There are several chefs in the small canteen.

The person on duty today is an old acquaintance of Li Xianke.

When seeing Li Xianke, the glutton, come in, a chef immediately stepped forward and asked:

"Dean Li, what do you want to eat today?"

There are few people in the small canteen, so there are no waiters arranged, so it is so extravagant.

It is just a place for people with appetites to consume.

These chefs, who could not be hired before the end of the world, now have to do odd jobs such as wiping tables and serving tea and water.

But they are already very satisfied, because if they don't have this job, they are ordinary people in the base, and they can't eat too much every day.

"Today I want to eat oil-splashed noodles. Ask these people what they want to eat. It's all mine."

"Okay! What do you want to eat?"

The chef dared not neglect those who were brought into the small canteen by Li Xianke.

Except for Lin Shi, the four people were a little restrained.

They all knew that eating here was expensive, so they didn't dare to offend Li Xianke and order randomly.

Xu Feifei said cautiously:

"Can I have a bowl of curry chicken rice?"

"No problem. What about you, three beauties?"

"I'll just have a bowl of noodles." Qin Yueyue glanced at Lin Shi and whispered.

Huang Miao: "I want a bowl of curry chicken rice, too."

Xu Qin: "I'll have a bowl of oil-splashed noodles, just like Dean Li."

Finally it was Lin Shi's turn. Lin Shi blinked and said:

"You have everything?"

"Yes, the ingredients here were shipped here before the end of the world and stored at low temperatures. They contain all the ingredients you can think of in the world."

The chef said confidently.

Lin Shi nodded.

"Okay, three king crabs weighing more than ten kilograms, ten servings of bluefin tuna sashimi, can you make Kyoto roast duck? Three, and braised shark's fin, clear soup bird's nest, Buddha jumps over the wall..."

Lin Shi ordered more than a dozen dishes in one breath.

Each dish had to be in large portions.

"That's all for now. I'll order more if it's not enough." Lin Shi said. This ordering method shocked the chef.

Such a luxurious ordering method, even if placed in a high-end restaurant before the end of the world, would be enough to make ordinary people go bankrupt.

What's more, after the end of the world, the value of food ingredients has increased hundreds of times.

Not only the chef, but everyone in the small cafeteria, including Li Xianke, was shocked by Lin Shi's ordering method.

The chef wrote down Lin Shi's menu with trembling hands, glanced at Li Xianke, and asked Li Xianke with his eyes,

"These dishes, I roughly estimated that it would cost more than 3 million contribution points..."

Then he looked at Lin Shi again, secretly thinking in his heart whether this guy was looking for trouble with Li Xianke.

"More than 3 million!"

Xu Qin, Xu Feifei and others widened their eyes.

If more than 3 million were exchanged for gene pills, there would be more than 100 pills.

Since the improvement of gene pills, now 30,000 contribution points are required to exchange for one gene pill.

Each pill can increase 6 units of source power.

If this is replaced with a gene pill for any of them, they can open the second-level gene lock in the shortest time!

Even if the mental strength is sufficient, they can directly reach the third level!

This is just a meal!

Qin Yueyue almost exclaimed.

Afraid that Li Xianke would blame Lin Shi for ordering too much, she hurriedly said:

"I suddenly feel not hungry today, I don't want my share."

Lin Shi looked at her unexpectedly.

"Since you are here, don't be polite."

Li Xianke called out in his heart.

"You are really rude!"

Although it hurts, Li Xianke is willing to do it. He waved his hand to the chef and said:

"Go and make it. Make more, I'm afraid he won't have enough to eat."


This meal made everyone say that it was a feast for the eyes.

For a lunch, basically everyone watched Lin Shi eat.

A bowl of ordinary noodles can make the chef here taste like Michelin three stars.

However, the food in front of them was a delicacy that they had not tasted for a long time, but when they saw what was in front of Lin Shi, it was no match for what was in front of them.

Everyone immediately felt that the lunch in front of them was not delicious.

Even before the end of the world, they would hardly see people who ordered so much in reality.

Expensive is one reason, and another reason is that ordinary people can't eat so much.

But Lin Shi will not be unable to eat.

The body of an eighth-level evolver needs to consume a lot of energy, so Lin Shi's appetite is very large.

When Lin Shi finished eating, Li Xianke couldn't help shaking his eyelids when he took the long bill handed over by the chef, and he felt very painful.

Lin Shi took the hot wet wipes and wiped his hands and mouth. Seeing Li Xianke's painful look, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"How can I let an old man like you spend money? This meal, I'll treat you."

Li Xianke felt painful, but he was very persistent in treating guests.

Lin Shi couldn't resist, so he could only let Li Xianke brush the contribution points.

Seeing that Li Xianke's remaining balance was less than 10 million, Lin Shi suddenly wanted to know how much contribution points he had.

So he walked to the machine and scanned his face.

Everyone didn't take it seriously at first.

Until they saw that the remaining balance of Lin Shi displayed on the instrument was a string of zeros that made them dizzy.

"Fuck?! Duo Shao?!" Huang Miao rubbed his eyes.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, hundreds of millions..."

"One billion!!"

Except for Li Shenko and Lin Shi himself, everyone present had their eyes widened.

Including the chef who felt a little sorry for Li Shenko.

Xu Feifei felt that she had counted wrongly, so she counted again on the instrument.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million, one billion...really one billion!!"

Only Li Xianke looked at these numbers and still secretly criticized the base for being stingy.

Lin Shi's contribution points included both the contribution points estimated from the things Lin Shi turned in, and the contribution points from Lin Shi's advance notification of the official news of the coming apocalypse.

It allows so many compatriots of the Xia Kingdom to survive and makes the Xia Kingdom fully prepared to preserve so many things.

Lin Shi's contribution to the Xia Kingdom cannot be measured by just one billion contribution points.

It can be said that Lin Shi was the benefactor of the entire Xia Kingdom.

If Lin Shi hadn't made it public, Lin Shi would have become the savior in the hearts of the entire Xia people.

Of course it could be more trouble.

In short, in Li Xianke's view, just one billion contribution points is nothing.

However, Li Xianke knew the real situation, but others did not.

Xu Qin covered her mouth and looked at the instrument in disbelief, then looked at Lin Shi and made a reasonable guess:

"Is this instrument broken?"

Hearing Xu Qin say that the instrument was broken, the others immediately looked surprised.

Then they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The chef wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead and seriously affirmed:

"The instrument is probably broken. I'll ask the technical department to come over and fix it."

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