Extreme Yama System

Chapter 981: mess up

Even from the perspective of a well-informed Iron Guard spy, Boyi Kao, the son of the Marquis of Xibo, who was sitting in the hall drinking tea and talking with Huang Feihu, was worthy of the words "earth-shatteringly handsome".

It was already evening when Boyi Kao came to the Huang Mansion, and he had been chatting with Huang Feihu until the middle of the night before leaving.

The secret Iron Guard spy sent a message to Zhu Liu, the leader of the sixth group: Boyi Kao, the son of the prince of Xibo, had a secret conversation with Huang Feihu for a long time, and returned late at night. The main content is to find out what King Shou's attitude towards the detained Xibo Hou, and said that he will continue to visit Prime Minister Bigan's mansion tomorrow. However, Huang Feihu's attitude was a bit strange, as if to imply that Boyi Kao could find him in a critical moment, and he would arrange for Boyi Kao to escape Chaoge's sight.

Why did Huang Feihu suddenly show such an attitude towards Boyi Kao? Doesn't he know that once things change, how much risk it will bring him to help Boyi Kao to escape by himself? Especially when King Shou's behavior has changed drastically now.

And the next day, Boyi Kao went to Bigan's mansion early in the morning, and had a quick chat while he went to court. As for the message from Bigan House, Zhu Liu found that even Bigan seemed to be worried about the result of Boyi's examination, and repeatedly urged, "Be careful with everything, and don't make any mistakes. Immediately escape." And he said that he would try his best to protect Xibo Hou Jichang.

One Huang Feihu is enough, and now there is another Bigan, and they all expressed concern about Boyi Kao's trip, and they all said, either overtly or covertly, that Boyi Kao should leave as soon as the situation turns bad. This shows what? It shows that these big bosses of the Shang Dynasty are no longer optimistic about the fact that Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, can leave Chaoge alive. At the same time, he also has a calm understanding of King Shou's sudden brutality.

And just after Bigan went to court, on his front and back feet, Boyi Kao followed him into the imperial city with the four treasures he had brought. his own father released.

Although King Shou was also curious about the treasures brought by Bo Yi Kao, he also knew the purpose of Bo Yi Kao. But he didn't pay much attention to it, and he was not at ease. He still had the idea of ​​killing the Marquis of Xibo.

You must know that each of the four major princes in their own territory is like a soil emperor, and their role is not only to stabilize the hearts of the army and the people, but also to be an irreplaceable spiritual leader. Once this kind of spiritual leader is cut down, it will be difficult to find a similar character in the territory to unite the forces of all parties in the territory, so there is no rebellion or rebellion. Even if they dare, it is not a cause for concern. .

So even though the Daji three demons whom he was infatuated with were saying that he would let Ji Chang as a fart, King Shou still didn't do it. This is a little different from when he treats Queen Jiang. It seems that he cares more about the former between "rebellion" and "wife".

But soon, Daji also forgot about releasing Ji Chang. Because Boyi came to the test.

As a yin and evil cultivator who is good at absorbing yang qi and taking yang qi as a supplement, Daji has a unique aesthetic for human males. In her eyes, it's not just that he looks handsome or even the best, but more importantly, he needs to have enough yang energy on this man! And Boyi Kao is completely in line with Daji's aesthetics, or eating well.

This is a very natural reaction, not only because the handsome boy Boyi Kao looks very "delicious", but also because Da Ji has been really panicked for the past two years. He Shou King Hu Tian Hu Di is just like that, and he doesn't dare to take out the yin and evil means to absorb the slightest yang energy from Shou King, for fear that revealing the stuff will ruin his mission.

I'm really hungry!

But wanting to "eat" Boyi Kao is not as simple as Daji thought. At first, Daji thought that her shell was so beautiful and moving that even the longevity king who had read countless women bowed down to the pomegranate skirt at first sight. Isn't this Boyi Kao within his grasp? But the result was completely unexpected: Boyi Kao didn't eat Daji's way at all!

Whether it was exposing her chest and butt, or her thighs and calves, or deliberately bouncing to the body or killing her eyes, they were all bounced off by Qi Qi. Even Yu Boyi Kao didn't even say that he was close to Daji's body, and he couldn't even make eye contact with Daji, like a lamb hiding from a hungry wolf.

Daji too, don't you have any points for yourself? Your reputation can stink for ten miles now, and it's daunting! No matter how beautiful a flower is, it must be non-toxic and not smelly before people like it. Do you think that everyone likes to climb stinky things like flies?

Besides, Boyi Kao is here to save his own father, and you are a vicious watchdog who is rumored to be in the outside world. If you are involved with you, if you go back to Shouwang and file a lawsuit, wouldn't it be impossible for redemption? So, even if Boyi Kao is not a decent gentleman, it is impossible for him to have any ambiguity with you Daji at this juncture!

It is estimated that I have never encountered such a thing before, and Daji was left out in the cold. In a fit of rage, he really hated Boyi Kao, and turned his head and complained to King Shou, saying that Boyi Kao was underestimating her.

What does the old saying say? Only villains and women are difficult to support! Although this statement is a bit one-sided, it is perfect when used in Daji.

King Shou is extremely sensitive about anything related to Daji. In his opinion, Daji is a piece of fragrant bun, which man doesn't want it? Boyi Kao is not a human subject, and he dares to be a dignified concubine. What else is there to say? killed!

Poor Boyi Kao was chopped off with a knife before he could even defend himself. Then King Shou was still indignant and wanted to cut Ji Chang down together. But once again, he was stopped by Da Ji, who had calmed down again.

"Your Majesty, why don't we cook Boyi Kao and give it to Ji Chang in the prison to eat it, and then tell him what he ate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Do you think that the old man will be directly scared crazy? Even if he is not crazy, his brain must be stimulated and there will be problems. If you let him go back, won't this stop Manchao Wenwu's mouth? Then as long as he dares to rebel, how can his crazy brain be His Majesty? The opponent of the army? Wouldn't it be just an excuse to take back all the feudal lords in the west? Even the territory of Dongbohou and Nanbohou could not be taken together by this opportunity!

At that time, His Majesty will be the wise man of the ages to reorganize the great cause of the Shang Dynasty! "

Daji made a big circle before finally telling the method that her three sisters came up with.

To overthrow the Shang Dynasty, one cannot simply confuse King Shou into a fool, because even if King Shou is incompetent, how long will it take to overthrow this huge dynasty? There must be external pressure.

Rebellion is the best option.

At present, the two vassal states on the four routes of east, west, north and south have no leader. If Ji Chang is forced to turn back, then the two vassal states in the southeast, which already hate King Shou Yiji, can easily find the leader and join the rebel army together. . And since Boyi Kao, who has become a meat sauce, can also be used to make use of it, let Ji Chang go down the road of rebellion firmly.

And this matter must be done quickly. Ji Chang must return quickly to Xiqi in the west after learning that he has eaten his own son. Because Taishi Wen, who conquered the barbarians, is about to return to the court soon!


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