Extreme Yama System

Chapter 983: Wen Zhong returns

? To say that the entire Shang Dynasty can really achieve the goal of one person under ten million people is Taishi Wenzhong. Like Bigan, Wen Zhong is also a veteran, even a veteran of the ten dynasties. Conscientiously defending the Shang Dynasty for more than two thousand years!

In terms of strategy, prestige, means, ability, and cultivation, no one in the entire Shang Dynasty dared to stand up and say that he was the first, because no matter how strong the boss was, he couldn't compare to Wen Zhong. No one dares to say that he is the first, even the third. How dare fireflies be close to the sun?

The plane is huge. In addition to this self-proclaimed central dynasty, there are many small countries spread over a wide area, collectively known as barbarians.

The supreme empire is not just because of its large territory, but because of its foreign policy.

The Shang Dynasty's strategy for those barbarians was to always suppress them. If they dared to lift their tails, they would slap them and slap them, and if they lifted their tails again, they would slash directly with their knives. All purposes are resources. It is necessary to grab as many resources as possible from those barbarians, and to provide the operation of the dynasty.

It is also because the population is not growing fast enough. Otherwise, where will the barbarians take over the land and resources?

Therefore, every time the population of the empire grows to a certain level, there will be an expansion, and five countries and ten countries will be destroyed, so the resources of the empire must be more and more abundant.

In this way, the barbarians are also afraid, and they are terrified to know that their homeland does not belong to them. The fear will make them forget their cowardice, they will unite to strengthen their momentum, and then they will rebel against the empire, which is called "barbarian turmoil". It's all a massacre.

The barbarians are not without cultivators, nor are they bloodless, and there is no shortage of people with advanced strategies, but the barbarians have not heard of the middle, nor have they cut off the army. Whether it was 2,000 years ago or 2,000 years later, as long as Wen Zhong is still there, the male and female dragon whips in his hands are still there, and the army is still there, the barbarians can only remain barbarians, and they can only carry grievances and grief from generation to generation. waiting to be harvested by the Empire and then exterminated.

Is it cruel? Very cruel, this is the same as reality, dazzling but has to admit. In the eyes of the barbarians, Wen Zhong and his Jie Jun were "reality".

Under the tutelage of Tongtian, the sect leader of Intercepting Sect, holding a magical instrument from Tongtian himself, with his cultivation in the later period of the dignified Golden Wonderland, he was in charge of the Shang Dynasty to protect the future generations of the Shang Dynasty, providing an endless source of power for the transportation of the Daoism of Intercepting Sect for generations. The position is high and the status is important, whether it is ordinary or among the three religions, who does not know the name of the Shang Taishi Wen Zhong?

The slaughter is boundless, the mana is monstrous, and the power dominates the world, don't dare not obey! It was Wen Zhong.

Five years ago, the barbarians rebelled again and successively captured ten major cities in the empire. They cooperated with each other, and the speed of attack was extremely fast. He directly vented all his grievances on the people of these empires. So Wen Zhong ordered his troops and set out, leading 50,000 troops to pacify the chaos.

The war was a one-sided slaughter from the very beginning, but in order to deter Xiao Xiao, Wen Zhong’s methods were also vicious. From the time he regained the lost ground, he went out and wiped out 36 countries. The teachers returned, slaughtered tens of millions, and left behind a mountain of mountains. The hill-like head of the Jingguan, the blood makes the barbarian countries feel as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

The army returned to the court, and only got the news when it was close to the court song. After summarizing all the ways, Wen Zhong felt inexplicably strange. Especially when I heard that King Shou actually beheaded the two uncles in the southeast and even killed the Queen Jiang, it was even more incredible.

Why didn't he make such a big decision after Wen Zhong returned? Why in such a hurry? The four major princes have existed for thousands of years, and they have their own reasons. How can they be eliminated so hastily?

"Speed ​​up the march, you must see Chaoge City within half a day!"

