Extreme Yama System

Chapter 991: counted

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? Entering Xiqi, you have to pass five dangerous levels. After Lintong Pass are Tong Pass, Chuanyun Pass, Jiepai Pass, and Sishui Pass. Every heroic pass is guarded by strong generals. In addition, they were all heavily guarded before the war, and there was Wen Zhong's thousand-mile sound transmission. Now it is difficult for a mouse to leap over this level. But things are always weird and weird.

Wen Zhong hurried all the way, feeling more and more puzzled. This Huang Feihu led his family, even if he had some preparations, it was impossible to do everything comprehensively. It stands to reason that with the rapid advance of the army, he should be able to catch up with them under Lintong Pass in the evening, but until he saw the majesty of Lintong Pass. , and did not find half of Huang Feihu's family generals. But the traces along the way show that Huang Feihu did not split up. Why did the traces disappear not far before Lintong Pass?

Arriving at Lintong Pass, I knocked on the door, and when I asked, the guards here didn't know anything, they never saw Huang Feihu, and they didn't delay even a moment after receiving the order to seal the pass. The merchant pawns who have to wait for customs clearance will know the truth.

"Go ask, don't let all possible information go!" Wen Zhong ordered an investigation, focusing on the stranded merchants and pawns in the customs. Since they also came from Chaoge, it is impossible not to have seen the hundreds of Huang Feihu. Brigade of people.

But Wen Zhong didn't stop at Lintong Pass, he continued to chase and kill, and asked the guard at Lintong Pass, if he found any clues, he would send him a sound transmission from thousands of miles as soon as possible.

Just when Wen Zhong led his army out of Lintong Pass and continued to go west, approaching Tong Pass, the news of Lintong Pass's investigation finally arrived.

According to the description of several pawns, they did see a brigade of about 500 people on the way here. The leader was all sergeants. It looks like Huang Feihu and his party. It's just that the weather changed abruptly behind Lintong Pass, and there was a hurricane, and the news was about a moment.

Ordinary people can't guess the hidden possibilities in these messages, but as a high-level cultivator, how could Wen Zhong not understand? Huang Feihu and other rebels must have passed Lintong Pass. It is estimated that some great mana helped and sent Huang Feihu and others who were dead at Lintong Pass.

As for who did it, Wen Zhong still doesn't know, but he has some guesses in his heart.

Lintong Pass, Tong Pass, Chuanyun Pass, Jiepai Pass, and Sishui Pass are the only road from the west to Chaoge, and it is also the fastest way. It is impossible for hundreds of people to travel on other roads, and it is rugged and time-consuming. Therefore, these five gates are actually a barrier to the Song Dynasty, and the guards of these five gates are carefully selected by Wen Zhong, just like other key fortresses, all of them are Wen Zhong's classmates, intercepting the teaching 's disciple.

Intercepting Jiao regards the Shang Dynasty as the place where his own Dao lineage absorbs Qi, and naturally it penetrates in all directions. Not only Wen Zhong alone, but throughout the Shang Dynasty, especially in the military, many generals came from the sect of Intercepting Sect, either as formal disciples or in name, or they practiced the means of Intercepting Sect.

Recently, there have also been some tentative infiltrations of interpretation and humanism, trying to grab food, but overall they are still very inconspicuous. For example, Huang Feihu, who is now being hunted down by Wen Zhong, is a Shang Dynasty tycoon who is relatively close to Chanjiao, and his son is Ziyangdong Qingxu Daodezhen, one of the famous twelve golden immortals on Chanjiao's Kunlun Mountains. Under your door.

Wen Zhong unconsciously frowned at the thought of this virtuous and moral real monarch Wen Zhong. In fact, the image of Chan Jiao in the eyes of the disciples was not very good. What was most ridiculed by the disciples was that the disciples of Chan Jiao were very shameless and liked to brag. Ordinary people are often stunned by the names of those who explain the teachings of the immortals, but those who intercept the teaching know that most of them are not worthy of the name.

