Extreme Yama System

Chapter 990: incredible escape

Wen Zhong led a thousand troops to chase quickly, several times faster than Huang Feihu's family who escaped from Chaoge. Even if Huang Feihu starts early, he will definitely be caught up by Wen Zhong.

No one can escape from my Wen Zhong's hands!

Killing intent is not concealed. The anger in Wen Zhong's heart is hard to calm now, for Huang Feihu, who defected from the battle, and Tian Zishou, who is holding him back.

Unlike Wen Zhong, who was murderous, Huang Feihu, who fled on the road ahead, was not only motivated by killing, but more anxious at this time.

Defection, this was not implemented after careful planning, but a temporary act of anger. So many details are not considered how meticulous. He was even more bewildered by the lie of the Shun Jun, so that Huang Feihu did not immediately conclude that his wife was the poisonous hand of the Shun Jun, instead of being kidnapped by someone after leaving the imperial city.

First, you shouldn't hesitate for one more night, but you should defect when you get the bad news, and directly kill Chaoge, which will give you a lot of time to escape. Not to mention the bad stall that Wen Zhong returned to.

Second, they should leave openly and secretly, instead of gathering together like this now, which not only slows down the speed but also increases the target. But now it is too late to disperse, the target has been exposed, whoever is missing will be found if they are distributed.

Third, he underestimated Wen Zhong's reaction speed. I thought that Wen Zhong would need to communicate with King Shou before starting to pursue, so he would naturally be able to travel for at least half a day longer, but now it is impossible.

A hundred miles away from Chaoge is Lintong Pass, which is the last barrier to entering Chaoge. It is absolutely impossible for these more than 300 soldiers to take down Lintong Pass, which has been sealed off.

Traveling 100 miles in the morning is actually not too slow, but the consumption is huge. Not only does it use up almost half of the divine rune, but even the mana used by the drivers and knights on the foot-strength animals is also consumed. Very huge, some serious ones have already started to take out the pills to supplement.

Before and after the closure of Lintong Pass, it was impossible to enter and exit, and there was no way to sneak past it, and there were chasers from behind. This is the Jedi.

A flash of despair flashed in Huang Feihu's eyes, and then he put on his habitual perseverance and looked at the frame behind him. There are family members, old and young, and now I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape the day of birth.

"That's it." He sighed inwardly. Huang Feihu clenched the halberd in his hand, pulled the reins, sat down and turned his head towards the back of the team.

"Swap the front and rear, and follow me back to the previous col!"

There was a separate lane at the previous mountain col, Huang Feihu decided to retreat there, and then let his personal guards **** the frame away to try his luck, and he took the rest of the soldiers to stick to it, delaying time. Everyone said that the army was unparalleled in the world, and he, Huang Feihu, was going to experience it for himself this time!

Huang Feihu didn't say anything about the current situation, but everyone knew that there was no way out now.

But just when the entire team raised a decisive momentum and prepared to follow Huang Feihu desperately, a strange whirlwind suddenly rose on the ground, wrapping the entire team in an instant like the end of the day! Amidst the screams of the beasts, the field of vision was so foggy that it was impossible to see it, and the same was true of the spiritual sense, it seemed that they were all locked in the small space in the center of the whirlwind.

Did Wen Zhong kill it ahead of time?

Doubt exists in the mind. There is panic and determination. Even women and children are holding the long and short blades tightly in their hands, knowing that they have to pull their backs to die. I have to say that the Huang family's style is indeed sturdy.

Of course, there are also some loyal servants who are willing to die with the master's family by the side of this group of women and children. And the secret agent "Hui" from the Iron Guard of the Wudao Underground government also turned into a loyal servant, holding a long knife, and guarding the side of the frame with a sweaty appearance. It seems that he is a half-old child who has never been in a killing battle, and is afraid but unwilling to leave. It looks impressive.

However, no one knew that this loyal and loyal half-eldest boy was by no means as unbearable as he appeared on the outside, and he didn't even have the slightest panic.

"This should be the power of a magic weapon. It is very likely that some great magician has taken it into this magic weapon. I don't know if it is an enemy or a friend." The mind secretly said, and at the same time, he was confident that he would retreat. , The big deal is death, it is not a living person, so what are you afraid of.

The news had already been passed on to the team leader before fleeing, but until now there was only an order to "continue to lurk", and it was not clear whether or not to intervene in times of crisis. "Hui" was a little unhappy, he didn't like to be a spectator all the time.

"The time is not right! The flow of time in this magic tool is much faster than the outside!" As a dead soul, it is a dead soul living in a timeless world like the Wudao Underworld. It is extremely sensitive to changes in the flow of time. Yes, it didn't take long for "Hui" to discover the anomaly.

A magic tool that can be different from the normal time flow rate and can be loaded with creatures, this magic tool is not simple! The holder is afraid that it is definitely not an unknown character, it may be a monk-level monk in this direction.

In this case, the caster will definitely not be Wen Zhong!

And just after an unknown amount of time, the surrounding smoke and cyclone suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding scene was reappeared.

"This, this, this is the three-served road after Lintong Pass!" Huang Feihu, who led his troops out to Chaoge dozens of times, recognized at a glance where he was standing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ here in the three roads in the mountains The paths are parallel to each other, and in the middle are two streams flowing through, which is the "Three Cong Road" fifty miles before Lintong Pass!

It felt as if a few incense sticks had passed in the whirlwind, and then I looked up and I had passed Lintong Pass and arrived at Sancong Dao, leaping over? !

And only "Hui" can feel that this time should be less than 20 breaths in reality!

It took less than twenty breaths to move more than 500 people, including the carriages and horses, and directly concealed all the monks in Lintong Pass and leaped to fifty miles before the pass. This cultivation base is really scary, and this magic weapon is indeed terrifying .

"Huang Feihu, thank you Daxian for your help! I also ask Daxian to inform you of your honorable title, and I won't slack off in offering sacrifices every day in the future!" Huang Feihu knelt down on one knee and raised his voice to thank him. He also knew that if he could escape from the Jedi in front of Lintong Pass this time, there must be some great magician who secretly helped him.

But no one answered, as if he didn't want Huang Feihu to know who was helping him.

"Let's go!" After waiting for a few breaths, there was no response, and Huang Feihu flew back to his mount, and then shouted violently. A group of soldiers and family members who had suddenly sprouted hope hurriedly followed, and continued to the next pass, Tongguan... ...

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