There was one more person sitting slumped in the corner.

Wendy was still young and lacked magic power. She would collapse after using the healing magic once, and then retreated to the corner in a daze.

Gray, Rhodes, and Wendy, the three of them sitting side by side looked quite harmonious.

Rhode pointed to the other side of Wendy and asked Xia Lulu, "Would you like to sit here too?"

Xia Lulu looked at him as if she were looking at an idiot: "Who wants to do that kind of thing? And Wendy also said not to force it."

Wendy smiled happily. For her, it was very happy to be able to use her magic to help others.

Depudi's condition has stabilized, his breathing is even, and there is blood on his face.

Of course, those obvious injuries still need to be bandaged and allowed to recover naturally for a while.

If he shamelessly seeks treatment from Wendy in the next few days, he can recover to the point where he won't even have a scar.

But Xia Lulu will definitely be driven out with a broom.

At this stage, Sky Magic still places too great a burden on Wendy.

"How effective is sky magic?" Rhodes thought about the Crown of Embers, and estimated that it would take a long time to achieve the effect that Wendy had in a short time.

The side effects are indeed incomparable to professional healing magic.

Wendy said in shame: "My magic power is too weak and I cannot be as strong as Grandigne."

Rhodes looked sad: "I am very sympathetic to the fact that the magic power is not enough!"

Gray: "Haha."

If Rhodes summoned, forced the door to close, and summoned again as recklessly as he did today, and even used to receive magic...

A normal summoning magician would probably have been lying down long ago.

Oh, he was not much better than lying down now, but Gray felt that if there was danger now, this guy might be able to summon the river crab again to take him away.

Not enough magic power? Pooh!

They rested for a while, and Xia Lulu, the only one with normal mobility, helped Depudi clean the wound again, apply medicine and bandage it.

I also got him some extra frostbite medicine.

Gray was actually slightly injured when he received Zate's impact, but because he used his magic power to defend himself in time, he just needed a little rest.

Xia Lulu went to get some simple food, specially cooked some porridge for Dai Pudi, and then took Wendy to rest.

Rhodes and Gray ate something and were about to wash themselves briefly when they heard Depudi coughing.

" this here?"

"This is the home of the regular Mage Guild's transformed cat." Rhodes rarely used the full name to refer to a guild. He felt that it would be easier to reassure people.

As a person with extensive experience in coma, he immediately said what the other party might want to know:

"The Naked Bandage Man has been dealt with. Many people in your team were injured, but you were the only one who almost died.

Captain Captin is fine. He should still be detaining prisoners in the mountains. I don’t know when he will return, and we shouldn’t be involved.

You were unconscious for about 7 or 8 hours. The magician here saved you. She is very tired and resting now. You can see her tomorrow.

It is estimated that your people will be able to come to pick you up tomorrow. Okay, if there's no problem, let's have a bowl of porridge. "

Gray helped Depudi up and stuffed pillows behind him, then brought the porridge in and stuffed it into his hands. .

"Huh? Ah." Dai Pudi was holding the still warm bowl, his mind a little confused.

I opened my mouth to ask how my companions were doing, but I just said that I wanted to ask how long I had been unconscious. Hey, I also said that I wanted to ask how Captain Captin was doing...

After waiting for more than ten seconds, he seemed to have barely digested the information that Rhodes said in one breath - ah, everyone is fine, the task is completed, great.

After two mouthfuls of delicious porridge, Dai Pudi suddenly reacted: "Thank you."

Rhodes waved his hand: "You're welcome. Eat well and rest well. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

At night, Rhodes could only lay on the floor with Gray.

To be honest, sleeping so close to a naked man was very stressful. It was like this before when I lived in a tent. He wouldn't even take off his clothes at night.

Early the next morning, Rod woke Gray up and told him to put on clothes to avoid embarrassment when Dr. Wendy came to check the ward later.

Not only was this person not wearing clothes, but he was also not properly covered with quilts. It was really eye-catching in the morning.

Depudi didn't know whether he was still awake or pretending to be asleep out of embarrassment. Rhodes did not disturb him and just packed up his bed and went out to wash up.

"This child cured me? But she...she is still so young..." Dai Pudi was shocked. She is proficient in medical skills at such a young age?

Wendy couldn't let go when talking to the serious-faced big brother: "Because I can use sky magic."

Depudi was even more surprised: "Sky magic, isn't that lost magic? This child can actually use sky magic?"

Wendy lowered her head slightly and forced a smile: "It's really hard to believe..."

Xia Lulu said angrily: "I'm telling you, do we have any reason to lie to you? Don't look down on Wendy just because she is young."

"I'm sorry, it's just because it's so amazing." Depudi said, "Thank you for taking care of me. I will try my best to repay you."

Xia Lulu felt that this person was very troublesome and was not as easy to get along with as the people from Fairy Tail.

No, this person just had a normal reaction. It's not right for Fairy Tail people to believe in Wendy so easily.

That's not right, Wendy is a child worthy of trust.

Xia Lulu's expression was tangled, and she couldn't figure out who was wrong for a while. In short, she felt more comfortable getting along with people from Fairy Tail.

She looked at the two guys outside who had returned from morning exercise. Maybe they were idiots who were easier to get along with.

Xia Lulu looked at Gray: "Why did you go out for a run and come back missing one piece of clothing?"

Rhodes' face was full of shame: "Sorry, I only found one pair of pants for him. I really didn't notice when the top was gone."

Luo, who had eyes and ears in all directions, failed in front of Gray.

"..." Xia Lulu looked at him in disbelief. So besides his shirt, this guy also lost his pants while running?

Gray turned his face and said harshly: "It's just a matter of losing something. Is it normal?"

Wendy covered her face, Mr. Gray is a good man, but his habits are too, too...

Rhodes looked at Depudi who had a bandage on his head: "Are you able to get off the ground?"

"Yes, I can barely take a walk." Depudi said gratefully.

"Thanks to Miss Wendy's treatment, and thanks to the help of the two of you yesterday, all kinds of help."

"Speaking of which, you are from the Council, why are you here?" Xia Lulu wanted to ask this question yesterday, "And you were brought here seriously injured."

"This... was caused by fighting the magicians of the Dark Guild. But I'm sorry, because of the regulations of the Council, I can't reveal more details."

"Please don't ask Mr. Lord and Mr. Gray either," Depudi said.

I see you guys are complaining about the name of the supporting actor:

Captain, Captin, Captain (captain)

Vice-captain, Depudi, Deputy (deputy)

The author is tired of naming names o(╥﹏╥)o. I couldn’t think of the main character’s name for several days until he came up with Rhodes. What do you expect me to do?

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