Extreme Yama System

Chapter 987: It was the trash!

Just like the fuse that had already been lit, it burned quickly, followed by a huge roar that resounded through the court and the opposition.

Xiqi is back! The Southeastern Uncle Hou Kingdom has rebelled!

The three great uncles and Hou kingdoms became a huge force, changed their flags and changed their flags, listed dozens of crimes above, and sued Limin, denounced King Shou for his viciousness, tyranny, and cruelty to the loyal and good. Son of Heaven. Immediately, the alliance has raised one million troops, vowing to overthrow the dark tyranny, and the sky is still clear!

However, this letter was issued, although the sound shook the four fields, it seemed that there was no killing sound followed immediately. On the contrary, the three major uncles have each contracted their territorial defense lines, and none of the soldiers and soldiers have been sent out.

This is waiting, and at the same time preparing himself for the final war. To wait for work, not ready to take the initiative to attack.

Another relatively concealed piece of information was shown in more detail, and it had already arrived at Chaoge and was placed directly on Wen Zhong's bookcase.

"The three parties in Xiqi are urgently training troops, most of which are defense system training, but the number of soldiers is insufficient. According to the standing situation, Xiqi has no more than 50,000 regular soldiers, and the Southeastern Bohou Kingdom is roughly similar. It is known as a million pure It is nonsense, even if you count the new soldiers recruited temporarily, it is only 200,000, and the combat effectiveness evaluation is not high, and the fighting spirit is also very general.

In addition, Ji Chang's soul is on the verge of collapse, and he can't afford to lie on the bed. But it is not his second son Ji Fa who presides over the affairs of Xiqi, but an old man named Jiang Ziya. There is cultivation level, not high and powerful, but it seems to be the number of ways to explain teaching, and now Fenghou Baixiang takes the military and political power of the tripartite alliance..."

The information is not long, but it is relatively detailed. This is the first-hand information from Wen Zhong's intelligence network that spread throughout the Shang Dynasty. Others are still to be expected. For example, the "Million Army" mentioned in the letter is purely to fool those wild and wild people. If there are really millions of soldiers, even if Xiqi and the Southeast Peyhou Kingdom are included. Packaged and sold can't survive.

But this sudden appearance of Jiang Ziya made Wen Zhong frown a little, because this person's identity was actually "Chan Jiao".

There has always been a bottom line and a relatively tacit understanding between the three major denominations. Although the other two sects did not see the interception of the sect, but the strength was placed here, swallowing the entire Shang Dynasty's qi movement in one breath and making it private. , and will not appear at the important events of the Shang Dynasty in the so-called interception of Taoism. But what happened this time?

Was it intentional, or did the disciple named Jiang Ziya advocate it without authorization?

"Jiang Ziya? Jiang Ziya, eh? Jiang Shang!!"

Repeatedly chanting this seemingly unfamiliar and familiar name several times, Wen Zhong suddenly flashed in his mind, and the appearance of a monk with white hair and a smile, with clear and indifferent eyes instantly emerged from his memory.

Isn't this the person who explained the teaching of the famous big waste on the Kunlun Mountains? Jiang Shang, the word Ziya! Jiang Ziya!

Wen Zhong didn't know much about the teachings, but he had already heard about this famous waste. Usually, the disciples who were intercepted by the teachings were circulated as jokes. It is said that Tianzun Yuanshi, the leader of the sect, would be blind to accept a mortal with mediocre talent to the extreme as his apprentice. This is really a joke.

But he didn't want the number one trash in the world to come down the mountain, and he just got together with Chaoge's hostile side to become the prime minister caught by the military and politics!

Coincidence? Not too possible!

Jiang Ziya's cultivation base is weak, but he is not stupid. How can he not understand that his identity is extremely sensitive. Once an accident occurs, it will set off a new round of fighting, and it will be difficult to end at that time.

But it's not a coincidence, so is it really intentional? But Jiang Ziya has no such ability and confidence...

"Could it be that Chan Jiao is going to take the opportunity to intervene in the lucky land of the Shang Dynasty?"

The more I think about Wen Zhong, the more likely it is that Chan Jiao will interfere in the battle for luck. If this is the case, he can't take it lightly. At least the strength in the hand needs to continue to increase. And the development of the situation before and after needs to be reported to Zizhiya in the East China Sea as soon as possible, and it is good to ask the master.

So, feeling that the situation could not be delayed, Wen Zhong explained two sentences, then drove his own mount, the black unicorn, all the way to the east, and hurried away in the clouds and fog.

"You mean that Taishi seems to be in a hurry and hastily set up the beast and left east? Can you see clearly?"

As soon as Wen Zhong left, someone immediately reported the news to King Shou, who was frowning and reviewing government affairs in the palace. Immediately, King Shou was overjoyed, waved his hand, and the rest of the government affairs were all delegated to various departments, explaining that they should be handled at their own discretion. And he himself went to the palace of the three demons of Daji excitedly. Oh no, I went to the newly built "Zhaixing Building".

This star-picking building is a scene in the palace that has just been completed, and it is exquisitely crafted and luxurious. It was built by King Shou after he executed Queen Jiang, and it was a gift to the three demons of Daji.

When Wen Zhongban returned to the dynasty, King Shou became a conscientious workaholic who was forced to become a conscientious workaholic. Apart from being able to go back to Hutianhudi for a while at night, he didn't have much time to rest, let alone being pestered by Daji. .

Now that Wen Zhong has finally left, it seems to be a matter of urgency. King Shou is so happy, I finally seize the opportunity to let go of myself!

"Your Majesty, the treason of the three parties in Xiqi is unforgivable. I don't know when the army will be able to go to destroy it? Let these chaotic ministers and thieves live for one more day, and the ministers and concubines will have trouble sleeping and eating for one more day."

After some cloud and rain, King Shou sat contentedly in the pile of nephrite jade, eating the precious fruit that was fed to his mouth, and said with a smile: "The crusade is under the sole responsibility of Master Wen, and I don't know much about the army. When will we start? But now that Chaoge has gathered an army of 150,000 people, and Xiqi's scumbags have not been destroyed in one fell swoop?"

"That's not right, Your Majesty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Isn't Xiqi known as a crowd of one million? The state only sent 150,000 people over there. Wouldn't it be stretched?"

King Shou laughed, patted Daji's cheek, and continued to laugh: "That's Xiqi talking big, a million soldiers? Don't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue! It's not easy for the three of them to get together to have an army of 200,000. Now, it's still a million, hum!"

"Oh, by the way, Your Majesty, did your concubine tell you about my senior brother a few days ago, did you tell Taishi Wen?"

King Shou was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "I almost forgot to tell you. I have already told the Grand Master about Shen Gongbao, but the Grand Master did not reply. He just said that Shen Gongbao was not low in the teaching and wanted to change his family. It's not easy, he can't make the decision right away, he needs to ask his master to be the master. So ah, you can let Shen Gongbao feel at ease and so on. This matter can't be urgent, nor can it be forced.

Um, what, he's urging you? Hasn't he been transferred to the army to supervise the army? Where did he get the time out of the camp? Taishi's martial law is no child's play. Once caught, it would be a serious crime of beheading, so he must not mistake himself! "

Daji should be docile, and she couldn't help recalling what Shen Gongbao said to her that day...

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