Extreme Yama System

Chapter 986: fishing old man

After leaving the mansion, he took a carriage to the outskirts of the city, got out of the car and walked on foot, the servants behind him did not dare to disturb Hou Ye Yaxing.

Where did Jichang come from, what kind of Yaxing did he come from? He was all in a mess and wanted to calm down. In this wilderness, a little green waterscape hoped to bring some joy.

Since Chaoge came back, Ji Chang had to face his already overwhelmed body. He was already old, and his cultivation base did not have any talent. .

Those who are not close may not know it yet, but those close to him know that Ji Chang is always on the verge of collapse after returning to Xiqi. The brain is often confused, and the fluctuation of the soul is often messy. The person who has seen the doctor also found the monk Gaoqiang, and the words are the same: the soul has been severely impacted, and the old age has been unable to recover, the day of the soul's return is not far away.

Ji Chang is not afraid of death, not to mention that his death at this age is not a loss. But the current situation made him unable to let go at all.

Chaoge and Mo soldiers are on horseback, and the sword is pointed directly, and Xiqi must be the first to bear the brunt. And if he died suddenly, I don't know what the chaos would be like. How to avenge the eldest son's revenge? How should the second son deal with the plight of the army?

Although the education from an early age has yielded tangible results, the second son is filial and intelligent, and he is unwilling to compete with his elder brother for the title and has been playing a playboy, but Ji Chang knows that the second son is actually no worse than the eldest son in all aspects. But in the face of such a dangerous situation, Ji Chang still can't be relieved.

Just thinking about it, I kept walking under my feet, along the river, and I walked a long way before I knew it. The creek is also widening.

Suddenly I saw a fishing old man wearing a bamboo hat sitting on a stone by the river not far ahead, holding a fishing rod and humming an old tune softly, leisurely, without the anxiety of the people elsewhere. You must know that Chaoge's intention to attack Xiqi is already known to everyone, and there is still such a big heart?

Ji Chang was curious and walked over. And the valet behind him also rushed two steps one after another. The mana fluctuated obviously on the old man's body. He was not an ordinary person and was worried about accidents.

I don't know where Ji Chang's confidence came from. He just felt that the old man in front of him would not hurt him, and he didn't have any malicious intentions. He even felt inexplicably that this person seemed to have something to do with the predicament he was facing right now. implicated.

"Brother, how's the harvest?" Ji Chang walked to the side and asked with a smile.

"Hehe, this lord is joking, fishing and playing, just to pass the time, nothing to talk about." Diaoso replied, somewhat unexpectedly, that ordinary old face actually gave Ji Chang a faint sense of detachment in the world , very miraculous.

"Oh? It's the first time I heard that fishing can still be fun? I don't know where is the fun?"

"The fun is in my heart, and it's also in the water." After the old man said, he raised his hand, and the fishing rod was lifted up. He seemed to be ready to leave, and he didn't want to talk to Ji Chang more.

"Huh?! Brother, how come your hook is straight?!" Ji Chang was a little stunned. It was the first time he saw someone use a needle as a hook. How is it possible to catch fish? Is this old man crazy?

"Haha, this is fun. I'm not fishing for fish, but for fun. Why not use a straight hook to fish? Besides, wouldn't it be more interesting for the wisher to take the hook?"

There seems to be a hidden mystery inside and outside the words, Ji Chang's heart trembled, could it be that he was wandering around today and met a strange person?

It doesn't matter, whether it's a strange person or not, we can't just leave the other party like this. Even a fool who really "wants to take the bait" doesn't care about that much.

"Brother stay, I'm going to Ji Chang, I haven't asked my brother about his name." Ji Chang bowed slightly, and his attitude was very sincere.

"Hehehe, old man Jiang Ziya, came up from Kunlun Mountain and passed through this place, but unexpectedly met Uncle Hou, old and clumsy, I hope Uncle Hou will not blame him."

Kunlun Mountains? where is that? No one in this world knows. It is one of the three major religious sects in the world, and it is also the spiritual sustenance of all the monks. And that Chanjiao Yuanshi Tianzun is the top cultivator, and his mana is earth-shattering. Is it just a joke?

"Disrespect, disrespect! It turned out to be a high-ranking disciple of the Chan Cult, and Ji Chang has been neglected." Ji Chang said and bowed again, but this time he bowed to the end.

"The uncle can't be used. Jiang Ziya is an idle person, how can he stand the big gift of uncle?" With a hand up, Jiang Ziya stopped Ji Chang's movements, and the two laughing and laughing began to chat.

This conversation took a long time unconsciously, and the content seemed to be shallow and deep, and soon it came to Xiqi's current difficulties. And Jiang Ziya also saw Ji Chang's physical condition, asked the reason, and learned that it was actually killed by King Shou, and the method was so inhuman, his white beard trembled with anger, and his eyes seemed to shoot fire.

"Dude! Such atrocities are inhumane! With this dazed lord there, the Shang Dynasty will definitely be ruined by this drowsy lord!"

"Hey. But the Shang Dynasty was very powerful, and there was even a powerful cultivator like Wen Zhong in the court. Now that once the war starts, whether it is Xiqi or the territory of Dongbo Hou, who can stop it? I'm afraid this commoner is doomed to doom."

Ji Chang is not a kind person with fraternity, and he is just talking at this moment. There seems to be no room for manoeuvre in his current situation. Putting in a position of tyranny and oppression, at least it looks better. Moreover, what King Shou did was indeed worthy of the evaluation of a "dark monarch" and a "tyrant".

Seeing Jiang Ziya being filled with righteous indignation and unable to bear his face, Ji Chang suddenly had a whimsy and made up his mind quickly.


The incident happened suddenly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jiang Ziya was stunned to see that Ji Chang was already kneeling in front of him and wanted to help him up, but he heard Ji Chang crying and pleading: "Brother Ziya, the people of this world are going to Falling into the tyranny of the tyranny is unbearable, the killings overflowing the sky, Ji Chang shamelessly pleads, and asks Ziya brother to take action, help me Xiqi defeat the dazed ruler of the dynasty, and save the people of Li people from water and fire!"

Kneeling down and kowtow, Ji Chang did not hesitate. The person in front of him came from Kunlun Mountain, and it is very likely that he is a first-class immortal who has a high status in the teaching. If he agrees to help Xiqi, then Xiqi's biggest drawbacks and weaknesses when facing Chaoge must be improved to the greatest extent. Wen Zhong is very powerful, the interception of teaching is indeed great, but the interpretation of teaching is not bad! In this world, it is estimated that the world dares to compete with the interception of the teachings, and it is also the interpretation of the teachings and the teachings of the people. Even in the dark, Ji Chang felt that if he missed this episode, then Xiqi really would have no chance of life.

Jiang Ziya was overwhelmed in his heart, and after supporting Ji Chang, he was unable to speak for a long time. He is sincere and kind, and does not see mortals in trouble. In addition, Ji Chang begged so much, and he was willing to help.

But this kind of thing is not something that a monk at the tail of a crane on the Kunlun Mountains can decide with one word. But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded in Jiang Ziya's heart: Disciple, saving the living beings in the world is my teaching of kindness, let go of it, this is your destiny...

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