Extreme Yama System

Chapter 989: Before the battle, the general fled

Shen Gongbao's encounter is a bit bizarre, but Wen Zhong, who knows it, is not surprised at all.

Before returning to Zizhiya in the East China Sea to meet Master Tongtian, in order to find out the hidden mystery about Jiang Ziya's appearance in the Xiqi Army and his great responsibility, but unexpectedly, he was directly informed of a huge undercurrent killing.

To be honest, with Wen Zhong's knowledge and temperament, he can be regarded as a hard-hearted character, but after hearing Tong Tian's own words about the twists and turns, he couldn't help but sweat on his back.

It turned out that this turbulent general trend has really fallen into a chess game of the top cultivator. I have long heard that the master warned many of his disciples, disciples and grandchildren, saying that they must not cause trouble in the past 100 years, and each of them should meditate in peace, otherwise no one will be able to save them if something goes wrong. But I don't think there are so many secrets in these words.

In a piece of paper, 60% of the list was prepared for sectarians. Moreover, because of this storm of conferring the gods, the teaching of interpretation and the teaching of people also gave birth to the coveting of the lucky land of the Shang Dynasty. And that Jiang Shang Jiang Ziya was the vanguard of the Chan School.

Don't worry it's fake. On the top, there is the Conferred God List, and on the bottom, there is a conflict of luck. Under the two hedges, Wen Zhong understands that he has reached the cusp of the storm in an instant, and a little carelessness is a doomed situation.

Tongtian's teachings were still in his ears, and Wen Zhong did not dare to forget. The situation is now delicate. And because of the sudden attack of the Confucianism and the Humanism, this pool of water has become even more difficult to see. It seems that all the joint points are converged on this civil strife war of the Shang Dynasty. He repeatedly told Wen Zhong to be careful, and to keep the foundation of the Shang Dynasty so as to defeat the filthy conspiracy of the Confucianism and the Humanism.

Tongtian is not a fool, Wen Zhong immediately responded when he asked about Jiang Ziya's arrival in Xiqi. Think about it a little bit, then play a game!

However, Shen Gongbao, the disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, actually apostate, which is unexpected. After all the calculations, it was found that Shen Gongbao was actually an important figure in the battle of conferring the gods, so the decision was made to accept him as a disciple and leave the heavy responsibility to stay in Chaoge to help Wen Zhong.

The appearance of Jiang Ziya is a signal released by the Chan Sect and the People's Sect, and it is also a signal that Shen Gongbao was received by Tongtian: Come on, since you are not willing to complete the ranking of the gods in peace, then fight, you are all on the battlefield. Once you've chosen it, it's up to you to see if you're capable enough to fight it!

At this point, Tongtian doesn't think that his Intercept Church has lost to Humanism and Interpretation. His strength is here. He must know that there are tigers in the mountains and go to the mountains. If he punches them out, Yuanshi and Taishang will vomit blood for three liters!

As for whether the Shen Gongbao was capable of helping Wen Zhong, Tongtian was not worried at all. It is absolutely impossible for a person who has been hand-picked as a key figure by numerology to have no ability.

Perhaps Shen Gongbao, who was not very talented at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, had a premonition of something, but he didn't know that the purpose of explaining the teaching was not at all compatible with that of Shen Gongbao, so there was something about apostasy. Moreover, this Yuan Shi can only suffer from this dumb loss, but he does not dare to kill Shen Gongbao at this juncture. If the number of days in the numerology is changed, it will be really bad.

Wen Zhong accepted the apprentice on behalf of Tongtian, and then passed down the code of interception, letting Shen Gongbao study it by himself, and ask him if there is anything he doesn't understand. And told Shen Gongbao that this attack on Xiqi only allowed victory, not defeat!

But Shen Gongbao had just been ordered to leave, but there was bad news on the other side.

