At this moment, in the copy of Yitian Fengyun, the judge of the Bear Country who had just entered this place, after choosing a third-grade master, followed the instructions of the system and went to seize the Yitian Sword.

However, he never expected to meet love around the corner.

He ran into a native first-grade master in the copy, and an extremely fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

You know, who can be a judge is not good at all!

However, in front of the powerful strength of the first-grade master, the judge of the Bear Country was defeated in the end, and then was teleported outside the copy space.

"Damn it, I didn't expect to lose so quickly! This master is too strong!"

After the appearance, the judge from Mao Xiong held his head with both hands and said with regret.

Seeing this scene, the barrage of comments also began to brush up.

[The judges from Bear Country are so unlucky! I thought the first one to fail would be the fat guy from Sakura Country!]

[Damn, this dungeon level is too abnormal! The judge from the Bear Country was defeated in an instant!]

[Of course! After all, it uses the same background as the previous dungeon, so it must be harder! But this time it's really fierce!]

[Personally, I think no one should be able to clear the dungeon this time! The difficulty is already sky-high! It’s impossible to play! ]

Looking at the sighs of everyone in the barrage at this moment, even Li Yi, who usually has a cold personality, couldn’t help but smile.

This is the effect she has been working hard to achieve. As long as the old man from Longguo performs stably according to the method she taught, he is likely to be the first person to clear the dungeon.

Of course, if the old man can’t do it, then she will go into battle herself, just like the first competition, and win the championship again!

The victory of this dungeon must belong to Longguo! She will do her best for this!

However, in the next second.

The judges who were in the dungeon space were suddenly teleported out, and at the same time the system sound of the dungeon sounded.

[Ding! Congratulations to player Anbian for successfully passing the dungeon Yitian Fengyun!]

[Ding! Control of the copy of Yi Tian Feng Yun (has been issued)!]

[Ding! The copy of Yitian Fengyun! The selected item is Yitian Sword (already distributed)]

As the three prompts sounded, everyone seemed a little confused.

However, the next second, with a flash of light, the last judge also left the copy. The judge who appeared in front of everyone was the judge of Sakura Country, and he was holding a sword shining with cold light in his hand. It was the Yitian Sword, the copy reward!

Seeing this scene, the audience at the scene suddenly exploded.

"Holy shit, what the hell! I didn't even notice him, how did he get through?"

"I don't know! The judges from the Bear Country were just teleported out, and someone passed the level!"

"Such a difficult dungeon! I actually ran through it quickly!"

"In the first competition, it seemed like no one passed after a whole day! After increasing the difficulty, people passed it so quickly!"

"This is outrageous! I suspect this guy is cheating!"

At this moment, everyone on the field was talking about it, and looking at the scene in front of them.

For a moment, Lina, as the host, was also a little dumbfounded, but with a high level of professionalism, she still picked up the microphone and started broadcasting.

"We can see that the high-difficulty copy of Yitian Fengyun brought to us by the last competition champion Li Yi"

"In a very short time, it was approved by the judges of Sakura Country! One has to sigh that the judges are so powerful!"

Lina's voice sounded at the side, and only then did Li Yi come back to his senses.

"Impossible! This is impossible! How could anyone clear my copy in such a short time?"

"Grandpa must have cheated! We must investigate it thoroughly!"

At this moment, Li Yi's eyes were full of disbelief, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly spoke to the old man of Longguo beside her.

Yes! Grandpa! The old man of Longguo and she are grandfather and grandson, and that's why she told him the way to increase the pass rate.

Because their goals are the same! And this is also the reason why she is full of confidence to make such a high-difficulty copy.

Because in her heart, except for the two of them, no one else has the possibility of passing, but the reality slapped her hard.

"Don't mess around! If you lose, you lose! How can you not afford to lose!"

Seeing this, the old man of Longguo shook his head and then spoke seriously.

This is not his one-man show, and the other party passed the judgment of the copy system! In other words, it was recognized.

This was an agreement signed by all countries at the beginning, how could it be easily broken?

"Hahaha! Your grandpa is right! Losing is losing! And I am the real winner! I have to say that the Yitian Sword designed by a genius is amazing!"


The next second, the Sakura National Judge holding the Yitian Sword gently chopped down the table in front of him.

The hard tabletop made of marble was directly split in half. He raised the sword above his head, played with it in the sun, and laughed even more wantonly.

"The sword designed by the champion of the previous competition is extraordinary! If you hadn't used the previous world background! I might not have passed it!"

Looking at the previous champion of Dragon Country, who looked lost, the judges of Sakura Country felt more relaxed at this moment, so they couldn't help but tell him the way to pass the level.

"Could it be like this? Is it really my fault?"

After hearing the truth from the judges of Sakura Country, Li Yi felt extremely regretful. She was so proud of winning the championship just once.

Now, because of her pride, she handed over the powerful weapons to other countries, and at the same time, Dragon Country lost an opportunity to become stronger.

At this moment, she became more and more sad and self-blaming.

"It's okay! If we lose, we lose! What's more, we still have the dark horse Su Heng!"

"Once his copy is successfully passed! Then the Dragon Kingdom will usher in an unprecedented leap-forward enhancement!"

Looking at his granddaughter's appearance, how could the old man not know what she was thinking, so he stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder, saying comfortingly

"Su Heng! He failed in the last competition? What else can he bring to us!"

Hearing grandpa's comfort, Li Yi was a little confused at the moment. However, when she turned her eyes to Su Heng's live broadcast room and saw the copy he made.

When she looked at the world background and magic settings added by the other party, she immediately understood grandpa's idea.

Su Heng is their only hope!.........................................................

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