian the strongest? Who do you not pit him against? And there are also rhetoric, that is, you have the most members of the church, and the number of people on the list should be the most, right? It is fairest for us to allocate proportionally.

The three hierarchs voted, and two agreed to the plan. What can the remaining one do? There is still a "teacher" pressing on his head.

And Tongtian, who didn't know that his senior and junior brothers were digging a hole for him, couldn't imagine how big the hole would be, and it wasn't limited to this list of gods!


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