Extreme Yama System

Chapter 982: Father eats son, hatred is deep

King Shou finally agreed to release Ji Chang this time. And all the details are carried out according to Daji's plans.

Boyi Kaowei's barbecued meat patties were cooked very fragrantly by the cooks, and they gave three at a time, each of which was full of two taels.

The taste in the dungeon is not good. It's not as good as a dog's. After finally seeing the meat patties so fragrant, Ji Chang can't help it. But at the same time, I am also saddened in my heart. I am afraid it is not good for this king of longevity to be diligent. Otherwise, why give him meat pie? Could it be that this is the so-called broken head meal?

No matter how much he sighed, Ji Chang knew that he couldn't struggle in this prison. A few days ago, his eldest son came to see him, and it was arranged by the town general Huang Feihu. Ji Chang likes his eldest son very much. He has the ability, knowledge and skill. He has always been the heir to the title of Xiqi. But this time, Ji Chang was not happy to see his son here.

Too dangerous! Even if Xiqi is without him, Ji Chang will still have his son, Ji Chang, at least the overall situation can be stabilized, and once the situation changes, he will not be blinded. But it's alright now, both father and son have arrived at Chaoge, and they are under King Shou's minions. If something goes wrong, won't Xiqi be in complete chaos?


He took a long sigh. Ji Chang was also very worried when he thought that his son had not heard from him for a few days. Looking at the three fragrant meat patties in the food box in his hand, his eyes were slightly red for a while. He felt that his son's strategy of offering his treasure to save him had failed. Now it was time for him to finish his guillotine and get ready to hit the road. After all, this is indeed the best time for King Shou to eradicate the power of the four major princes.

Hehe, as for the Beibo Hou Chonghouhu, who took refuge in King Shou and wanted to be a villain, Ji Chang wished him everything he wanted. It would be good to continue to be happy after the three vassal kingdoms were taken back by King Shou in the chaos.

I have to say that Ji Chang's backbone is still very strong. He felt that he might die soon, but he didn't cry, make trouble, hang himself, and even didn't have excessive sadness on his face. The only thing I worry about is whether my eldest son can escape Chaoge.

"Forget it, life and death matter."

If you want to die, you have to die decently. Ji Chang didn't want to be a starving ghost. So he took the food box and sat on the stone bed in the cell, picked up a meat patty and began to eat slowly, the taste was a bit strange, but it didn't seem to be poisonous.

Three patties were eaten, and three were delivered every day until the fourth day. There were no meat patties, but it was Cheng Bigan and the town general Huang Feihu who came. It was said that King Shou finally agreed to let him leave Chaoge.

"Marquis Xibo, hurry up, I have arranged for a hundred flying tiger battalion soldiers to wait at Chengshili Pavilion, you must hurry to the riverside wharf on the waterway as fast as possible, then detour to Nanbohou territory and finally return to Xiqi This is also the safest route at present, and it can also deal with unexpected changes." Huang Feihu took Ji Chang out of the dungeon quickly, while explaining on the carriage going out of the city.

Bigan didn't continue to send Ji Chang, he had to watch in Chaoge City, try his best to calm down King Shou, so that he wouldn't suddenly change his mind.

"However, General Huang, my son, Boyi Kao, is also in Chaoge, isn't he going with me?" Ji Chang is most concerned about his own son.

Huang Feihu's face changed suddenly, he really didn't know how to speak. Sure, he could coax, but he couldn't. He could only put one hand on Ji Chang's shoulder and press him, unable to leave the carriage, without saying a word.

"General Huang, did something happen to my son Boyi?!" Ji Chang tried his best to stand up, but found that he couldn't move at all. He was quite agitated, and asked Huang Feihu loudly with his eyes wide open.

"Dead." Huang Feihu was a soldier, and the temper of his suggestion made him not lie. At the same time, he also understood that the matter of Boyi Kao had to be told to Ji Chang sooner or later.

She was shaking all over, remorse, grief, and even anger. Ji Chang was no longer struggling to break free from Huang Feihu's power, and sat down on the carriage with tears in his eyes. After a long while, he asked vacantly, "How did you die? Why did you die?"

"King Shou ordered that it was Boyi Kao who had a frivolous intention towards the imperial concubine Daji when he was presenting treasures in the harem, so..." The rest of Huang Feihu didn't say anything, he really couldn't go on.

Ji Chang closed his eyes in pain. He knew that his son could not do anything "frivolous" to that demon girl, absolutely impossible! It's all excuses.

The long silence accompanied by the galloping carriage made the tears on Ji Chang's cheeks dry slowly. When I reopened my eyes, it was no longer a dazed pain, but a bone-chilling chill.

"General, there is an obstacle ahead, and the banner is the Imperial Imperial Army."

"how many people?"

"one person!"

"Don't bother, rush over!" Huang Feihu ordered. His frame doesn't even need to give a custodial face.

But as the carriage approached, a loud voice was heard: "General Huang, please stop, Your Majesty has a letter for Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo!"

"Stop for a moment." Ji Chang said. The carriage also stopped on the edge of the official road. The guard outside the car handed over a letter, and after saluting, he rode back without saying a word.

After getting the letter, Ji Chang opened it, his eyes seemed to pop out after a while, then turned red, his face was pale, and he murmured, "Kill you, kill you..." and slowly fainted.

Huang Feihu hurriedly used his mana to help Ji Chang, whose soul was about to collapse, to stabilize his emotions. At the same time, wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Huang Feihu was also very curious as to what actually made Ji Chang, who was also considered a bit of a cultivator, almost mad at himself because of his grief and anger.

After hesitating for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he picked up the crumbled letter that had been dropped in the carriage, unfolded it, and then Huang Feihu almost exploded his lungs.

Kill someone's son, then chop it up and make meat patties for them to eat? Did you send a special message afterwards? !

In Huang Feihu's view, this kind of mentality can no longer be called cruel and tyrannical, it is completely inhuman beast!

Humans cannot become animals. No matter their mentality or behavior, as long as there is something like a beast, they are no longer worthy of being called humans, even the emperor of this dynasty!

At this moment, for the first time, Huang Feihu turned his indignant gaze from the three demons of Daji who confused the court to King Shou himself. Looking at the letter in his hand and Ji Chang who was still gnashing his teeth after being dazed, he suddenly felt that he seemed to be wrong before. Although a person's change is influenced by external factors, can it really change an emperor beyond recognition in such a short period of time? He doesn't believe it.

The carriage galloped fast and arrived at the riverside after half a day. The big ship that had been waiting early hurriedly disembarked a few sergeants, who were wearing military uniforms from Xiqi. Thousands of thanks and gratitude hurriedly carried the dazed Ji Chang onto the boat.

"No need to thank you. Your Marquis's mood fluctuated greatly. I sealed his life and soul, and he won't wake up until three days later. Remember, don't mention your eldest son and his experience in Chaoge to him. Do you understand? Okay, let's go quickly, don't stop along the way, if you stop, kill them! Be sure to return to Xiqi as the first priority!"


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