At this moment, a boy with cherry-colored short hair and a white scarf around his neck appeared in the screen.

It was Natsu from Fairy Tail.

However, the next second, many enemies suddenly appeared in front of Natsu, and one of them raised his hand and released a fire attack, rushing towards Natsu.

Natsu was not in a hurry, and then he opened his mouth and swallowed all the fire into his stomach.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the enemy, he took a deep breath, and then put his hands close to his mouth.

""The roar of the fire dragon!!"

With a shout, a blazing flame shot out from Natsu's mouth, instantly covering the enemy in front of him.

But that was not the end. The flame swept the entire town with the power of destroying the world.

In just a moment, the houses turned into ashes and the entire street turned into scorched earth. Seeing this, Natsu smiled and scratched his head.

"It seems like I have gone too far again! I will be scolded by the old man again when I go back!"

The scene ended here, and the barrage was completely crazy.

[What the hell did I see! He actually swallowed the fire into his stomach?]

[Destroying half a town with one move, I think this power is too outrageous!]

[Forgive me for speaking a little loudly before! Seeing this, I can only say one thing, Su Heng is awesome! I kneel to you!]

[According to this setting! How to play this copy! What the hell!]

[Natsu's strength is too strong! Terrible! What about the other members of Fairy Tail?]

Looking at the surprised expressions of the people in the barrage, Su Heng chuckled and then put all his mind into the copy space again.

Then the next moment!

[Ice modeling magic!]

[It is a magic that uses magic power to give shape, and it is also a magic that takes away shape.]

[Among the many types of magic, shape magic is a free magic. The shapes created by each magician are different. It is the magic that can best show the personality of the magician.]

[Practitioners must find their own"type" during practice. The shape of ice is not limited, and it is a free magic that completely relies on the magician's own ability. ]

Seeing this magic setting, the barrage began to roll again

[Ice Shape Magic? What the hell! It's not as cool as the Dragon Slaying Magic just now!]

[That's it? What can ice magic make? Make me a popsicle! I'm dying of laughter!]

[There are so many powerful magics above! It would be great if Master Su Heng could create one or two of these magics!]

[But I still don’t feel good enough! What’s the point of ice magic! Just use it as an air conditioner? It’s getting more and more perfunctory! ]

At this moment, everyone in the barrage expressed dissatisfaction, and even began to doubt whether Su Heng was no longer able to do it!

However, in the next second

[Ding! Congratulations to contestant Su Heng for successfully submitting the Ice Shape Magic! ]

At this moment, the system prompt sound suddenly came.

I saw a picture appear again. The black short hair and the exposed upper body were Gray from Fairy Tail!

At this moment, he was standing by the lake, and then he put his two hands together. Then a lot of visible cold air began to emerge.

"Ice shaping magic! Floor!"

As the words fell, Gray clapped his hands on the lake.

Then the magic power of ice released from his hands quickly spread to the surroundings with Gray as the center. Any object that came into contact with this magic power instantly turned into ice.

After a while, the huge lake was instantly frozen by Gray. Then he clapped his hands and slowly stood up.

"This is not enough! I can't lose to that guy Natsu!"...........

[Damn, he just raised his hand and built an ice rink! This ability can provide me with 10 years of popsicles!]

[Freeze an entire lake with one move! What a powerful move! I admit I spoke a little loudly before! Ice magic is awesome!]

[Just this instance! This setting! The difficulty is simply nightmare-level!]

[I kneel down to you! My poor imagination limits me. I can't imagine that you can be so awesome!]

At this moment, the scene in the field gradually began to disappear, but this was not the end, because Su Heng added another magic

[Receive the magic!]

[Able to receive the power of monsters or animals and use it for oneself, which can be divided into"partial reception" where only part of the target's body is received, and"full body reception" where the target is completely received."]

[Ding! Congratulations to player Su Heng for successfully adding receiving magic! ]

Then a beautiful girl with long white hair, fair skin, and a bright smile appeared on the sea. Her sunny smile healed everyone.

But the next second, the girl's eyes fixed and her red lips opened slightly.

"Whole body reception·Satan's soul·Miraje·joy!"

Boom boom.....!

After the loud noise, the girl has changed. An evil and powerful magic power is wrapped around the girl's whole body. Under this powerful force, the surrounding sea water gradually began to evaporate, and Mirajane stretched out an index finger.

Then a huge magic power suddenly shot out, and instantly blasted a huge hole in the sea surface. For a while, the waves were surging, and the sea water was pouring back.

The picture gradually began to blur, and Su Heng began to add magic frantically again. The star magic used by Lucy can summon star spirits, the knight magic used by Erza can be constantly changed, and the giant magic used by Makarov can make his body huge.

God-destroying magic, demon-destroying magic, additional magic, soul magic, text magic, sky magic, crushing magic..............

[Ding! Ding!.....Ding!]

One by one, magic was added by Su Heng.���For a while, the system prompt sound kept ringing in his ears.

At this moment, Su Heng suddenly became the focus of the whole audience, because every time a magic was added, a picture would be presented in front of everyone.

The shock brought by this picture was even greater than that of the Black Dragon King. After all, people are always visual animals. No matter how strong the Black Dragon King is, they have not seen it.

And this scene is happening right in front of them.

Even the host Lina on the side could only hold the microphone and stand there blankly, with the performance of various magics constantly emerging in her mind.

"What are you standing there for? Lina! Hurry up and report the situation!"It was not until the voice from the headset that brought her back to reality, so she hurriedly picked up the microphone and introduced

"We can see that Su Heng is adding magic like crazy! Yes, it can be described as crazy! He is simply a true genius!"

"Now let's see what the judges think!"

Lina's mind was a mess at the moment, so she quickly cut the screen to the judges area, and the judges area was also dead silent at the moment. After a long time

"Good! Hahaha! Su Heng! This kid is the pride of our Dragon Country! This copy will be the most valuable copy ever!"

At this moment, the old man stood up excitedly, not sparing his praise, and directly gave the title of the most valuable copy ever.

"Although it is well done! But the difficulty of this copy will be the highest ever! But if it is not difficult, it will be meaningless!"

Looking at this scene in front of him, the judges of the Eagle Sauce Country stared at him, and then said with a smile

"This copy may be difficult! But we in Sakura Country will never admit defeat! We will be the first to pass it!"

Looking at Su Heng making such a perverted copy, the judges of Sakura Country said, what's the point of doing it so well! As long as he can be the first to pass the copy.

Then, everything Su Heng did will be for me!............................................

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