Extreme Yama System

Chapter 974: wake

The awakened Daji and the three demons are still a little chaotic. This kind of danger that hurts their vitality makes them all have lingering fears now. Of course, it would be a lie to say that he was not moved by King Shou's genuine concern. Without the King of Shou, they are now afraid that their bones are already cold.

As for Shen Gongbao, who used his means to save them, it was also equivalent to saving his life, but the three demons' mentality was a lot of thought. Because at the moment when the soul was just awakened, a very clear message was transmitted to their consciousness along the nourishment of those souls.

"In Xia Shen Gongbao, I traveled down the mountain to see the prosperity of Chaoge, and I want to live for a long time. I hope you will recommend it on your behalf."

Just such a piece of information, there is a meaning inside and outside the words: I, Shen Gongbao, saved you, you know the favor, right?

What kind of virtue will get what kind of reward. Shen Gongbao doesn't expect any "thankful pictures", he prefers "exchange what you need". Going straight is not much polite, but it is more practical. I am used to seeing all kinds of expressions, and I have long lost that naive mentality.

The three demons will also have trouble, and they directly recognized Shen Gongbao as a senior brother on the spot, saying that Shen Gongbao would teach him some methods and methods, so that they could have the ability to protect themselves, and their attitude was "sincere", and they kept giving way. The King Shou above helped persuade him.

King Shou saw that Daji's three demons had awakened, and there was no serious problem, and he was in a good mood. After a second thought, he secretly said: This Taoist has extensive knowledge and high cultivation, and he also highly praises the Shang Dynasty.

"The Daoist Gao Yi saved Concubine Gu Ai's life, and he must be deeply grateful. If the Daoist does not dislike it, there is just a lack of a Zhenguo mage in the Gu Dynasty. I wonder if the long is willing to condescend?" King Shou also sent an invitation directly. . While testing, it can be regarded as thanking Shen Gongbao for rescuing the three demons of Daji from the side.

Things are going well, Shen Gongbao is very proud. But there was still a sense of measure on his face, and he finally agreed.

To say that this "Zhenguo Mage" actually has no rank, but since it starts with the word "Zhenguo", it will not be simple in terms of status. And it is also in the process of attracting a powerful monk like Shen Gongbao, and all kinds of treatment are at the top.

Of course, this title cannot have specific administrative powers. At present, Shen Gongbao is just a name, and usually teaches some methods to pretend to the three demons, and then spends time in the mansion assigned to him, enjoying great prosperity and wealth. . In this way, Shen Gongbao's purpose is actually accomplished.

On the other hand, the three demons of Daji, who were finally able to get out of bed and move around again, were not having a good time.

This is just the beginning! Just how long? It hasn't been there for half a year, and he was almost killed by the shadows. In the long run, wouldn't it be precarious? Can someone with high power just come to kill them easily? Just like killing three bugs?

no! Absolutely not!

She was frightened, and she unconsciously remembered what the mysterious monk surnamed Xue said back then. I didn't know it at the time, so I felt inexplicable. Now, when I contacted my own experience in the past six months, I was horrified to find that the other party had already expected these things at that time, and had spoken out a warning.

what to do?

A grasshopper on a rope, no one can run away or break free. Under the predicament, the three demons remembered the meaning of "sister" to each other, and tentatively expressed their own worries.

Fortunately, their conversation did not last long, and after a short exchange of opinions, they did not mention it again. At the same time, because their tasks are relatively special and "dirty", even if they are assigned Nuwa, or another powerful person, even if they pay attention, they will not be enveloped in spiritual thoughts all the time. After all, wouldn't it be irritating to see them messing around with King Shou?

The short conversation quickly came to the conclusion that while trying to complete the mission of the Empress Nuwa, I should also try my best to think about how to ensure that I can not be regarded as an abandoned soldier after the mission is completed.

I didn't quite understand it before, but now I see it clearly. What they were trying to do was not as simple as seducing a man and then destroying his wealth. To know that King Shou is the emperor of the largest empire in the world, even in the eyes of the high-level monks in the sky, he has a considerable weight. Once the Shang Dynasty collapsed, how much shock would it bring to the monks?

How many people with profound cultivation would hate them for not dying? The three demons did not dare to think deeply, for fear of scaring themselves to death.

Self-threatening in their hearts and lack of strength in their hands, the only thing the three ruthless and cowardly demon cultivators can do is to clean up their living environment within the limits of their ability.

From the point of view of Daji and the three demons, the Taoist who cut the wooden sword and wanted to kill them could not be a coincidence. Someone must have called the wind. Otherwise, why would such a powerful cultivator come to Chaoge for no reason, and make trouble for a little shrimp like them? This is not logical.

As for the judgment from Shen Gongbao, Yun Neutron? Maybe, but the Three Demons definitely don't think it's a coincidence!

Then the question arises, who caused the near-death this time? Who is the killer in the dark?

It's too high, the three demons dare not even think about it, so their eyes are naturally locked within a narrow range that they think they can handle.

What are you doing compared to? It is possible, but unlikely. This old man is straight, and although he wants them to die, he disdains to use this kind of trick, and he will not break the law of the court in order to kill them. Besides, although King Shou still spoils them now, he doesn't ignore the government as he did before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In terms of face, he has given enough money.

It's unlikely to be Bigan, so who else? It's only been half a year since you came to Chaoge, and you haven't gone out to provoke anyone?

No, some people don't need to deliberately offend, the existence of their three demons is a huge threat in itself. And that person is the queen of this harem, Jiang.

King Shou has a queen, Jiang, and two sons. And this Empress Jiang is the daughter of Jiang Hengchu, Marquis of Dongbo. It is a noble family. The relationship with King Shou has always been harmonious, very harmonious. But now King Shou is fascinated by the three demons, it is rare for Queen Jiang to see King Shou once.

Empress Jiang's family education is very good, and she is knowledgeable and reasonable. It is not too much to describe her as a mother. Even before, he often euphemistically reminded Shou Wang of diligence, and often used the expenses of the inner government to comfort some disaster victims, build some infrastructure and so on. Both the people and the DPRK enjoy a high reputation.

But this Empress Jiang was not kind in the eyes of Daji Three Demons. In their opinion, their three demons confuse King Shou and stole the favor that should belong to Queen Jiang. Queen Jiang will definitely hold grudges and want to get rid of them in order to avoid future troubles, which is completely logical. Even deliberately releasing wind noise to provoke Yun Neutron to attack them is extremely possible.

What if not?

Not in case. One mountain does not allow two tigers. No matter what Queen Jiang does or not, Daji and the three demons have already decided to get rid of them...


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