At Shiliting, all the bigwigs and high-ranking officials in Chaoge City came out wearing court clothes. With a happy expression on his face, he was eagerly looking forward to seeing Taishi Wen earlier. It's not that the cheering and cheering army has won a big victory, but the backbone is finally back.

This is the real backbone! Formidable power and powerful means, Grand Master Wen, who had shaken the entire Shang Dynasty, was the backbone of the empire. Now is the time of chaos in the DPRK, and this backbone can be regarded as coming back. Whether it was Bi Gan or Huang Feihu, regardless of the previous drastic changes of Shou Wang, after Wen Zhong returned, they all had to admit that no one was capable of playing tricks in front of Wen Zhong's power.

"Your Majesty, the old minister is back."

From a distance, I saw a white-bearded veteran sitting on a huge black unicorn. His brows were cold and murderous, his eyes were like swords, and there were two steel whips behind him. He saw the leader standing outside the Shili Pavilion. King Shou shouted loudly. The unicorn under the seat let out a long whistle, and after taking two steps, he arrived in front of the pavilion in the blink of an eye. This person is Taishi Wen Zhong.

Black armor, white beard, cold noodles. The pupils shone with strange gleams, and it seemed that everything was clear at a glance, making people dare not look at him. Even the emperor's longevity king didn't dare to take it seriously when facing Wen Zhong, and he could only insist on the younger generation's salute.

"Teacher's expedition is exhausted, and all the people in the world thank you so much!" King Shou bowed and saluted, and his words were quite sincere, and he really didn't cheat at all. At least half of the Shang Dynasty's world was due to the person in front of him, so what about receiving the emperor's gift?

"Your Majesty is too famous, the old minister has long been used to it, but the barbarians are still so unsightly that the old minister finds it boring."

"Hahaha Taishi is invincible, how can the barbarians let the Taishi show a little bit of bones? Now that the Taishi has triumphed, the barbarians must have collapsed on the ground like ants! Also invite Taishi to the palace~www. wuxiaspot.com~ I have to respect the Grand Master with two cups as a token of gratitude to the Grand Master!"

It doesn't matter whether we greet each other or not. Even such a scene has been experienced too many times for Wen Zhong. The old officials of the ten dynasties are not just kidding, every time they return from chaos, there will be such an incident. But to tell the truth, Wen Zhong did not refuse, because this is the thing to show prestige, and it is also the foundation of gathering luck to support and intercept the teaching, the more the better.

"Hahaha, let's not hide it from Your Majesty, the old minister's mouth is too light to bear, and it is unbearable for His Majesty to ask for precious wines in the palace!"

"Teacher, don't worry, Guding and Taishi won't go home if you don't get drunk!" King Shou also laughed and walked with his arms, all the way to the imperial city.

A big victory is a feast. The new border was once again extended for hundreds of miles, and the territory map needed to be redrawn. Even if it happens often, it is still something worth celebrating. King Shou was happy, and with a wave of his hand, it was a luxurious banquet, and it benefited the people of Chaoge. Every household could have a pot of wedding wine.

During the banquet, King Shou really began to fight wine with Wen Zhong. The two of them each had a jar and raised it over their heads to pour in. I drank one jar, laughed, threw it away, and then another jar

"Your Majesty, the old minister heard that Jiang Hengchu, Marquis of the East, and E Chongyu, Marquis of Nan, were disrespectful to His Majesty and even attempted to rebel, and were ordered to be executed by His Majesty. Would your Majesty tell the old minister carefully about this?"

Wen Zhong has given enough face, and now King Shou must make it clear even if he doesn't want to mention it at this time. Obviously Wen Zhong was very dissatisfied with his hasty killing of Jiang Hengchu and E Chongyu.

"I don't want to ask the master, Gu is also going to talk to the master. Then Jiang Hengchu." Please Baidu "Throw Books.com" to thank you for your support!

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