Extreme Yama System

Chapter 976: 1 flashed by

Xue Wusuan came, but it wasn't his real body who came here. To be on the safe side, he didn't dare to show his real body directly in the sight of some important people. In case a clue is discovered, this is not the plane of Journey to the West, but there is a super existence here.

However, Shen Gongbao has a huge relationship, even compared to the three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb, and even Xue Wusuan judges that Shen Gongbao is even the most important piece in this chess game, so Xue Wusuan is not in any way. May be left alone. Especially after such a Xuanyuan Tomb Three Demons had already started to destroy the foundation of the Shang Dynasty, it was Shen Gongbao's turn to play.

"Xu! Don't be nervous." Xue Wusuan's stand-in was also a dignified cultivator in the late stage of Jinxian Da, and his power beyond Shen Gongbao was unreasonable. With a single thought, Shen Gongbao could only watch and listen like a piece of wood, but he couldn't speak or move.

This kind of feeling of being imprisoned in an instant is very bad, and cold sweat seeps out of Shen Gongbao's backup in an instant. He couldn't remember who the black-robed man in front of him was, and he didn't even know what he had done to cause the other party to kill him directly at his residence. And what terrified him the most was the opponent's cultivation. Just a single thought made him a piece of meat on a chopping board, which was too strong.

"Shen Gongbao, the disciple of Chanjiao, Jiang Ziya's junior brother. Well, you should be ready to defect from Chanjiao and run to intercept the teacher, right? It's a good idea, but you really think that people will intercept the teacher because of your connections. Will they really accept you?"

Xue Wusuan was very short on time and didn't want to waste time chatting with Shen Gongbao. The first sentence is until the core, he needs to leave a trace on the most important piece in the chess game as soon as possible.

Shen Gongbao felt a little trembling in his heart when he heard this. Who is this person? Xiu Weiqiang is terrible not to mention, and he seems to be very familiar with him, and even revealed the secret in his heart, what does this person want to do? I, Shen Gongbao, are just an inconspicuous cultivator, do I need to be so concerned?

"I said, don't be nervous, if you really wanted to kill you, you'd be dead by now." Xue Wusuan released the restraint on Shen Gongbao with a smile. He knew that the Shen Gongbao in front of him should have calmed down. The guts and brains of this guy are all outstanding in this face, and it is impossible to understand the situation.

"This senior, the junior Shen Gongbao is very polite. I wonder if the senior needs the help of the junior when he comes?" Shen Gongbao knew that it was impossible to resist, and he didn't have such a big fist. The only thing that can be done now is to be obedient to find out the situation.

But Shen Gongbao was also a thief. Xue Wusuan had already understood everything, so he just didn't answer.

"Hehe, Shen Gongbao, you still don't understand your own position. Anyway, remember, be careful when you do things, think more, many things are not what you think are right, then they must be right, one is wrong. It would be impossible to turn around in the future.”

After speaking, Xue Wusuan paused, took out a talisman and lowered it, and said with a smile: "This is an attack talisman, nothing else, after being activated, it can complete a full-strength strike of the Jinxian realm and save your life. Yes. Remember, my surname is Xue, and I hope you can keep your current state of mind when we meet next time."

So far, I don't dare to go too deep, worrying that it will have the opposite effect. This will have to wait until something must happen and suffer a loss, and this Gongbao Shen will understand and recall today's meeting.

Xue Wusuan disappeared in an inexplicable instant when he came, and Shen Gongbao, who could not find the slightest clue, also held back his fear and let out a long breath.

"The last name is Xue? What is the origin of this person? What do you mean by saying so much? Besides, why did you give me this?" , I don't quite understand how this came about.

"Can this talisman really launch a full-strength attack from the Golden Immortal realm?"

After the doubts are full of unexpected rewards. Although the Golden Immortal Realm is not a top-notch, it is definitely the strength of a first-class upper-level cultivator. Such an all-out strike can indeed be treated by Shen Gongbao as a life-saving trick, but this is something that can be encountered but not sought after. But the more good things are, the more uneasy Shen Gongbao feels.

In this way, Shen Gongbao's mood of enjoying food, wine and beauties with peace of mind disappeared. It seemed that he had received a call and suddenly clearly felt that a danger was slowly rushing towards him. But he had no idea where the danger came from.

"Could it be that this time I betrayed Kunlun because I made a bad move?"

Actually, Shen Gongbao had some doubts before. The biggest doubt is that nearly a year has passed since he rebelled from Kunlun, but no monks from Kunlun have come to him. It seems that the whole Kunlun has forgotten him. At the beginning of the period, he thought that his actions were secret, but he didn't find it. But now it seems that this idea is indeed self-deceiving.

After driving away all the women, taking away the delicious food and wine, Shen Gongbao began to sit still, and his mind began to wander again. He wanted to let himself find signs or sources of danger from the bits and pieces of the past.

However, after three full days, Shen Gongbao still had nothing to gain. He just vaguely felt that the crisis he felt should come from Jiang Ziya going down the mountain to eliminate the demon. But the specific outline is not clear at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only continue to be cautious.

When Shen Gongbao was puzzled and pondered over his situation, on the other hand, the imperial city, which was not far from his mansion, had no hesitation.

After thinking about it, Empress Jiang, the head of the harem, decided to give a stern warning. Because King Shou hardly ever returns to her queen's bedroom now, even if she takes the initiative to find it, there is absolutely no chance for King Shou to calmly talk about the harem and the opinions of ministers such as Bigan to King Shou. On the contrary, he was half-dead with the filthy scene of King Shou, Hutian and Foxdi. At the same time, King Shou felt that his enjoyment was interrupted or disturbed and was quite dissatisfied with her.

The so-called severe warning is aimed at the Daji Three Demons. As the head of the harem, how can some concubines be allowed to be arrogant? Relying on the favor of King Shou, it has become lawless!

Court stick, thirty each! This is a very severe criminal law. Generally speaking, the torturers in the harem are women who are powerless, and the Thirty Court Staff can often kill people directly. Of course, Queen Jiang also had the idea of ​​directly killing the three Daji demons. Although she is kind-hearted, she is not a virgin who knows nothing.

Unfortunately, the idea was good, but it turned out to be completely self-defeating, and hit the plot of the Daji Three Demons.

Thirty court sticks? For the three demons, who are demon cultivators, they can be completely ignored, and they can also be used to issue a fatal counterattack against Queen Jiang...


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