Extreme Yama System

Chapter 985: preparation

Wen Zhongcai didn't care whether King Shou was faint. What he cares about is whether King Shou will truly endanger the entire empire. As for those rumors about the harem, he doesn't care even if he hears it, it's just a woman.

The current situation is two options.

The first is to reorganize the army and wait for Xiqi to raise the flag first, and then the country will send troops to sweep it, and by the way, the territories of the two princes in the southeast are also taken away. Wen Zhong has absolute confidence in himself and in the heroic master of a hundred battles in his hands. As long as the army drives over, it will be swept away.

Second, start first is stronger. When Ji Chang had just returned to Xiqi, the situation was turbulent and unstable, and before he was ready to fight, he immediately sent troops westward, took the important town of Xiqi with lightning speed, and formed a situation of encirclement, forcing Ji Chang to give the leader.

Wen Zhong thought that these two plans could be easily achieved. After all, the power in his hands is definitely not something that these soldiers or monks in the mortal world can resist. Even in terms of combat effectiveness, Wen Zhong felt that Xiqi and other vassal states were inferior to the barbarians outside their borders.

But the two options still need careful consideration. The former can ensure "justifiable" and reduce the decline in the luck of the Shang Dynasty after the war. The latter plan is to solve the war more quickly, and at the same time to have more time to complete the subsequent merger of rights to form a centralized situation.

Wen Zhong went to the court meeting on the second day, and listened to the other ministers' affairs without saying a word. After he had finished speaking, he directly said that he was going to cut off the army and reorganize the army. And under the pretext of a lot of consumption in the army, he requested a huge military budget from the Ministry of Household, and even applied for the same huge amount of money from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of King Shou.

The army to conquer the rebellion is no more than to quell the calamity of the barbarians, and the logistics and baggage are extremely important. Going to a barbarian place to fight to support war is that, but you can't do this in your own domestic war, otherwise the luck of the people will be dissipated very quickly.

Not only did he have the request for money and food, but Wen Zhong also directly ordered Huang Feihu, the general of Zhenguo, to return the army and horses in his hands to the Taishifu, and asked all the troops and horses directly under Chaoge to gather together within three months, called "Great Training". It is necessary for the soldiers of the second echelon to also experience some of the training methods of the army and be familiar with the combat style of the army so that they can achieve tacit cooperation.

What is this for? Hasn't the suppression and massacre of barbarians just ended? Why do you suddenly have to make waves to ask for money and food, and even get a "big training" out, which is to prepare for war again? Who are you going to hit?

Those who can enter the court are not mediocre people, and in addition to the three changes in the situation in the DPRK and China in the past two years, it is clear at a glance what hidden dangers are at the moment. So after a slight doubt, almost all the ministers bowed their heads and said nothing. Each has an answer in his heart: Master Wen is preparing to face civil unrest! Could it be that it has been predicted that the vassal states will change their flags?

Even Bi Gan was speechless. Although he was most disgusted with war, at this moment he had to admit that the preparations made by Taishi Wen Zhong were indeed necessary. The Four Uncles are now dead in name only, and because of King Shou's many wrong decisions, irreparable rifts have been caused. Ji Chang was his good friend, so he helped Ji Chang return to Xiqi quickly, but as the prime minister of the country, he could not speak out against such changes. I sighed in my heart, Yuyou, he tried his best, now it's time to be loyal to the country.

The news of the military equipment swept the entire dynasty after the court meeting. Even the newly stabilized frontiers knew the explosive news. The barbarians have already paid their debts with blood, and now they are as docile as a little milk dog, so where does Taishi Wen's sharpness in training the army point?

The most sensitive is naturally the four vassal states. Beibohou Chonghouhu was the worst frightened. He thought that King Shou was going to cross the river and demolish the bridge, but a paper order finally settled his heart. Wen Taishi ordered him to order 30,000 Beibo Houguo elites to come to Chaoge to participate in the "great military training", and assigned a lot of brand-new weapons. However, the food for the 30,000 soldiers had to be prepared by him, Chonghou Hu.

The same edict also went to the three vassal states of the east, south and west, but was declined by various excuses.

Such an obvious signal has made the people who were in doubt feel that they have seen the essence of the matter: this is the three vassal states preparing to face the country!

Immortals fight, and innocent people are always affected. When I think of the chaos of war, it must be that the corpses will be scattered all over the home, and if I can't figure out that I am one of the corpses, who is not afraid and does not want to run? But can't run! The household registration system is stuck. If anyone has nowhere to go, if they are caught, they will be half-assailed. If they are unlucky, they will become official slaves and wait to be sold!

Therefore, panic is the most appropriate way to describe the mood of the common people in the three vassal states.

In such a situation, what needs to be considered and must come up with countermeasures as soon as possible has become a pressure on Xiqi Jichang.

"Wen Zhong, the dog and horse of the King of Shou, is really ruthless. This is to force us to raise the flag first. He is so righteous! He really kills my heart and won't die!" Ji Chang said in a deep voice while patting the table in the Marquis' Mansion . His eyes were fixed on the map hanging on the wall.

"Father, King Shou is already preparing to overwhelm the realm. If we hesitate any longer, the situation will only become more rotten. If we do, we will do it, father!"

It is none other than Ji Chang's father, Ji Chang's second son Ji Fa.

This young man, who has always been called a playboy, now has a jade crown, a blue shirt, a serious expression, and appropriate words. How can there be a half "playable" appearance? He is clearly a high-quality son of a family who shares his father's worries.

In fact, it is also natural. How could an uncle's family let their children become illiterate bastards. Those lazy skins are just a cover for Ji Fa. He doesn't want to compete with his eldest brother for the title. He can't perform well and hide his edge. Now that the eldest brother has died at the hands of King Shou, and his father is also in good times and bad because of the vicious calculations of King Shou, how can this hatred be shied away?

Ji Chang rubbed his aching head and patted his second son on the shoulder, feeling somewhat relieved. He opened his mouth and said: "How can you not know that as a father? But it is not easy to coordinate the forces~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The forces in the Southeast Boyhou country are intricately and complex, and now it is difficult to move without the pressure. It takes some effort to unify their forces. means and time.

Forget it, Fa'er, you can declare military martial law now. All soldiers were not allowed to go out of the camp, and began to implement wartime control, and at the same time mobilized baggage. All major towns also need to immediately increase the garrison, and the repair of the fortifications must also start immediately. "

Ji Fa clasped his fists and hurried away. The smile on Ji Chang's face also disappeared.

beat? With Xiqi alone, will he be the opponent of the Chaoge army? Will it be Wen Zhong's opponent?

Shake your head. Ji Chang even felt that it was difficult to defeat the Chaoge army even with the strength of the two Counties in the southeast. This is the gap in strength and quality, which cannot be made up by any strategy or the like right now.

But not fighting, Ji Chang is not reconciled. The hatred in my heart hurts my heart, and I will drag a few backs when I die!

Feeling sad and depressed in his heart, Ji Chang greeted a few valetes to walk out of the house together, to relax, or to look back and carefully consider the next complicated...

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