Extreme Yama System

Chapter 973: save sin

"Your Majesty, the empresses are not sick, but cursed." Shen Gongbao said sharply when he spoke, and directly smeared the cause and effect of right and wrong, and finally came up with an explanation that he felt would benefit him the most.

"Curse?!" King Shou was surprised at first, but then felt reasonable. If it weren't for the strange and unpredictable curse, why didn't so many doctors see the condition of Daji's three daughters? He is also a monk himself, didn't he also find the problem?

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the problems of the three empresses are not hopeless."

"That's great, please also ask the Taoist priest to hurry up and use his means!" King Shou asked quickly, and his attitude was much more harmonious.

Shen Gongbao is not hypocritical, even if he, like Jiang Ziya, discovered that these three so-called "empresses" are actually demons, but he doesn't care, he has to enter that sect and prepare to betray the sect, how can he care about the three demons ? Besides, Shen Gongbao never took a mortal emperor seriously. What's the big deal if the emperor of the Shang Dynasty was stupid? With a strong interception and help, who can make irresponsible remarks?

It was a wooden sword, and it could be seen that the workmanship was a bit rough. Even the surface of the wooden sword had not been polished, but only sharpened to the shape of the sword. And this sword is now hanging under the eaves of a side hall in the imperial city.

The sword is ordinary, but the power on the sword is not ordinary at all. And in Shen Gongbao's view, it is definitely not easy for a cultivator who can slash such a wooden sword with this kind of power, and his cultivation is definitely far beyond him.

While looking at the wooden sword carefully, he asked about the origin of the wooden sword, and then Shen Gongbao thought carefully and finally judged that the wooden sword was left by a famous immortal.

Cloud Neutron, a disciple of interpreting teaching. It is one of the top monks in the teaching. After all, Shen Gongbao is a well-known immortal. The mana is vast, and the man is bright and upright, but his temperament is weak. Few friends, and like to do things for the people. Famous, but not popular.

After careful calculation, Shen Gongbao guessed that Yun Zhongzi probably did not know that Yuanshi Tianzun sent Jiang Ziya down the mountain to eliminate the demon. Maybe he passed by Chaoge when he was traveling and found the demon, and came over to leave the wooden sword. With his face broken, he silently eliminated the three Daji demons. Such an explanation is in line with Yun Neutron's low-key and common temperament.

But Shen Gongbao couldn't let this happen. He has already thought about preparing to intercept the teaching, and besides, he is not ready to give up this mortal enjoyment of glory and wealth. Therefore, even if the owner of the wooden sword is Yun Zhongzi, there is nothing to worry about when things come to an end.

"Your Majesty, the source of the curse on the three goddesses is this wooden sword. A very hidden and ferocious spell has been applied to the sword, which is specifically aimed at the fluctuations of the three goddesses' souls. Therefore, the three goddesses are not sick, but their souls are affected by this wooden sword. The magic attack on the sword is now on the verge of collapse. Please allow Your Majesty to remove this wooden sword and burn it." Shen Gongbao said bluntly.

Of course, Shen Gongbao wouldn't touch the wooden sword himself. He couldn't tell if Yun Zhongzi had any protection or counterattack on the wooden sword, and he didn't want Yun Zhongzi to know that the wooden sword was destroyed by him in the future. hand.

Of course, King Shou didn't notice Shen Gongbao's thoughts, and just hurried to save Daji's three daughters. With a wave of his hand, the soldiers of the forbidden army came forward, took down the wooden sword in three or two strokes, and then broke it and set it on fire.

Shen Gongbao was also relieved when he saw this. The wooden sword that Yun Zhongzi got didn't seem to have any means of defense and counterattack. It should really be done without any other purpose.

"Your Majesty, the source of the curse has been eliminated, and then it is time to nourish and awaken the souls of the three empresses."

Saying this, keep your feet on the ground. Shen Gongbaojie is indeed in a hurry to go back to save Daji and the three demons. Yun Zhongzi's method is no joke. Before he knows it, the spirits of the three demons will soon dissipate. As long as there is another day, the gods will be hard to save. Shen Gongbao didn't know whether it was his luck or the luck of the three demons. But before giving treatment, he felt that there were some things that the Three Demons still needed to understand.

Shen Gongbaohui, the method of awakening and nourishing the soul, has learned it and used it when traveling down the mountain. After all, walking in the world is not peaceful. A little carelessness is a fight. He himself has nearly died many times, and some injuries on his soul have not recovered even now.

But nourishing the soul is expensive. The traditional methods are too late for the Daji Three Demons, whose souls are on the verge of collapse, and some special emergency methods are necessary.

"Your Majesty, thirty living people are needed, either on death row or prisoner. It will be soon."

"What's the use?"

"Use their souls to nourish the souls of the three goddesses, otherwise the three goddesses are afraid that they will not be able to return to the sky." Shen Gongbao said honestly, he also wanted to see what kind of temperament this king of longevity was. If not, then he can only use the medicinal pill he saved with great difficulty.

However, it is estimated that King Shou's temperament is not even clear to him. At this time, the only thing that King Shou wants to do is to rescue Daji and the others first, and the others will not care.

"Come on, thirty death row prisoners! Hurry up and bring them!"

Not long after, the blindfolded thirty prisoners in ragged clothes arrived in front of Shen Gongbao. They were tied tightly and trembling all over. They probably had a premonition of the fate that awaited them.

I'm not in the mood to pay attention to what crimes the ants have committed, anyway, they are all dead, Shen Gongbao doesn't care. Immediately let the sergeant put these prisoners down on their knees. Then began to use the means.

Following the rippling of mana, one after another penetrated into the bodies of these prisoners without any hindrance like a blade, and then screamed and screamed, which was extremely tragic, like Ling Chi, which made those who heard it shuddered. This is to sever the connection between the body and the soul bit by bit, and the pain in it is ten times more painful than being skinned.

The sergeants all turned pale, as did King Shou, only Shen Gongbao was still smiling, peeling off the souls of these prisoners unhurriedly, just like eating melon seeds.

Shen Gongbao has a reason to relax~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because these 30 people are ordinary people, and they have been imprisoned in prison for a long time, many of them must have been subjected to corporal torture, their mental state is sluggish, and they do not know that magic methods are not cultivated, and it is also impossible to strip off their souls. It was so easy that Shen Gongbao could easily attack thirty people at the same time.

The tragic fact didn't last long. Although Shen Gongbao ignored the ants, he was not a **** who liked to hear screams and torture. After the thirty souls were drawn out, and then his spell changed, the "blade" that condensed the mana was like a knife that chopped meat, and hurriedly slashed towards the thirty souls.

The tragic situation is silent, because the body is dead, and the soul does not know how to make a sound for the time being. It can only open its mouth and be chopped into pieces bit by bit, then smashed into a ball, and finally divided into three parts and floated. Daji waits above the three demons.

"Suck!" Shen Gongbao's eyes released a strange light, and then the three soul **** fell into the body of the three demons...


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