Extreme Yama System

Chapter 972: Backtracking

Jiang Ziya went down the mountain to subdue the demon, and then his junior brother Shen Gongbao also followed him and sneaked to the mortal world. All this, the big guys at the top are watching. Including Yuanshi and Taishang, as well as Tongtian.

Although Tongtian vaguely felt that something bad was pressing on him, but he couldn't figure it out, so he could only tell his disciples, from now on, all of them would keep their heads down for me and don't show up, just treat myself as a tortoise. , 180 years have passed. If anyone is disobedient and causes trouble, no one will be blamed when something goes wrong!

From this, it can be seen that Tongtian did not expect those ruthless plans on the abacus of his senior and junior brothers.

Speaking of which, Jiang Ziya went down the mountain, but there was nothing else in his mind, that is, he wanted to complete the task assigned by the master as soon as possible, and then return to Kunlun to continue his cultivation. Although he also knows that his talent is like shit, but it is no problem to use the skills he has learned to prolong his life, so he is now focused on seeking longevity, and he doesn't care about the world.

After going down the mountain, we drove all the way and arrived at Chaoge, the largest city in the world. Chaoge's prosperity is just scum in the eyes of the underworld spy, and it is better than the wild, but in Jiang Ziya's view, it is simply majestic and prosperous to an unimaginable level.

After wandering around for a while, Jiang Ziya finally found the imperial city. At the same time, he also used the technique of looking at the air that he learned in Kunlun Mountain to find that there was indeed a demon in the Huangcheng, and it was unusual. Immediately, Kuguan wanted to meet the King of Shou. But Jiang Ziya made a powerful statement, saying that he was here to help King Shou to subdue the demon, and he needed to go in, but he was treated as a liar by the guards and guards, and he was very nervous, so he was going to take him directly.

Although Jiang Ziya's cultivation is shallow, it is still very easy to get rid of a few ordinary soldiers. But when he was about to do this, he discovered that there were more than a dozen murderous sergeants hurriedly rushing behind the gate of entering the palace. And these sergeants actually carry a thin mana fluctuation!

It is the Imperial City Imperial Army of the Shang Dynasty! Jiang Ziya immediately thought of the origin of these soldiers with mana, and at the same time, he also rejected his previous idea of ​​​​breaking into the imperial city and slaying monsters.

In this world where there are many immortals and cultivators like dogs, as the largest empire in the world, how could the Shang Dynasty not have countermeasures and strength against cultivators? The two armies in his hands are well-known. One is the army in the hands of Taishi Wen Zhong, and the other is the imperial guards who protect the safety of the imperial city. The two armies did not say that they were all coming, and only dozens of people came. A monk like Jiang Ziya could only run away quickly, and couldn't do it at all.

"Monsters confuse the imperial city. You are all guardians of the imperial city. Don't you know what's wrong? Can't you recognize the monsters?" The Custodians, who were both monks and soldiers, knew it.

But what answered Jiang Ziya was a large torrent of mana, so frightened that he hurriedly ran away, not daring to turn his head back.

The Imperial Guards didn't catch up either, and their faces were cold. What they hated most now were **** like Jiang Ziya who shouted that there were demons in the imperial city. A few days ago, they believed the words of a similar wandering liar and let him into the imperial city, and then there was bad news in the harem: Empress Daji and two other new favorites of His Majesty were critically ill one after another.

Speaking of monsters, the Imperial Guards really haven't found them. It's not bad for them to fight, but the depth of the means is far worse than that of a monk from a famous family like Jiang Ziya. Not to mention the subtleties.

The three demons such as Daji entered the imperial city, and the cover-up methods used were all from Nuwa. Except for Jiang Ziya, who directly studied with the Yuanshi Tianzun and had special methods, they could find clues. Ordinary cultivators wanted to distinguish almost nothing. possible.

This also made Jiang Ziya's situation quite embarrassing. The cultivation base is low, because the existence of the Imperial Army cannot sneak into the imperial city to secretly complete the task. And for reasons he didn't know, the imperial city now regarded him as an enemy of the cultivator who was clamoring to subdue the demon. So, how should this task be accomplished?

And just after Jiang Ziya couldn't think of a countermeasure and hid in Chaoge City for a few days, his junior brother Shen Gongbao arrived. This man's brain is much brighter than Jiang Ziya's. After arriving at Chaoge, he did not rush to the imperial city immediately, but found an inn to settle down first, and then inquire about the news.

Unlike Jiang Ziya who wanted to complete the mission as soon as possible and then returned to the Kunlun Mountains, Shen Gongbao didn't sneak out for any mission. What he wanted to do was to enjoy it. The hardships of cultivation had already made him impatient, and he was scrambling to go down the mountain and then sneak out in order to come out and enjoy the comfort and taste of this mundane world.

Not long after arriving at the inn, Shen Gongbao heard that Jiang Ziya was chased by the Imperial City Imperial Army and fled in embarrassment. It's a pity that the dog ran fast, otherwise it would be interesting to be caught by those banned soldiers.

Shen Gongbao thought about it for a day and felt that since Jiang Ziya could not enter the imperial city, it meant that the task would not be completed in a short time. And if he could enter the imperial city and stumble upon Jiang Ziya, wouldn't it mean that Jiang Ziya would never want to complete the task for the rest of his life? When I go back to Kunlun Mountain, I will definitely disappoint Yuanshi. Will it be even worse then? And once you can gain a firm foothold in the imperial city, you can enjoy the prosperity and wealth in the future as much as you want?

The more she thinks about Shen Gongbaoyue, the more she thinks her idea is very good. As for the consequences of being discovered in the future, he also wanted to understand. It's a big deal to betray Chanjiao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Going to that lesson is that, originally, the lesson was more in line with his ambition, and the trend of the lesson was huge, so what could Chanjiao do after he betrayed it?

Besides, he Shen Gongbao is not Jiang Ziya, a dead-headed man behind closed doors. He has a wide range of contacts, and among them are many fellow Daoists who intercept the sect. At that time, joining the sect is not as easy as playing?

Do it when you think of it. Shen Gongbao sorted out his clothes and arrived at the gate of the imperial city in three steps.

"Several sergeants, Shen Gongbao is here to rescue Su Niangniang, and I hope that the sergeants will pass on it on their behalf."

Shen Gongbao is dignified and immortal, with a harmonious smile on his face, and his purple Taoist robe is also slightly flickering. Moreover, the opening was a major event that made people in the imperial city panic, so the sergeants naturally did not dare to neglect, and immediately went back to report.

King Shou soon got the news, so he immediately brought Shen Gongbao from outside the city in. Shou Wang has been quite irritable these days. The three women who were having a good time at the moment suddenly fainted together. And all the doctors were helpless, and even sentenced the three women to death.

Now there is a Taoist saying that he can save the three daughters, so King Shou will naturally not be stingy.

And Shen Gongbao had a good plan, entered the city, and immediately understood the problem after seeing the three Daji demons who were dazed and unbelievable...


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