Everyone felt that it was only reasonable that the instrument was broken.

After all, who can have one billion contribution points?

The base evolvers usually form groups to go out to hunt the source beasts, and if they are divided equally, no one can get more than a few thousand or even tens of thousands of contribution points.

Only Li Xianke knew that the machine was not broken.

Li Xianke said:

"Okay, the machine is not broken."

He reached out and patted Lin Shi's shoulder and said:

"Let's go. Come and sit at my place?"

"No, next time, I have something else to do."

After lunch, it's time to get down to business.

Li Xianke glanced at Qin Yueyue, Xu Qin, Xu Feifei and others who were following Lin Shi.

"Well, come and sit at my place when you have time. I have a lot of good things in my place now. It's different from the past."


Lin Shi had reminded him of this end of the world, and many people in the base had saved some private food for themselves in advance.

Of course Li Xianke also has it.

After Li Xianke left, Lin Shi and several others also walked out of the canteen.

Lin Shi pointed at Xu Qin and said:

"Xu Qin, there is something. I need you to do me a favor. I will pay you, are you willing?"

After thinking and observing, Lin Shi finally chose to use Xu Qin to test the earring.

As for Qin Yueyue, she is Qin Shuang's cousin after all, and she once wanted to save Qin Shuang.

Lin Shi was not lacking enough people to treat Qin Yueyue as a tool.

There are plenty of ready-made tools.

As for Qin Yueyue's current living situation, Lin Shi would ask Lin Tianrui or Wang Chao to say hello to make Qin Yueyue's life better, at least not to let others have any ideas about her.

When Xu Qin heard her name being called, she came to her senses and said in surprise:

"Me? Okay!"

Then follow Lin Shi closely.

Others were either unwilling or regretful, but they could only watch Lin Shi and Xu Qin leave.

Qin Yueyue looked at Lin Shi's leaving figure and didn't come back to her senses for a long time.


Lin Shi took Xu Qin directly out of the base and came to an abandoned residential building with no trace of people and not yet completely buried.

Xu Qin lowered her head and kept arranging her clothes and combing her hair with her hands.

After knowing that Lin Shi had used his mental power to make sure that there would be no disturbance around him, he turned around and said to Xu Qin:

"That's it."

Xu Qin nodded expectantly and nervously.

With a shy look on his face, he took the initiative to raise his face and look at Lin Shi.

Until Lin Shi solemnly took out an earring from his pocket.

Xu Qincai was a little surprised and said:

"What's this?"

"I want you to wear this earring. After wearing this earring, no matter what you see or feel, tell me everything.

If you can do it, I can allocate one million contribution points to you. "

"one million?!"

Xu Qin's eyes widened.

Greed flashed quickly in his eyes.

She knew that Lin Shi had one billion contribution points.

Even the dean of the Research Institute said before that the instrument is not broken, which means that the instrument's display of Lin Shi's remaining one billion contribution points is true!

One million contribution points was enough for Xu Qin to unlock the second-level gene lock.

Become a presence that those first-order evolvers and civilians in the base don't dare to mess with, and at the same time make the guards in the base awe.

"Yes, as long as you agree and fulfill my request, I will give you one million."

Lin Shi still held the earring in his hand.

Quietly waiting for Xu Qin's answer.

Xu Qin was not stupid. She knew that if she only wore ordinary earrings, Lin Shi would not be generous enough to give her one million contribution points.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Qin finally made up his mind.

"Okay, I promise you."

Wealth can be found in danger, just an earring. Even if it is an earring full of nuclear radiation, with the physique of an evolved person and the accelerated healing ability of gene pills, it shouldn't cause death if you wear it, right?

Besides, Lin Shi had never shown any malice from the moment he appeared until now. Maybe he just wanted to give her earrings for a lame reason?

Xu Qin secretly PUAs herself.

Lin Shi knew that Xu Qin would agree.

Xu Qin was originally a person who was somewhat greedy for money and good at weighing things up.

That's why he chose Xu Qin.

For Xu Feifei, if one million contribution points would be life-threatening, she might not necessarily agree.

Because Xu Feifei does have the ability to slowly achieve her goal of one million through time.

The reason why Lin Shi did not consider Huang Miao was because he had considered it. Since this earring was used by Xue Yue before, perhaps it must be used by women.

That's why I chose Xu Qin, who was the easiest to agree to and the one who met the conditions the most.

Xu Qin took the earrings from Lin Shi's hand.

After finding that nothing unusual was felt in his hand, he felt slightly relieved and put the earring on his right ear.

In an instant, as if struck by lightning, Xu Qin's expression suddenly changed!

Lin Shi watched Xu Qin's changes carefully.

After seeing that Xu Qin's eyes didn't become strange, I knew that I was partly right.

After killing Xue Yue, the people in Sanlian Continent did not transmit other consciousnesses to replace the owner of the earrings for a short period of time, perhaps because of fear or for other reasons.

So has this container now become a container that only has basic functions and does not have the function of usurping consciousness?

After waiting for a while, Lin Shi asked:

"How's it going? What did you see? Can you tell me?"

The moment Xu Qin put on the earrings, what she saw made her heart feel like a tornado was rolling through the sea level, setting off huge waves!

She never expected that an earring would subvert her previous understanding of science!

Xu Qin composed herself, tried to calm her tone, looked at Lin Shi carefully and said:

"I saw a line of text suddenly appear in front of me, asking me if I want to bind 'symbiosis' and become a host?"


"I just thought I was hallucinating, so I accidentally chose..."

Xu Qin said.

Xu Qin thought that he was very hidden when he used his mind to view the "Symbiosis" interface.

But how could the change in her eyes escape Lin Shi, who had superior perception ability.

Not to mention that Lin Shi also had a cornucopia.

Lin Shi did not expose Xu Qin's little thoughts. If Xu Qin had just asked him whether to bind, he would have asked Xu Qin to choose yes.

"Then what? What else did you see?"

“I saw the instruction manual for this thing.

The text above shows that this is an auxiliary device that can absorb source power and can also be connected to the master brain of another world. "

Xu Qin slowly told Lin Shi what she saw.

These things were very different from what Lin Shi already knew.

What Lin Shi wanted to know was information about Sanlian Continent.

Xu Qin didn't mention a word of that information.

Lin Shi could tell at a glance what Xu Qin was hiding, and his eyes immediately turned cold.

"You don't think that if I let you wear this thing, it will be yours, right?"

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