Extreme Yama System

Chapter 988: real villain

Since being confused by Xue Wusuan's sudden appearance, Shen Gongbao no longer has the feeling of enjoying luxury with peace of mind. Whenever he thinks of it, his back always feels cold. He also seemed to really feel a slight but extremely sharp sense of crisis lingering around him.

I was a little nervous.

Although Shen Gongbao's cultivation base is not very strong, he is considered to be the top in this mortal world, especially when he was on Kunlun Mountain, he also deliberately studied some methods of hanging calculation. . I feel that this feeling in my heart should be a hunch after being mentioned by someone. It can't be said to be 100% accurate, but it can't be ignored.

So Shen Gongbao thought about it and decided to have some precautionary measures, and even find some shelter as soon as possible.

In Chaoge, the most powerful blessing force within Shen Gongbao's line of sight is only the force of the interception, Wen Zhong, and the tens of thousands of interceptors.

When Wen Zhongban returned to the dynasty, Shen Gongbao followed a group of ministers to greet him at the Shili Pavilion outside the city, and naturally he also witnessed the lingering demeanor of this national pillar of the Shang Dynasty. And based on his cultivation, it is impossible to see the realm of this Taishi Wen.

Thinking about how to let Taishi Wen know about him and agree to be the umbrella for the cult traitor? In the end, the idea fell on Shou Wang.

Influence King Shou through Daji, and then let King Shou open his mouth to explore Zhong's tone, and if possible, he will be greeted personally by Hou. I don't expect to have any seniority, I just hope that I can have a suitable identity as a sectarian, so that I won't be helpless when the crisis in the dark comes.

And beyond Shen Gongbao's expectations, the three demon cultivators who were rescued by him and came over to take the initiative to recognize him as "senior brothers" actually did things well. Not only did he fully agree, but he also turned his head and arranged Shen Gongbao into the army that was currently gathering around Chaoge, and he was also a dignified superintendent!

The position of the supervisor in the army is actually similar to the position of "supervision and supervision", and it is also a sword from the emperor hanging over the head of the leading general. But Shen Gongbao did not position himself in this camp.

The dignified Guozhu, the leader of the army, need the supervising army to point fingers and act as a **** sword? Of course not. Dare to chat with Taishi Wen in the camp? Courting death is not the way.

Therefore, Shen Gongbao's self-positioning is "hitman and general manager of chores". He undertakes some complicated affairs on his own, and does it quickly and effectively, in order to leave the best influence in Wen Zhong's heart. At present, the effect seems to be good, at least sometimes when I meet Wen Zhong in the camp, Wen Zhong will nod and say hello to him, that is, he is a person.

I just don't know why just early yesterday morning, Wen Zhong was in a hurry to see the animal east. What is more important than the battle at hand?

After Wen Zhong left, Shen Gongbao did not leave the camp, nor did he sneak out as King Shou thought, but used a sound transmission tool to contact the three Daji demons in the palace. Asked about the situation, and explained a few words. Then continue to organize food and grass in the camp, supervise training and so on. At this time, Shen Gongbao has begun to show his talents.

The upper court can be the prime minister, and the camp can lead the army. This is the opinion that Shen Gongbao is now in the camp and even in the courtroom by some people who are stalking horses. Although many ministers were disdainful, they had to admit that Shen Gongbao was not an ignorant Taoist.

The news from the three demons also made Shen Gongbao a little puzzled. Wen Zhongtong did not agree to accept him, a traitor of Chanjiao. Why did he mention his identity in Chanjiao? What does this mean?

However, Shen Gongbao's doubts did not last long. On the fifth day after he communicated with Daji's voice transmission, Wen Zhong returned to the camp outside Chaoge City with a black cloud and thunder. And immediately let Shen Gongbao, who was in the army inspecting the baggage preparation, go to see him immediately.

This is Wen Zhong's second official meeting with Shen Gongbao.

"Shen Gongbao has seen Taishi Wen!" Shen Gongbao signed up for the account and bowed to the end.

"Shen Gongbao, you have been working hard these days." This kind of words from Wen Zhong's mouth made Shen Gongbao especially gratified. His efforts these days were not in vain, but he didn't know what words would come next. Just let him down.

"Taishi is praised, Shen Gongbao, as a master of the state, naturally dare not be slack in serving in the army, I just hope that the important thing of the Taishi is not mistaken."

Wen Zhong was very satisfied with Shen Gongbao's modesty. With a wave of his hand, his guard brought a wooden stool and motioned Shen Gongbao to sit down.

"Shen Gongbao, why did you go down and betray in Kunlun Mountain before? What's the reason?" Wen Zhong didn't continue to chat, and asked directly.

"If you go back to Taishi, Kunlun Mountain was too mean to me Shen Gongbao before, and he never took care of me in terms of treatment or opportunities. Moreover, the main purpose of the teaching is that my nature is contrary to my nature. Betrayed."

Wen Zhong nodded. He could understand the life of a cultivator in the realm of Shen Gongbao on the Kunlun Mountains, and it is estimated that no one will take it seriously, even if he is high in seniority. And the practice also depends on the environment and the main context, that is, the way. The path of cultivation is contrary to one's own heart, and the consequences are terrifying. At light level, diligence is slow, and at worst, the mind is disordered and the mind is damaged and self-destructing the foundation of the Tao.

"So, do you want to find another way out?"

When Shen Gongbao heard this, he immediately turned over and knelt on the ground, kowtowed and said, "Shen Gongbao's heart has been intercepting the teaching for a long time, and I hope the Taishi will accept me mercifully!"

Wen Zhong smiled slightly. Tangtang Intercept would not take the initiative to ask who to accept him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He just hinted, I didn't expect Shen Gongbao to be on the road like this, so he knelt down and kowtowed without reservation. I have longed for it for a long time, otherwise where did it come from such eagerness and sincerity?

"Yes, Shen Gongbao, you once asked King Shou to talk to me. I know that you are eager to join the sect. But because you were in a very high-ranking position when you were explaining the sect, I heard Zhong did not accept you directly. , I went back to Zizhiya and presented your case to the Master, the Master misses you pitifully, promised to accept you as a disciple, and stayed in Chaoge to work hard for the luck in the teaching, I wonder if you are willing?"

Shen Gongbao was dumbfounded! He didn't expect that Wen Zhong actually stabbed his affairs directly in front of the Tongtian sect master, and what made him even more incredible was that the Tongtian sect master didn't dislike or even shy away from him, and directly received his own Under the seat!

What kind of concept is this? It means that as long as Shen Gongbao nods his head, then the master who is teaching him is the leader of Tongtian, and the brother is Wen Zhong! And immediately, he and Wen Zhong can shoulder heavy responsibilities and hold real power! How important is this? It's a world of difference from the treatment he received when he preached!

It would be a lie to say that he was not moved. Even a real villain like Shen Gongbao would be full of blood. Kneeling on the ground, Shen Gongbao said an absolutely serious and sincere sentence: "Shen Gongbao is willing! I am willing to do my best to intercept the teaching and die!"

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