Not surprisingly.

When the judge from Sakura Country finished speaking, the other judges cast contemptuous glances at him. They could tell how difficult this instance was!

He was the first to pass? How could he be so shameless!

Feeling the contemptuous gazes of the crowd, the judge from Sakura Country didn't care at all.

Even if what he said was a little exaggerated, he came prepared this time and would definitely pass a instance!

"As you can see, Li Yi, who is from the same Dragon Country as Su Heng, has already entered the final stage of her copy!"

"Let's all look forward to the dungeon made by Li Yi, the previous dungeon making competition champion!"

At this moment, when everyone's eyes were focused on Su Heng who was constantly thinking about and perfecting the magic settings, Lina quickly picked up the microphone to introduce the situation of another dark horse.

Hearing that the previous dungeon competition champion was about to enter the final stage, most people couldn't help but flock to Li Yi's live broadcast room.

After all, this talented woman from Longguo not only has an outstanding appearance, but also has a cold personality, which has attracted many fans.

[Here it comes! Li Yi, my wife is so beautiful!]

[Li Yi was the champion of the last competition. Her copy kept all the judges out! Needless to say, she was amazing!]

[The value of my Yi is beyond your imagination! Su Heng and the like, all get out of the way!]

[Looking forward to Li Yi's copy! What kind of surprise will it bring us! I can't help it! ]

At this moment, the barrage was rolling crazily, but Li Yi didn't care about it at the moment.

It was just because she put all her mind on the final copy.

[Ding! Congratulations to contestant Li Yi, all world backgrounds have been submitted successfully, and the dungeon world is being created! ]

As the system came through, Li Yi showed an expected look at this moment.

This time she deliberately increased the difficulty of the dungeon, so she added a lot of settings, but she was confident that she could pass the system's detection, and now the dungeon has been successfully generated!

The next second, the system began to give information!

[Copy name: Yitian Fengyun!]

[Event summary: After the last divine weapon was born, a bloody storm was set off in the martial arts world. Now, seven years later, a sword named Yitian appeared in the martial arts world. This sword is made of meteorite iron from outer space. The sword holder can be blessed by the sword and enhance his own strength!]

[Mission: After grabbing the Yitian Sword, escape from the encirclement of many masters, and you will be considered to have cleared the dungeon! (You can choose any character below the third rank to clear the dungeon, or you can choose to enter by yourself)]

[Rewards for passing the level: The first time you pass the level, you can take out any item in the level! You will also get ownership of the level! Others who pass the level will also get a random year of hard work!

The task is very simple. You will pass the level one hour after you grab the Yitian Sword.

The strength of the characters in the level varies, from level one to level nine. Level one is for top masters, so naturally they cannot be chosen. Therefore, only players with level three or below are provided.

Of course, if the player is confident in his own strength, he can also choose to enter in person.

As the level information was displayed in front of everyone, the audience began to discuss it.

"Sure enough, it's the same world background as last time! But the difficulty is higher this time! You can only choose characters below level 3!"

"Is this another magical weapon that has been unearthed? It looks pretty good!"

"My wife is indeed the most talented woman in Dragon Country! In such a short period of time, she has come up with another magical weapon!"

"Holding the Heavenly Sword for an hour in front of so many powerful people is really a bit difficult!"

At this moment, the competition has been over for a long time.

Li Yi is the first contestant who successfully made a copy. In addition, everyone seems a little excited as the champion of the last competition.

With the completion of the copy, it also means that it is time for the judges to come on stage.

"I've waited so long! I can finally stretch my old bones! Li Yi gave me a hard time in the last instance!"

"I didn't expect that the difficulty would be increased this time! It's not easy!"

At this moment, the old man of Longguo slowly straightened up, then chuckled and said, although he sounded very weak, everyone knew that the fact was not so.

The old man was born in the military camp when he was young. As the top soldier at that time, his strength and skills are naturally needless to say, although now he is old and his physical functions have declined.

But as long as you enter the copy, just pick a young and strong guy. At that time, his strong body, coupled with his many years of combat experience, will be the most difficult opponent.

"Hahaha! Finally, I can have a good fight! I can't wait!"

The judge from the Bear Country slammed the table and said excitedly.

"If you are not feeling well, you can take a rest. Your Dragon Country has obtained a magic weapon! This time, the Sword of Heavenly Sword will definitely belong to our Sakura Country!"

The judge of the Sakura Country said confidently, and of course his confidence was well-founded.

All copies are made by humans! And things made by humans will eventually have loopholes!

So after inquiring from many parties, they learned that Li Yi will use the previous world background this time!

So the Sakura Country mobilized the whole country and studied all night, and finally found the loopholes in this copy, and this is the source of his confidence.

Of course, the other judges also had their own ulterior motives.

[Ding! The system has detected multiple players, applying to enter the dungeon! Do you agree (yes/no)]

"Open the dungeon permissions and allow players to enter!"

As the system prompt sounded, Li Yi spoke slowly in a cold tone.

The audience around him also began to discuss.

"Damn, I can finally see the real contents of the copy!"

"Can't wait! Has any of the judges approved it? Or will it be the same as last time?"

"If you ask me, if it really passes, it will have to be the old man from our Dragon Country!"

"Stop talking and just watch patiently! No one will know the answer until it is revealed!"

[Ding! Welcome to the dungeon world (Yitian Fengyun!)]

At this moment, all the judges who entered the dungeon heard the system prompt sound.

Then everyone chose their favorite characters in the play, scattered in various places, and prepared to start the challenge mission.

The only one who chose to enter the dungeon by himself was the judge from Sakura Country who had a beer belly like a pregnant woman.

[Damn, I am dying of laughter! Are the judges from the country of cherry blossoms so confident?]

[Could he also be a fat and flexible man? Someone with strong physical abilities?]

[No matter how agile you are, can you match the third-rank master in the dungeon?]

[I have a feeling! This judge will definitely be the first to be sacrificed!]

Seeing the appearance of the Sakura Country judges, the barrage of comments started to discuss fiercely.....................................................

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