But does he talk too much?

That's not right, magic is the power of the heart. Saying a few more words to strengthen one's heart and weaken the enemy's fighting spirit may also be part of the battle.

No, if you think about it dialectically, fighting may also be a process of strengthening your heart.

While Rhodes was thinking wildly, Gray was already dressed.

He looked at the miserable Carter on the other side: "You are really strong, why are you so cautious when you have such strength?"

"Strength and caution don't conflict," Rhodes said. "And I don't think he is strong when he takes down a guy who doesn't have much brains, is hot-blooded, and only knows how to hit hard."

It seemed right. Gray nodded, but felt something was wrong: "Are you hinting at something?!"

"No, literally." Rhodes asked He Crab to be on guard around him and said, "Go and see the wounded."

The two of them went to check on the situation of the detainees. Those with minor injuries were left alone, while those with more serious injuries were given emergency bandages.

After a while, Captin dragged his injured body and arrived with several subordinates. Some people were also sent to the other spell location for reinforcements.

Everyone looked at the devastated forest, with feathers, ice shards, gravel, and broken trees all over the ground, and the miserable state of the Zate brothers and their men...

"What kind of battle is going on here?"

Rhodes shouted quickly: "Hurry, hurry, are there any professional medical soldiers? There are a few seriously injured people here!"

"We brought a first aid kit!"

"Save people quickly!" Captin ordered, "Others arrest the prisoner!"

Everyone took action, Rhodes and Gray gave up their positions and began to rest.

Keptin watched the team members handcuff the members of the Naked Bandage Man one by one. The more he watched, the more he felt something was wrong——

In terms of injuries, the difference between the injuries caused by Rhodes and Gray and the injuries caused by their teams is obvious.

Kaptin said in shock: "Could it be that the two of you killed the entire Dark Guild?"

"We didn't kill so many people, thanks to the heroic fighting of your men." Rhodes didn't want to take credit, and the forced detention of the troops also played a big role.

"...Thank you for your hard work, both of you." Captin wanted to say that no matter how bravely my men fought, they couldn't shoot people into targets with feathers or freeze them with ice.

Just looking at the injuries of these guys, at least half of them were knocked down by these two people, right?

Two people killed most of the dark guild, one of them didn't have dirty clothes, the other just had dirty clothes...

How strong are the wizards in Fairy Tail?

Oh, there seems to be a rumor a while ago that the Fairy Queen couldn't wait for the Council's team, so in order to avoid missing the opportunity, she challenged the entire Dark Guild alone.

Are all this guild full of monsters?

"Captain Captin! Deputy Captain Depudi..."

"How is he!"

"Vice Captain, he's too seriously injured and won't be able to hold on anymore!"

"Quick, think of a way!"

"We can only do emergency treatment. If we want to rescue him, we must at least have professional operating rooms and surgeons!"

"Operating room..." Kaptin's face turned pale. The people accompanying the team were basically magicians who could fight.

My companions who are part-time medical soldiers have only learned some simple battlefield first aid, and there is really no way to deal with injuries that are too complicated.

But in this deep mountain, where can we find an operating room and professional doctors? Can Depudi survive until then?

Gray asked: "Rhode?"

Rhodes nodded: "Let's take a gamble, we can't watch him die here."

He waved his hand to summon the canyon swift crab: "I can send him to the Cat's Nest as quickly as possible. Whether he can hold on is up to him."

"Yes, the Cat's Place is nearby! They might..."

"But captain, if the road is bumpy, the deputy captain's wound will burst open. If there is too much blood loss..."

"What a shame." Gray stepped forward and pressed with his palms, and the many wounds on Depudi's body were frozen. "Do you have any better ideas?"

"Let's do it!" Captin made a decision and helped Gray lift Depudi onto the back of the river crab. "Depudi, you must hold on!"

Rhodes and Gray got on the river crab, holding Depudi on the left and right, and the river crab ran wildly.

It was a bit crowded with three people, but I couldn't care less at this time.

The river crab was moving quickly through the mountains and forests, and Depudi's breathing had begun to be disordered. Sometimes it was short and sometimes it was laborious to take deep breaths.

"Rhode, he can't hold it anymore."

"I know, please support him and let me brew for a while."


Rhodes sat upright and concentrated into a state similar to meditation, in order to speed up the recovery of magic power.

"Answer the call, Crimson Mark Tree Monster!"

The huge tree monster grew rapidly from the ground like a tree, and Rhodes' body fell backwards, almost falling off the river crab.

"Crown of Embers." He weakly ordered the tree monster.

Three red light patterns swam around Depudi's body, sometimes burrowing into the wounds, and then turning into light spots and exuding from the body, returning to their original state.

The crimson mark tree monster disappeared quickly, and Depudi's breathing improved slightly, but now it was Rhodes who felt uncomfortable: "Tired... I'm exhausted."

"You've hidden such a trick!"

"What are you hiding? Look at my virtue. Does it seem like something that can be used in actual combat?"

"Why not?" Gray thought that if he hadn't consumed so much magic power earlier, Rhodes should be able to maintain a battle.

Oh, with his personality, this is not really suitable for actual combat.

"Don't talk nonsense, just look at me. If the crab disappears, remember to catch me."

Rod thought about it and changed his words, "Forget it, let's catch him first."

Rod doesn't like to meddle in such trivial matters, but it's really uncomfortable to watch life slip away in front of his eyes.

He had to do his best.

It was dark when they arrived at the Cat Inn after rushing.

Rod ran out of power once on the way, and Gray built an ice cart to pull the two of them.

The ice cart was very cold, and in order to prevent the wounded from freezing to death, Gray also cut a bunch of branches to lay on it.

There was nothing wrong with it except that it was a little uncomfortable.

When Rod recovered some magic power, he summoned the river crab again and carried them forward.

At this time, Wendy and Xia Lulu had changed into cute pajamas and went to bed.

"Why at this time..." Xia Lulu wanted to complain, but when she saw Dai Pudi clearly in the light, "Is this someone from the Council?"

Gray said hurriedly: "He was seriously injured and finally managed to get here. Is there any way?"

Xia Lulu hesitated and said: "Wendy?"

Wendy said firmly: "I'm fine!"

In the guest room, Dai Pudi was carried to the bed where Rod had slept before. Wendy sat beside the bed, her hands flashing green magic light.

Rod and Gray leaned against the corner and slumped on the ground. Both of them were very tired.

Wendy's forehead was covered with fine sweat: "It's okay, I will heal him."

Xia Lulu said: "Don't force yourself."

Although it was useless to say it.

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