Take the Twelve Golden Immortals as an example. The Golden Immortals also have strengths and weaknesses. You can get a "Twelve Golden Immortals" here. If they are really the toughest twelve among the Golden Immortals, it's fine, but the problem is , Many of these twelve golden immortals are in the back of the golden immortal monks, so the monks who know it always like to use this as a stalk to laugh at the teaching.

However, the name is not worthy of the name, but it does not include this virtuous and virtuous true monarch.

Qingxu Moral True Monarch has entered the late stage of Jinxian hundreds of years ago, and has rich experience in actual combat. He is also very good at refining and alchemy. Wen Zhong, who was killing, didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Could it be that the True Monarch of Qingxu Morality came down to take action in person? It is rumored that he has a Hunyuan Banner, which is made from the yang energy of the world. It can transform the yang energy into a yellow turban warrior, and it forms a space of its own, which can be installed Jiang He can also take over the universe. It is a trivial matter to help Huang Feihu and other 500 people escape. If this is really the case for Jin Xian, I am afraid it will end badly this time!"

Guessing is guessing, but according to the clues, it is very likely that this Huang Feihu group of rebels escaped like this.

The anger in Wen Zhong's chest became stronger and stronger. The male and female Jiaolong double whips are also buzzing. He wasn't afraid of the twelve golden immortals, but he was annoyed that this teaching was so shameless, but he secretly used a sinister trick.

Continuing to chase, the spy in front soon came to the news that new horseshoe prints and wheel prints were found twenty miles ahead.

Then what else to say, continue to pursue. But soon the change came.

"Report! The Tongguan garrison sent an urgent voice transmission, saying that their waiters found Huang Feihu's group of soldiers in the south, got on the fork, and flew all the way to the south, as if they were going to cross the Sanhuan Mountain! I asked if they needed to cooperate to surround Huang Feihu. A crowd of rebels?"

"Did you find that the frame was accompanying?" Wen Zhong frowned and asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, the spiritual sense was sacrificed, and he really found a lot of mana fluctuations in the south, and he was moving rapidly.

"The frame was not found accompanying."

Wen Zhong closed his eyes and pondered. There is a small road to the south, and after the Three Rings Mountain is Yima Pingchuan. Further south is the waterway. Could it be that Huang Feihu parted ways with his family when he knew that he could not pass the five passes, and switched to the waterway to help his family members attract the pursuers, so that the family members could sneak across the various hill roads of the five passes?

"Humph! Tell Tongguan guard Chen Tong, and let him lead two thousand troops to capture Huang Feihu's family who may turn to the path. Don't miss a single one! You will follow me to the south, and vow to get Huang Feihu's head!" Wen Wen Zhong Fei quickly gave the order, and then led the army to turn south.

Because in Wen Zhong's view, keeping a close eye on Huang Feihu is the most important thing, and it can finally prove with facts whether there is a pure and moral real monarch who is helping Huang Feihu. As for Huang Feihu's family members, Chen Tong, the guardian of Tongguan, was intercepted by Huo Xiu, with a high level of cultivation and strong strength. Others may not know it, but he Wen Zhong knew that when he met Chen Tong, Huang Feihu's family members would never be able to escape.

He was chasing non-stop all the way again, and when Wen Zhong chased to the side of the waterway, he was furious and found that he had actually fallen for the trick!

"True Monarch Qingxu Morality! How dare you deceive me like this, Wen Zhong will definitely not give up with you!"

Why is Huang Feihu heading south, the mana fluctuations in the mind are all fake, and they are a pile of golden sand. After figuring out all this, Wen Zhong was sure that the one who secretly shot must be the True Monarch Qingxu Morality. Only this Jin Xian, who explained the teachings, had that magical instrument called the Seven Treasure Gourd, and could use its power to hide Wen Zhong for so long.

But at this time, the best time to chase and kill has been missed. Can he still stop Huang Feihu when he turns his head back?

ps: Long time no nonsense here, bubbling.

(End of this chapter)

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