Extreme Yama System

Chapter 979: preliminary calculation

After careful calculation, it was decided that the proportion of the Yin Bing camp should be six for each legion, under the control of six thousand people. At the same time, the two divine generals and the Wang family's three sticks will also be equipped with one each during the war to fight against the enemies of the real fairyland.

If you really count it, the entire Yin Soldier formation will no longer feel reluctant to face high-level monks. Unless there is an overwhelming powerhouse, under normal circumstances, they can be said to have been able to arbitrarily traverse the various planes and are unmatched.

The soul inscription technique has brought a surge in the overall background to the Wudao Underworld; the appearance of the ruling has magnified the efficiency of converting this background into power by dozens of times.

Originally, as long as it continued to develop thousands of Yin eclipse seasons so quietly, the strength of the Infernal Underworld would be enough to reach the level of hard-hitting the top planes. But now there is some bad luck, the appearance of Hongjun suppressed the accumulated power, and seemed to return to the original origin, making Xue Wusuan feel like walking on thin ice.

The Three Demons of Xuanyuan Tomb, Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao. These people and demons all played a vital role in the conferring **** events that Xue Wusuan knew about. It was they who promoted the process of conferring gods, and realized little by little the vicious conspiracy of interpreting and cults aimed at intercepting sects.

This is a farce in which the weaker side calculates the stronger side through conspiracy and tricks. In other planes, if the weaker party dares to do this, once the clues are discovered, it will mean a disaster, and no one dares to take such a big risk. But not here.

Hongjun is like a big mountain whose height cannot be seen, and it is suppressed in this direction. Even the strong sect leader Tongtian could only gnaw his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Who wants you to be strong? Who wants you to be powerful? Who is to blame for not having friends to help you now?

Tongtian wants to save face, and he has the air of a master. This is for the better. At worst, it is that this Tongtian will suffer for face and face. Once you meet an opponent who has no face and no skin, it will be a bit too much to suffer.

Xue Wusuan has been thinking about how to finalize this plane, and Hongjun can't intervene. In other words, the control of the plane was completed before Hongjun intervened, and the plane channel was blocked.

But even as Xue Wusuan, who has ruled dozens of planes as Wudao Yama, when facing Hongjun, he doesn't need to be much better at Tongtian, and even more cautious.

Therefore, if both of them need helpers, there is a natural condition for union. Isn't it said that the enemy of the enemy is the friend? Xue Wusuan believed, don't talk about "teacher", even if it is a more intimate relationship, under this kind of long-term repression and threat, no one will have any thoughts of resistance in their hearts, just not showing it.

It is precisely because of this that Xue Wusuan took the risk and jumped out to find the Three Demons of Xuanyuan Tomb and Shen Gongbao, who was in Caoying and Han.

Although the conversation between words was very shallow, not even a conversation, but just handing over the words was very meaningful.

You can't directly bury the seeds of injustice into these important people like you did in the plane of conquering demons and subduing demons in Journey to the West. Xue Wusuan couldn't control such a risk. He could only use words to pry open the gaps little by little, and finally it would turn around. Time for the big harvest.

Of course, these are all opportunities. Do it first, and then the disciples who will benefit after seeing the effect will naturally discover and begin to explore the root cause, and will naturally find Xue Wusuan, and then it will be him Face-to-face communication with Tongtian.

But there is no help that can be compared to giving help in the snow. Therefore, the benefits can be given, but the previous process cannot be changed. The losses that should be cut and taught must be eaten, or even pain and crying. Finally, it is time to officially give help. This measure must be grasped.

On the other hand, a large number of Iron Guard spies also need to follow up gradually. The target they are attached to is in this aspect. The game was announced by Hongjun and played an important role in the chess game where Chan Jiao and Ren Jiao secretly set up traps.

Not only do you want to kill the high-level monks of the sect, but also send the top sects of the sect to the gods list, which will greatly reduce the strength of the sect, and it is also involved in a competition for the replacement of the dynasties in the world. The battle of luck between the immortals of their respective Taoist traditions. This is why, according to Xue Wusuan's understanding, the mere Gods List will eventually evolve into the fundamental reason for the three major sects to fight to the death.

By that time, even if the interceptor wanted to quit, there was no room for him to retreat.

And this chess game, under Xue Wusuan's secret peeping, is about to reach the first period of radical change.

In the morning, after King Shou went to court, Empress Jiang ordered the Imperial Army to drag the Daji Three Demons out of the bedroom, and went directly to the apse where the punishment was imposed. slapped the three demons on the back.

The back is the rear barrier of important organs, surrounded by the spine and inner bones, but at the same time the spine is also an important supporting part of the human body and even the largest nerve hub. This kind of court stick is also called "spine stick". When the force is applied, the back must not be arched, otherwise the spine will be irreparably seriously injured.

However, even a straight back is just as tragic. Because the huge blowing force will generate strong vibrations, which will be transmitted to the chest cavity through the bones, and the important organs will be directly shaken to bleed or even break. This is also the main reason for Tingzhang's death.

Empress Jiang's expression at this time fully showed the ruthless side of a harem lord. Her eyes were unwavering and cold, as if she was expecting the three demons to disappear under the swaying staff~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The executioners were all sergeants who had been specially explained by the ministers such as Bigan. They were precise in their hands, and they were also determined to kill the three demon girls who had confused the King of Shou. The sound of the stick's blow was extremely fierce.

At the end of the thirty court sticks, the three demons naturally won't have any problems, but they have done a good job on the surface. Adjusting his soul to the lowest level of fluctuation, it seems that he has fainted and is full of anger.

When Empress Jiang saw it, her brows slightly wrinkled, she was very dissatisfied that the three demons were not killed on the spot. The executioner on the side also noticed it, and once again raised the wooden stick, he would continue to beat until he was killed, but a strong wind suddenly swept in.

"Damn! How dare you do this!"

The roar of fury followed a figure like an explosion. The six sergeants who were about to continue their execution were instantly shot away under the previous torrent of mana, and blood containing fragments of internal organs spurted out in the air. He was dead when he landed.

The visitor was the King Shou who received the tip, and he rushed back despite the fact that the court meeting was not over yet. He didn't know where his three beloved concubines were at the moment of "life-and-death" under the sweep of the divine mind. Killing move.

"Okay you bitch! I'm sure I won't have a break with you!"


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