"What? Huang Feihu, the general of Zhenguo, led his family and his followers to rebel?! Make it clear!" Wen Zhongben was studying the next strategy for Xiqi in the tent, but was disturbed by his relatives who rushed into the tent. all thoughts.

"Today, the guard of Chaoge City Gate strictly checked the entry and exit according to the order of the Grand Master, but at the dawn of the Buddha, he saw General Huang Feihu leading about 500 horses and several carriages out of the city. The exit was swept away by Huang Feihu with a halberd..."

"I'm asking you why Huang Feihu is against it! What is this nonsense doing?!"

"Hui, Hui Taishi, it is said, it is said that it was caused by King Shou."

"Speak! The old man who dares to hesitate again slaps you to death!" Wen Zhong was extremely angry. Huang Feihu is a rare general in the court songs, and many middle and high-level generals in the army have a lot of origins with him. Originally, Wenzhong planned to appoint Huang Feihu as the pioneer in this attack on Xiqi, but he never imagined that the other party would defect before the war!

He heard the follower kneeling down and continued: "According to the spies, on the second day after you went out, Empress Daji held a banquet in the main room of the ministers of the imperial court in the Zhaixinglou, and she also gave out quite a reward, in order to be able to stabilize The situation in the court also gained some fame for King Shou and herself. But at the end of the banquet, King Shou came, and, after seeing Huang Feihu's wife, moved his mind and secretly put her on the way out of the palace. Cut it off and send it to the king's bed..."

There is no need to listen to the latter words. Wen Zhong waved his screen and retreated the rest of the people in the tent, closing his eyes alone to suppress the anger in his chest. It took a long while to relax.

Wen Zhong has suppressed all the evil spirits in this Shang Dynasty for two thousand years, and he has never been so furious as he is now. In the past, who dared to ruin his plans and disrupt his deployment, whether it was a barbarian or a prince in the court, which one could escape the double whip in his hands? But now, the biggest **** is actually "Shou", the lord of the Shang Dynasty! Why not make Wen Zhong's anger hard to put out?

What kind of elm head does this have to be able to do such absurd things as humiliating the general's wife before the battle? It had long been rumored in the palace that King Shou was lecherous, but Wen Zhong didn't believe it at first, but now he was deceived by his own eyes, and this happened.

Really **** me off!

"Report! His Majesty King Shou urgently ordered that the Grand Master Chuan immediately entered the palace!" The messenger personally followed him to register again outside the account, and there was a trembling palace official standing beside him.

Wen Zhong took a deep breath, got up from the Taishi chair, and walked quickly outside the tent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Without even looking at the herald, he kicked away the kneeling attendant, Yang Said: "Immediately transmit the sound of the five generals of Lintong Pass, Tong Pass, Chuanyun Pass, Jiepai Pass, and Sishui Pass, immediately block all entrances and exits, and list Huang Feihu's family as a felon at the court. The crime is treasonous, and he will be killed immediately!

In addition, I ordered a thousand pieces of military light to follow me along the way! All matters in the camp are temporarily in charge of the supervisor Shen Gongbao! Within a hundred drums, I want to see the troops and horses ready! "

In the midst of the wind and fire, the demeanor of intercepting the army became even more evident. In just a few short drums, the central gate of the camp was already open, and a thousand soldiers of the intercepting army rushed out following Wen Zhong, who was riding in the lead, towards the west side where Huang Feihu escaped. interception.

Inside the imperial city, King Shou was relieved to learn that Wen Zhong ignored his will and went after Huang Feihu directly. He was still very worried about conflict with Wen Zhong face to face. After all, Huang Feihu's wife was occupied at this moment, and this kind of thing really didn't take into account the overall situation.

"Humph! Huang Feihu, a traitor, actually dares to rebel, and it's not a pity to die!"

"Don't be angry, Your Majesty, Master Wen personally went out, and if you want to come to Huang Feihu, you will definitely die."

"That's inevitable. But Gu is a little worried about the scolding of Gu after the Grand Master comes back."

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