Extreme Yama System

Chapter 978: ruling

Judgment, adjudication, and the meaning of judgment and decision. Used in weapons, that is to determine whether a creature has the right to continue to exist.

Life or death depends on this.

Xue Wusuan was really curious. Even though he understood the principle of this thing that transcended imagination and was given such an explosive name by the weapon workshop, he still wanted to experience it for himself.

"Yan Jun, the ultimate ability of the sixth-generation judgment is currently in the middle stage of the true immortal. If you want to experience its power, you want to suppress the cultivation base in the realm of the late true immortal. Otherwise, it is too high. At the limit, many abilities cannot be displayed.”

Xue Wusuan smiled, and then he suppressed his cultivation to the realm of the late stage of True Wonderland, which was a small realm higher than the limit of this weapon.

Zhong Mei said that the matter of installation is naturally the sixth-generation ruling that took more than 500 yin eclipse seasons before and after. It is still the same as the original statue, the difference is that the divine power on it has become many times stronger.

Currently, Wang Tianyun is the one with the highest cultivation level among the ghost repairs in the main hall. The matter of manipulating the ruling and attacking Xue Wusuan should fall on him. But this guy didn't dare to beat him to death, he shrank his head and shook his head without saying a word. No way, Xue Wusuan waved his hand with a smile and a double of his own appeared, picked up the idol, and listened to Professor Zhong Mei how to use it while groping.

Knowing the principle is one thing, but actually using it is another. The taste makes Xue Wusuan shine.

"Array activated...Charging started...Scanning started...Non-biological form found...Non-revenant form found...Unable to judge existence Type...there is a suppression failure..."

"Started to block the space... Blocked the space successfully... Started to interfere with the rules of the heaven... interfered successfully..."

"Started to eliminate the energy of heaven and earth... Excluded successfully... Filled with magic energy to confuse the target's magical power... Filled successfully..."

"Chaos Tiandao numerology, suppresses the stability of target consciousness, creates logical chaos...failure..."

"Attempt to seal the target consciousness...failed...analyze the target energy form to open the decomposition...failure..."

A series of feedback messages came out of the substitute's mind one by one. These are all feedback from the statue in his hand, which is the weapon ruling. The so-called "target" is Xue Wusuan's body.

Close hand. The substitute disappears. The verdict was in the hands of Xue Wusuan's real body, who had been sitting in the chair without moving. With a smile on his face, a rare look of interest appeared in his eyes, and he looked carefully.

It is indeed a purely rule-based attack method. The reason why he failed so much is because he, Xue Wusuan, is neither a living being nor a dead soul. He is a unique and special existence in the world, which also makes the maximum function of the ruling impossible. And some of the latter methods are also out of ignorance of Xue Wusuan's existence, etc., and Xue Wusuan's energy is also the magic essence, so it loses its lethality.

But Xue Wusuan didn't care about the so-called failure of all these. He believed that if he were to change to a real cultivator of Earth Wonderland, he would definitely be dealt with miserably in the face of this ruling, and the kill limit was also very suitable for the latter stage of Earth Wonderland that Zhong Mei just mentioned. That is to say, once it is targeted by the ruling, the monks who are under the Great Perfection of the True Wonderland are not even qualified to escape.

Because it is impossible for a strange existence like Xue Wusuan to exist in the world again. Whether it is a living being or a dead soul, these ways of existence are all in the judgment's law information inventory. Once analyzed, it is the interference and crushing of various aspects of the law, and even the individual characteristics and details of existence are directly analyzed, and then a decomposition attack is issued to directly decompose the opponent's body and soul at the level of the law, completely annihilating.

In the plane of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", neither Tiewei's secret agents nor Rong Ziju could know the details of the killing at that time. In the final analysis, it was the complete decomposition brought about by the crushing of the rules. Silent and terrifying!

for example. All living beings and dead souls exist in a real environment, and once this environment undergoes subversive changes, how should the existence during survival be faced? Closing up your maneuvering space, draining the energy of heaven and earth makes you unable to rely on it, interfering with or changing the rules of heaven and earth or even pushing it out and replacing it with the rules of the Taoist system, and finally analyzing your way of existence and breaking down you.

In this way, it is the principle of the ruling and the power method of the original.

Xue Wusuan was very satisfied with this weapon, although in the process of making this weapon, he allocated a total of tens of millions of dead souls to the account of the Weapons Research Institute to purchase various high-level Wudao He understands the rules, but the finished product is still very satisfactory to him.

Now that the power of the sixth generation can judge an Earth Immortal, can it be possible to directly kill a golden fairyland cultivator after the judgment of the seventh generation? What about the eighth and ninth generations?

"Is there any way to continue strengthening?" Xue Wusuan asked Zhong Mei.

"Back to Yan Jun's words. There are ideas, and the power of various rules instilled in the main body of the ruling is still very rich, but limited by the user's cultivation, it cannot be fundamentally enhanced for the time being." Zhong Mei also felt pity, but the reality is like this. This thing is used for the Yin Soldier array. If you pursue the powerful functions of the weapon and ignore the practicality, it will lose its foundation. So, that's all for now.

"Accelerate the production of the equipment, and make sure that every legion can have the actual combat conditions to use the ruling~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You and Wang Tianyun discuss the specific quantity and ratio. After the installation, I will find another plane for you. To test the effect. Okay, let's step back."

After all the eunuchs had left the hall, Xue Wusuan alone put the Spiritual Mind over the sixth-generation test product of the ruling in his hand. He is now interested, and wants to try it out, what changes will happen after he modifies this thing and pays attention to his own cognition and ideas and knowledge of rules. Even the formation of these sending and receiving rules, he felt that there was still room for improvement.

certainly. The scope of use of the ruling will not include his Xue Wusuan. Since it is a purely rule-based attack, Xue Wusuan does not need to use weapons to perform it. After knowing the principle, he can use it himself as a means. After all, this thing is of the same nature as those other weapons equipped by the Yin Soldier Array. The stage function is very strong. Once it is out of this stage, the weapons of the Yin Soldier array will not bring much increase.

But this thing is a super weapon for cultivators who don't have enough cognition and rule perception to use it! For example, a cultivator in the realm of Earth Immortal suddenly killed a Jin Immortal with his ruling. That scene would definitely scare a lot of people to death. Even, the actual power of this thing can already be regarded as a first-class or top-notch magic weapon.

"I don't know what the scene would be if the person who intercepted the sect suddenly took out this magic weapon to attack the immortals of the sect and the sect? Hehe, I'm looking forward to it..."


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