Extreme Yama System

Chapter 975: cannon

There is a criminal law called gun branding. Take a hollow copper column held by one person, the wall of the column is one inch thick and ten feet high. The prisoner is tied to the copper column. From mild to intense, I feel the burning heat step by step, and finally the screams and roars are ripe. Extremely cruel, and the deterrent is even more frightening.

The origin of this punishment is that Daji ordered King Shou to vacate it, and it was used at the court meeting, and the one who enjoyed this method was a minister who was at odds with King Shou and had conflicts.

Such a brutal criminal law was naturally criticized, and the civil servants headed by Bigan protested, saying that it was a weapon that would hurt the sky and that it was not the means that a Ming monarch should have. Even if the death penalty is imposed, it will be a one-shot break. Why is it so cruel and inhumane? Ask King Shou to abolish this torture.

For the time being, the generals led by Huang Feihu did not come forward to echo the voice of the civil servants, but the eyes and expressions of each one had already explained the problem. They also hated this kind of behavior that seemed to be killing them, and they were very shameless.

But how could King Shou hear it? In addition, the treacherous and unprincipled touts of Fei Zhong and others made King Shou stubborn, and he still waved the criminal law directly into the law. It also made the ministers who were dissatisfied with his recent changes even more criticized.

Are the three demons Daji stupid? Of course not, this gun branding criminal law is really inspired by the barbecue they like to eat. Humans and demons are so different from each other, who cares who is not pitiful? Anyway, it's all dead Xing, isn't this method of cannon branding more interesting in Daji's eyes? Can it scare those cowards more?

As soon as the gun was fired, the market also heard news. This thing is indeed quite a deterrent, and the common people are not too worried except that they are scared and pale. If they live honestly, where will they have the opportunity to try this kind of cruelty?

However, it is true that King Shou's reputation is getting worse and worse, and Daji's fierce reputation has spread far and wide. We all know that King Shou will have such a drastic change, all because there is such a demon bewitching around him. something.

Of course, these negative comments are nothing. The purpose of the Daji Three Demons is not only to introduce a kind of torture, but more importantly, to make some plans for their next arrangement. And their plan is naturally a peony in this harem, Queen Jiang.

Jiang Hengchu, the uncle of the East behind Empress Jiang, put it aside for the first time. It is not easy to get rid of her just because she is an empress, especially if it is to be removed in an upright manner.

First of all, ordinary minor faults are useless, it must be a serious crime that resembles conspiracy and treason. Therefore, Daji and the three demons carefully calculated an interlocking conspiracy.

First of all, he introduced the method of cannon branding, which made the ministers dissatisfied with King Shou. Then they behaved a little more domineering in front of several foreign ministers, and even encouraged King Shou to take the opportunity to do some humiliating behavior, so that the criticism of these ministers towards King Shou turned into disappointment or even disgust.

In this way, Empress Jiang, who is used to being in charge of the harem, will definitely be forced to punish the three demons under the pressure of the court. Just tear a rift in the relationship between Queen Jiang and King Shou?

Once there is a crack in the relationship, it will not be repaired in a short time. In addition, the three demons can continue to follow up to expand the crack bit by bit, and the final result must be that the relationship between Queen Jiang and King Shou is broken.

By this time, the overall situation has been decided. As long as she uses some small tactics, it will be difficult for Empress Jiang not to die, and she will definitely die on the spot after being subjected to the mandatory death penalty method of cutting her nose and digging her ears.

There is another benefit to doing so. That is, as long as Queen Jiang is executed by King Shou, then the relationship between Queen Jiang's mother's family, that is, Dong Bohou Jiang Hengchu and King Shou, will be delicate. Or directly confront each other, or break and never turn around. Isn't this just in line with the mission that Nuwa gave the three demons at the beginning?

So, the Shang Dynasty really started to become chaotic after the Daji Three Demons almost died.

First, the chief cultivator of the Superintendent of Heaven, who was in charge of observing the stars and calculating the numerology of the dynasty, found that the fog around the Emperor Star suddenly rose sharply, and it seemed that there was a disaster around the Emperor Star. The hat of "demon talk to confuse the public" entered the prison and was ready to be executed.

Jian Tiansi is not a place to show off his eloquence. This is the key department for the Shang Dynasty to use the means of monks to master the luck of the imperial court, and it is also the participatory department that requires reference for many important decisions in the DPRK. Its status can be imagined.

But it is too much to be sent to prison after a piece of advice and be asked to be executed. The painstaking persuasion of many ministers, including Bigan, remains unchanged. This made many people's hearts icy cold, and at the same time, they were filled with righteous indignation at King Shou's arbitrariness and absurdity.

In the past, although King Shou was arrogant, he wasn't so absurd. He wasn't a bloodthirsty person by nature. Now that his temperament has changed drastically, of course there is Daji's bewitching, but to a greater extent, it is the combination of the two above who are going to cheat and secretly disregard their face.

Taking this as a fuse, three high-ranking officials in the DPRK were sent to prison and sentenced to scorch by the King Shou, who was irritated and provoked.

For a time, everyone in the court was in danger, and he didn't dare to disobey King Shou at all. For a time, it seemed that the atmosphere had returned to the previous peaceful state. However, in reality, the undercurrent is turbulent under the dullness, and it has begun to shake the foundation.

The emperor and herdsmen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ ministers and herdsmen. Once the servants began to lose focus on the herdsmen, the dynasty began to decline.

There are also loyal ministers. For example, Cheng compares dry and so on. Seeing that the words of his servants and others could no longer restore King Shou's mind, he could only find another way and put his hope on Queen Jiang, who has always been known as the virtuous queen. After several interviews, I conveyed the secret surge in the court and the hope that King Shou Wang would repent, and I hope that Queen Jiang can go to blow the pillow wind more.

Isn't this right in the hands of Daji's three demons?

All kinds of things in the DPRK were violent, and the three demons of Daji were also moving towards their goals step by step. But all this has nothing to do with the "Zhenguo Mage's Mansion" not far from the imperial city.

Unlike King Shou's "enjoyment", Shen Gongbao didn't pay attention to that. As long as she is a beautiful woman, he doesn't care whether she is a singer or not, as long as she can play. There is wine, meat, and women, and the most important thing is that he can complete his cultivation while enjoying himself. Although mortal women can't stand it, but a small amount of monomers is enough, isn't it enough to drink a few more? What he paid for was only some low-level methods, and naturally there were many people who hurriedly offered to help him find women.

On this day, Shen Gongbao withdrew the spiritual sense that paid attention to those ministers whispering at the entrance of the imperial city. He turned his head and was about to have a fight with the three jade bodies on the bed, but suddenly, in the corner of his eyes, he found a black robe at an unknown time. The man sat on a chair in the room and looked at him with a smile that was not a smile...


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