Extreme Yama System

Chapter 971: prelude

The friction between the three denominations has actually been around for a long time. I don't know if this was deliberately arranged by Hongjun or just a coincidence. Anyway, the contradiction between the three brothers was irreconcilable from the very beginning or in essence.

Humanism is based on the human race, and advocates the use of the most fundamental Tao as the foundation. To put it bluntly, from the time of laying the foundation, you need to have a considerable understanding of "Dao" to get started, and all the way to practice is also the various cognitions and rules of the "Dao" that you major in. For other small magic means or magical powers Such things generally do not care, and even some extreme ones will consider it as a "side door", which is difficult to be elegant.

Interpretation of teaching, although it is also a way of cultivating "Tao", is not limited to any method, nor does it require students to have a high understanding of "Tao" from the very beginning. Therefore, the number of its disciples is much larger than that of human education.

However, the teaching emphasizes "racial uniqueness", and believes that the human race is the first of all things in the world, and all the monsters and beasts in the sky are imperfect creatures. Nothing. The acquired potential is too small.

So, like the Human Religion, the sect is a human race, and there are few other races that can join.

Intercepting teaching, pay attention to follow the trend, and what you pursue is also at the self-level, and there are no taboos for other things. Not only does the disciple have a teaching or no distinction, whether it is a human or a demon or a ghost, as long as you are dedicated to the Tao and agree with the purpose of intercepting the teaching, then you can join the teaching.

The emphasis on Intercepting Sect also happened to unearth the most primitive potential among individual beings. As a result, Intercepting Religion naturally became the sect with the highest overall strength and the most disciples among the three sects.

Under the conflict of sectarian ideas, how to reconcile the contradiction? In addition, the interception of teaching has always been strong, and he has no scruples in doing things, arrogant and domineering, and very self-contained, which is diametrically opposed to the teaching of people and the teaching of interpretation. Therefore, up to the leader Taishang and Yuanshi, down to the disciples, they all have no favors for the interception.

Why? The fist is not big, but it can't handle the opponent! If you can't do it, just swing your arm and hit it back? Then it's still your turn to hold back your grievances and keep your mouth shut and say that people who intercept and teach disciples are all "sideways"?

The men can't do it, but the leader Taishang and Yuanshi are just as bad for Tongtian. This is the fundamental reason why Jobe is used to intercepting his disciples from top to bottom.

It was also because there was no way to take other people's teachings from top to bottom, which also led to the fact that when they were fighting for the destiny of Taoism, the teachings of the teachings and the teachings of the people were far behind the teachings. Look at Wen Zhong, the national teacher of the state of the Shang Dynasty, the largest empire in the world. Isn't that the disciple of Tangtang Intercept? Everyone's disciples have entered the dynasty and become national teachers. Do you still want to make a lot of luck with this teaching and teaching?

Originally, this seems to have become a dead end. Unless you can completely shamelessly change the purpose of your own sect, or the strength of this sect cannot be improved, how can you fight against others? You must know that Taishang and Yuanshi will not be able to please Tongtian when they join forces.

However, as the old saying goes, the mountains don’t turn the water, the east of the river is thirty years and the west of the river is thirty years. Isn't this opportunity coming? And it is a great opportunity that Tongtian has no temper to refuse.

Of course, there is an old saying that the grass will grow again without eradicating its roots. When Intercept had an absolute advantage in the front, he didn't even bother to make Renjiao and Chanjiao crippled. Now that Feng Shui has taken turns, it is self-reliant.

On a piece of paper, a list of conferred gods, a total number is given on it, that is, how many monks must be on the list in the end. Among them, the Interceptors were elected to get a full 60% of the places, and the remaining 40% were divided between the Interpretation and Humanism in proportion.

If it's just the number of people on the Conferred God List, it's fine. Tongtian is a big boss with great tolerance, and he doesn't have the heart to negotiate with Taishang and Yuanshi Vegetable Market like buying vegetables. Besides, there are tens of thousands of disciples who have intercepted the teaching, so what if there are more on the list? Tongtian felt that he could continue to crush his senior and junior brothers in the Taoism.

But Tongtian greatly underestimated the ugly thoughts of his senior and junior brothers.

Aren't you afraid that your people will be on the list? Don't you care? Because you have a lot of people? Well then, I'll design to get all those top-level sticks in your hands onto the Conferred God Ranking, and then I'll see you stand in front of me!

So, only then did Tiandao contact Xue Wusuan for a grand event to explain teaching and people's teaching.

It was also at this grand event that the origin of the teaching and the greatness of the people's teaching smoothed out the details of the entire list of gods and gods. It was also at this conference that they elected a so-called "person who should be robbed".

This "should be robbed" literally means to deal with and guide a catastrophe and reduce or solve the harm of catastrophe. Of course, this must be done in accordance with the interests of the teachings and the teachings of the people. And this "robbery" is actually a farce and a big hole dug for Tongtian by Taishang and Yuanshi together.

The person who should be robbed is called Jiang Ziya. It is the apprentice of Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the sect, but this apprentice is not a true apprentice. It was similar to the situation when Nuwa collected the three demons from Xuanyuan Tomb. After encountering them, they felt something, and then they stayed by their side, waiting for the day when they could adapt to the previous induction and come in handy.

And this Jiang Ziya practiced **** Kunlun Mountain, but the results can be seen as a joke. Because he is the apprentice of Yuanshi Tianzun, his seniority is very high, and his cultivation base is estimated that even the lowest-level disciple who guards the mountain gate can beat him a hundred times, which is comparable to ordinary mortals.

When the Conferred God List was in the hands of the three sects, Yuanshi Tianzun immediately understood that he inexplicably sensed this apprentice under his command hundreds of years ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wouldn't it come in handy now?

"Ziya, you have been cultivating in my mountains for a long time, but you are not diligent. It is estimated that you will not achieve anything if you continue to work behind closed doors. This time, there are monsters in the lower world that are causing trouble for the world, so you should go and quell the disaster." Yuan Shi was in front of the disciples. As well as the face of the senior brother Taishang, Jiang Ziya was invited to finish speaking, and he gave a magic weapon called the whip, and then sent Jiang Ziya down the mountain with a wave of his hand.

And Xue Wusuan also discovered a detail in the numerology that Tiandao showed him and an important figure he knew in advance from the myths and legends of the original world: Shen Gongbao.

This Shen Gongbao is also one of the many disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun, but his talent is also terrible. Like Jiang Ziya, he was also accepted by Yuanshi under the influence of some hidden feelings.

Shen Gongbao was not convinced. He felt that it was a huge difference to go to the mortal world. Although he was not a good person, he was already outrageously strong compared to Jiang Ziya at the end of a crane. But why didn't Jiang Ziya get this opportunity cheap by himself?

Shen Gongbao pleaded several times, but at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty it was not allowed. So Shen Gongbao went down the mountain secretly shortly after Jiang Ziya went down the mountain... For this reason, the mighty Yuanshi Tianzun, who controls the entire Kunlun Mountains,

After watching Tiandao's numerology presentation, Xue Wusuan understood that this great drama of conferring gods has officially started. And his calculations can also take advantage of the trend to slowly start preparing.


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