Extreme Yama System

Chapter 984: only 1 battle

Was it really because of a woman that this great change in China was provoked?

On the way home, Wen Zhong also heard the news from his subordinates, but he smiled disdainfully. How could the dignified Shou Wang be obsessed with a woman and initiate such an action against the four great uncles? It must have been the clue of the four great uncles that he could not help but act rashly.

However, this time, I heard King Shou talk about it with my own ears, saying that it really happened because of a woman. This made Wen Zhong stunned, and immediately an evil fire rose from his heart and rushed to the top of his forehead.

For more than 2,000 years, Lao Tzu has worked diligently for the foundation of your family, expanding territory, killing barbarians and haters, and finally making the Shang Dynasty stronger and stronger. Starting to play the trick of killing Bohou for a woman?

I'm angry, it's not that King Shouwang's prodigal club is actually doing something bad with women, but that King Shouwang interferes with his work. Intercept to teach the air transport collection work. Originally, the stronger the Shang Dynasty, the thicker the luck, and the more intercepted teachings could be absorbed and gathered. Now that King Shou is so messed up, one bad thing is civil strife, and if there is civil strife, it will reduce his luck. In this way, isn't he Wen Zhong wasting a lot of effort in vain?

"Your Majesty's move is too rash." Wen Zhong put down the wine jar in his hand and made a heavy thud. Attracting the ministers during the banquet to look sideways, they quickly turned their eyes away and restarted the hustle and bustle. But this brief silence made the scene quite embarrassing in an instant, and the face of King Shou looked even more strange.

"Teacher, the princes of the four sides are in charge of two hundred cities and towns each, and their rights are too heavy. Although Gu is a little hasty this time, he is eager to take back these rights that should have been centralized. Isn't this exactly what the Taishi has advised many times. thing?"

King Shou's voice was very low, and the second half was simply voice transmission. He wasn't stupid, especially when facing Wen Zhong, he couldn't even see the way he was fascinated by the Daji three demons before, but he looked smart and strong.

"Your Majesty. The old minister did say that too much dispersion of power is not good for the dynasty. But the Sifang Houhou is also deeply rooted in power. If you want to pull it out without hurting the foundation of the dynasty, you can only do it slowly. This is not something that can be accomplished by one or two generations. . The consequence of being impatient will be the loss of life!"

Wen Zhong is actually not sincere. He doesn't really care about the life and death of ordinary people. But Wen Zhong cared about the luck of the Shang Dynasty. Massacre of barbarians is expansion, civil strife is decline.

"Teacher! Now the master of the four sides, the master of the southeast, has been executed, the master of the north, Chonghouhu, has been submissive to Gu, and the master of the west, Jichang, has also been destroyed. How can I care about these pains if I can't stand up? Please help me!"

"You mean, did you give and release Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo?" Wen Zhong's eyes narrowed sharply, his eyes stabbing at King Shou's body like a knife, causing King Shou to shake instinctively, unable to speak. He could only subconsciously nod in response, and then he voiced out everything he had done to Ji Chang.

"Hey, if you don't do things absolutely, you will have endless troubles! Your Majesty knows that this Xibo Hou Jichang has always been wise in Xiqi. But it can still be controlled in the big right and wrong!

And Ji Chang is more than Boyi Kao this son! "

King Shou said with a smile: "Teacher is thinking too much. Ji Chang's second son Ji Fa is just a playboy.

"He is a wise father, and the older son has many talents. Why is the second son a dude? Has your majesty ever thought about it? You must know that the title of earl marquis is not only passed down to the eldest son, but to those who can live in it, such a great power, Ji Fa Why isn't the second son of my son moved? Is he really so weak-minded? Besides, has Your Majesty ever heard of what this scoundrel does that is really scoundrel?"

After hearing Zhongyan, King Shou couldn't help but frown deeply. At this time, he seemed to be awakened: Yes, although I have always heard of Ji Chang's second son Wanqin, but I have never heard of any absurd things. Although the reputation is not obvious, it is not bad either. Could it be that this Ji Fa is deliberately hiding his front? If that's the case, it's really inappropriate to let Ji Chang go back!

"That's all. Now that Your Majesty has done it, it's meaningless to say anything else. Today, the old minister is tired and wants to go back to the house to rest. Thank you His Majesty for the precious wine." The princes of Tingyan went straight away. The ministers who looked at each other in dismay and the livid King Shou were left alone.

"The old man is too deceiving!"

A jasper vase was swept away by King Shou and fell to the ground, shattering, especially displeased. After tossing around for a long time, it roared until his eyes were red, and even the three demons of Daji just looked from a distance and dared not approach. At this time, the tyrannical aura on King Shou's body was so strong and terrifying.

When King Shou quieted down, Daji and the three demons leaned forward to show their hospitality, but they didn't ask what happened today, so King Shou was so angry and aggrieved. Of course, she had already known about the fact from the mouth of the maid at the banquet in the palace, and guessed that it should be King Shou who was scolded by Master Wen, who had just returned to the dynasty.

In fact, the three demons are secretly rejoicing in their hearts. Fortunately, they sent Ji Chang away early, otherwise if Wen Zhong came back, Ji Chang would be dead. At that time, the civil strife in the Shang Dynasty would not have the opportunity to provoke it again.

Now it's very good. King Shou let Ji Chang kill Boyi Kao. After this kind of **** feud is planted, there is no room for manoeuvre. It's done. It is expected that even the famous Taishi Wen can't think of a way to ease it. Bar?

There is only one battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Recently, I can't stay in the concubine's palace all the time. Wen Taishi returned to the court, and there were a lot of important events in the court. I'm afraid that time is short, and the concubines should know. "King Shou suppressed his temper, temporarily put the grievances at the banquet aside for a while, and told his three women sternly.

"Ah? Your Majesty, aren't the ministers taking care of this important matter in the court? Taishi Wen is also your servant, why are you busy when he comes back? Could it be that Taishi Wen only gets his salary and doesn't do anything? ?"

"Shut up! Can Taishi Wen also be criticized by you?" King Shou frowned for the first time and yelled at Daji's three demons, and immediately felt his tone was heavy. After sighing, he hugged the three daughters and explained: "The Taishi is A veteran of ten dynasties. He has protected the kingdom for more than two thousand years, and he is loyal to the kingdom. He is also loyal to the kingdom. He is also an orphan of the late emperor. When he sees him, he has to perform the ceremony of the younger generation. With the prejudice of those rumors, Gu can only be diligent."

King Shou also knew that the court's comments on Daji's three demons were extremely bad, but he couldn't stop Youyou's mouth. He could only try his best to at least make Wen Zhong not believe it. So just be diligent. Because he knew that even if he was the emperor of this empire, if Wen Zhongzhen wanted to kill Daji and the others, he would never be able to protect the emperor.

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