Extreme Yama System

Chapter 980: catastrophic change

Queen Jiang is dead. tragic death. During this period, he was tortured by various criminal laws for a full three months. The eyeballs were gouged out, and so was the nose. He was locked in a small dungeon and screamed bitterly, and finally was tied to the cannon and turned into a horrible scorch.

And in this process, the dark pressure brought to the entire Shang Dynasty was enormous. And Shou Wang's psychological changes are beyond imagination.

After all, I have given birth to two sons for you. Your wife, who has slept together for more than ten years, has never had any conflicts on weekdays, but because he has three favorite concubines who have been in the palace for less than two years, he cruelly packed his wife here. A lot of fields, and it seems to feel very happy with a smile on his face.

What kind of hatred is this? Do you have no compassion and affection in your heart? Normal people are completely unable to speculate on King Shou's mentality at this time, and his stubbornness towards Daji and the three demons seems to have reached a morbid infatuation.

At this time, it is no longer possible to use beauty to seduce people. Even if the king of longevity is a hungry ghost, he is not an ordinary person. The dignified emperor of the empire, what kind of beauty have you never seen before? Even if Daji and the three demons are so beautiful, they wouldn't even throw away the most basic husband-wife relationship in human nature and instead treat them as enemies, right?

But it is such a huge and obvious doubt that everyone can't explain, and can't see the essence. Even with doubts in his heart, in the end, he unanimously placed the culprits on the three demons of Daji. Because it was their appearance that led to this kind of beast-like mentality change in King Shou.

Empress Jiang died of a gun burn. This person is not a simple character, nor is she a simple queen. She is also the daughter of Dong Bohou, one of the four great uncles.

All fathers know the status of a daughter in a father's heart. Even if they marry and enjoy happiness, they are full of knots in their hearts. The pain of a split lung can make a father forget all ties, and focus on one idea: to destroy all existences that hurt his daughter, even if that person is the emperor of this world!

In this way, as the father of Empress Jiang, Jiang Hengchu has already had an antagonism, but he has not revealed it at all. Even after learning of what happened to his daughter, he broke off ten of his fingernails and used severe pain to forbear and blame himself.

If you want to rebel, it doesn't mean you have to start right away. The most important thing now is to return to your own station. This is what Jiang Hengchu must do first. Because just when Queen Jiang was just put into the cold palace because she annoyed King Shou before he was sentenced, King Shou found an excuse to deceive all the four princes to Chaoge.

It was only after the four princes arrived at Chaoge that they realized that they had been fooled. Then King Shou ignored it, and announced Queen Jiang's suffering and final tragic death.

Among the four princes who are like turtles in the urn, the situation of Jiang Hengchu, the Duke of Dongbo, is the most tragic. His daughter died tragically, and Yin Forbear was ready to report it later, but King Shou suddenly became shrewd or premeditated. There was no chance for Jiang Hengchu to perform at all, and a hat of rebellion was put on Jiang Hengchu's head, and he immediately followed in his daughter's footsteps and died under the fire.

It seems that King Shou has been very fond of this torture since Daji inspired him to use the cannon brand. As long as anyone offends him, he will tie the person to the cannon brand and burn them to death.

Jiang Hengchu's tragedy made E Chongyu, a close friend, extremely angry. Before King Shou executed Jiang Hengchu, the upright Nan Bo E Chongyu insisted on justice and asked King Shou to let go of the time. Jiang Hengchu, who was imprisoned in the prison.

But how can today's King Shou listen to these words of advice? The thoughts in his mind have long been abnormal. He killed Empress Jiang, fearing that Jiang Hengchu behind Empress Jiang would rebel, so he gave Jiang Hengchu a big crime of treason. Now Nanbo Hou E Chongyu came to advise him, that is, he wanted to hinder King Shou's eradication of grass and roots, how could he agree in his heart? Along the way, he also hated E Chongyu.

Wow! Don't they all say that the emperor wants the minister to die and the minister has to die? You are now trying to persecute Lao Tzu and prevent Lao Tzu from coming to power? That's fine, then you die for Lao Tzu too!

Based on this ridiculous and pitiful idea, King Shou ordered E Chongyu to be put in prison as well, and then because he heard that E Chongyu actually scolded Jiang Hengchu as a stupor in prison after learning that Jiang Hengchu was dead Lord, the sky was so furious that a warrant was issued, and Nanbo Hou E Chongyu was chopped into meat sauce.

And Ji Chang, Marquis of Xibo, who also went to counsel with Nan Bohou, was also convicted and sent to prison. The only thing that is fortunate is that Ji Chang's mouth is relatively strict. After knowing that Jiang Hengchu, the Duke of Dongbo, was executed, he did not shout, nor did he curse King Shou like E Chongyu, so he stayed for the time being. Shrinking his head and shrinking his head, he acted as a quail.

And the rest of Bei Bo Hou was much more open. Beibohou Chonghouhu is not a high-spirited person, more precisely, he is a slick like that treacherous Fei Zhong. Seeing the death of the four great uncles in the south, south and northwest, he also knows that he should play the role now. character of. It is absolutely impossible to compete with King Shou, not to mention that King Shou killed Queen Jiang and the two uncles in the southeast. Even if he kills another batch of ministers in the court, as long as King Shou wants to kill him, he will dare to jump and cheer loudly. Applaud.

You can look down on a villain like Chonghouhu, but you have to say that in a harsh environment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ such a villain can survive the disaster smoothly. In addition, after sending troops to besiege Jizhou before, the Housu Hu of Jizhou handed over his daughter Daji, so Beibo Hou Chonghouhu was still a very good loyal and brave man in King Shou's impression.

Of course, another reason for King Shou to let Chonghouhu go is actually that he couldn't take the four great uncles in one go at once. This would cause a big mess, and one uncle would come out and press the Quartet.

Now the problem is coming, Chonghouhu can leave it alone, but what about the remaining Xibo Hou Jichang? Killed directly? inappropriate. Is that let go? It was also inappropriate, because Ji Chang and Dongnan Bohou had a good relationship, and he had obviously released his dissatisfaction with King Shou. So how to deal with the Xibo Hou?

To the surprise of the outside world, it was not Daji and the other three demons who wanted to kill Ji Changyi, but King Shou, who was already out of his mind. Ji Chang was able to live in prison until now, all because Daji's three demons rambled in the ears of King Shou, and he stayed alive.

And far to the west, at the residence of the Marquis of Xibo, his eldest son Boyi Kao came to Chaoge with the four treasures at the bottom of the press box of the Marquis of Xibo, hoping to dedicate it to the King of Shou, and to coax the King of Shou happy and release his own Father. I also know that this trip is bound to be dangerous, but under my filial piety, I can't take care of this much.

However, Boyikao, the son of Bohou from the west, didn't know that he would end up leaving his life here forever because of his handsome appearance and some fortitude...


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