Xu Qin felt a biting chill rising from her spine, and she looked at Lin Shi in front of her in horror.

Xu Qin never thought that Lin Shi, who was harmless to humans and animals when he was a student, would change his temperament so much.

Just now, she seemed to see a murderous demon looking at her with scarlet eyes, as if he could tear her into pieces at any time.

"I...I really didn't lie to you!"

Xu Qin stammered, while involuntarily stepping back.

He seemed to want to stay away from this terrible man.

However, when she noticed Lin Shi's eyes full of murderous intent, she suddenly became extremely panicked.

Not only did his face become as pale as paper, but his lips also began to tremble slightly.

She took a deep breath, tried to calm herself down, and mustered up the courage to face Lin Shi, but her voice still had a hint of fear:

"I've told you everything I saw! Really!"

She wanted to try and see if she could hide it from Lin Shi.

As the saying goes, wealth is found in danger.

If she can get this thing, she won't have to worry about it for the rest of her life, and she won't need to look at anyone's face or depend on anyone.

Lin Shi understood Xu Qin's thoughts too well.

He knew it wouldn't go so well.

Containers are enough to arouse anyone's greed.

Anyway, there is no shortage of people. If this person is not cooperative, then he will just replace him with someone else.

Looking at Lin Shi's eyes that suddenly became extremely cold, some terrifying memory seemed to flash through Xu Qin's mind.

Too fast for her to catch.

Lin Shi looked at Xu Qin as if he were looking at a dead person:

"Let me say it one last time, tell me all the information you saw, in detail.

Why do you think I am so relieved to hand over such an important thing to you? Do you think I don’t know the role of containers? "

Lin Shi's eyes were like two sharp swords, piercing into the depths of Xu Qin's soul.

At this moment, the image of a sharp dagger thrust into his heart seemed to flash through Xu Qin's mind.

And the person holding the dagger was Lin Shi in front of him!

"You, you know everything?!"

Xu Qin no longer dared to hide it. She discovered that if she continued to take chances, Lin Shi would really kill her!

"Okay, I admit...I did see something."

"This, um, container, apart from what I just told you, there are two pieces of information I didn't tell you."

"One is that this container called 'Symbiosis' can absorb or feed back the source power of humans when establishing close contact with them."

"There is also a red subtitle prompt, which means that after activating a special option, this container can take me back to Sanlian Continent..."

Xu Qin was really afraid that Lin Shi would kill her, and then she wouldn't even get one million contribution points, so she could only tell everything she knew.

She thought she could use the second red reminder to leave this place and go to a place where Lin Shi could not find it.

But after thinking about it, she realized that this thing was given to her by Lin Shi, so Xu Qin didn't dare to bet.

"Is there any other information? You should know that if you hide something, I can find other people to get the information, and not only will you not get any contribution points, I will not let you live."

"I don't have it, I don't have it. I've said everything I know! Really, this time it's more real than real gold!!"

Xu Qin's expression was sincere this time, for fear of causing Lin Shi's misunderstanding.

Seeing Lin Shi deep in thought, Xu Qin couldn't help but ask:

"Where is Sanlian Continent?"

Lin Shi glanced at her and said:

"A place where no living person can go."

Xu Qin thought Lin Shi was warning her not to ask questions she shouldn't ask.

He immediately lowered his head and stopped talking.

Lin Shi said: "Try now to see if you can unbind it."

Xu Qin gritted his teeth, finally suppressed the greed in his heart, and tried to unbind.

To Lin Shi's surprise, Xu Qin took off the earrings in just a moment and handed them to Lin Shi.

Lin Shi took back the earrings and looked at them carefully.

It's not much different from what he gave to Xu Qin before.

"How did you unbind it?"

"I wanted to unbind, so I saw a subtitle asking whether to unbind, and I chose yes..."

Xu Qin looked at Lin Shi nervously and said:

"Is this okay?"

Lin Shi put the earrings back into his pocket.

"That's it."

Xu Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she looked at Lin Shi expectantly, expecting Lin Shi to give her one million contribution points.

But Lin Shi said:

"Your mission has been completed. It's just a matter of three things. If there is another life, I promise not to kill you."

After saying that, a sharp breath shot into Xu Qin's head.

Xu Qin didn't say a word, and her body went limp.

Before his death, he still had a stunned expression on his face.

Lin Shi put Xu Qin's body into the space with a thought.

From the beginning, he had no intention of letting the person who tested the earrings live. Although he had killed Xu Qin once in his previous life, Lin Shi still showed no mercy this time.

Lin Shi returned directly to the Lin family base.

Everyone in the Lin family was very happy that Lin Shi, the backbone of the family, was back.

Knowing that there was no danger in using the earrings now, Lin Shi came back and asked Lao Hei to try the earrings again.

The result was just as Lin Shi thought, men could not use this container.

After Lao Hei had his ears pierced, nothing happened when he put on earrings.

So Lin Shi found Qin Shuang.

Lin Shi first told Qin Shuang about meeting Qin Yueyue in the base.

"If you want to take your cousin to the Lin family, that's fine. You can make your own decision on this matter. Don't ask me. I have another thing to ask you."

Qin Shuang was not surprised at all when he heard that Qin Yueyue was at the base.

"What's the matter? Let's settle the business first. I will take care of my cousin's matter."

Lin Shi took out the "Symbiosis" earrings.

Qin Shuang already knew about the existence of Sanlian Continent and the existence of the cornucopia.

Lin Shi told the story of his suspicion that people from other Three Continents had taken over the bodies of Blue Star humans through containers.

And explained the situation of Xue Yue and the container to Qin Shuang.

"This is a container. In essence, it and my cornucopia should be of the same origin. This thing is of no use to me for the time being. I want to ask you if you are willing to use it."

In fact, the ability to "symbiosis" is very useless.

It can only absorb the source power from humans or feed it back to humans, and it also requires close contact.

There are no other additional features.

It's just a prop to assist in absorbing source power, and you have to bear risks when using it.

It's something that does more harm than good.

But it also serves another purpose.

It means that people's consciousness can be transmitted back to the Sanlian Continent.

Lin Shi actually had an idea in his heart. What would happen if he found a trustworthy person and let that person's consciousness return to Sanlian Continent?

Will he occupy the body that originally belonged to Xue Yue and live in Sanlian Continent?

I have to say that the risk of this matter is too great.

Xueyue is dead.

The other side might have discovered it.

So Lin Shi didn't tell Qin Shuang about this.

Qin Shuang looked at the earrings, hesitated for a moment, and then said:

"I'd love to use it."

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