At this moment, as the copy of the previous champion Li Yi was speed-cleared, a huge wave of excitement suddenly rose on the field.

This was an unimaginable result for everyone!

Unexpectedly, citing the previous copy background would have such a big impact, which also sounded the alarm for other players.

At this moment, everyone's eyes on the field were immediately focused on Su Heng, because his copy was the one that really attracted everyone's attention.

And with the addition of the final magic setting, it also meant that Su Heng's copy production was about to come to an end!

[Can such a huge copy system really be created?]

[It should be possible to make it! So far, there is no copy that cannot be made! The key is whether such a copy system can pass!]

[It feels a bit difficult! After all, there are so many world backgrounds added! Although the individual backgrounds passed! But it is not certain that they can be integrated together!]

[If I really can’t pass it, it will be a joke!]

[I feel bad for my Li Yi! Su Heng, work harder!]

At this moment, the comments kept coming one after another. It was obvious that everyone was very curious about Su Heng's copy.

After seeing the comments, Su Heng also understood what happened.

"I didn't expect that Li Yi's copy was actually approved! If so, what about my copy?"

"Since you are so curious, let me show you! What is the real hell level difficulty!"

Looking at the information in the barrage, Su Heng chuckled and said, and then submitted his perfected copy!

[Ding! Congratulations to player Su Heng for submitting the world background successfully! The dungeon world is being made!]

Su Heng's dungeon making seemed to take an unusually long time, and everyone held their breath and began to wait anxiously. At this moment, the audience at the scene began to discuss

"Are you kidding me? Why did it take so long this time? Is there something wrong with the system?"

"Could it be that Su Heng’s copy background was too large and the system crashed?"

"Damn, isn't this a huge loss! After working on the dungeon for so long, is this just a waste of time?"

"This is the longest time I have waited! But for Su Heng's copy, I didn't even blink an eye!"

Just when everyone was getting impatient after the long wait, the next second, the system sounded a prompt.

[Copy name: Fairy Tail: Phantom Ruler!]

[Brief introduction: The Phantom Ruler of the Wizard Guild! It represents one of the two most famous wizard guilds in this country (the other is Fairy Tail), and is a guild where powerful wizards gather.]

[For a long time, the Phantom Ruler Guild has had a bad relationship with the Fairy Tail Guild!]

[Because President Joseph was commissioned by Lucy's father to forcibly take Lucy away, he took the opportunity to attack members of the"Fairy Tail" guild and destroy its headquarters, thus provoking a fight between guilds!]

[Mission: Choose any faction to join and survive to the end! Defeat at least one wizard of the other side who is as powerful as the character you choose! And lead your own guild to victory! (Note: The presidents of both parties cannot be selected)]

[Rewards for clearing the level: The first time you clear the level, you can take out any item in the level! You will also get the ownership of the level! Others who clear the level will also get a random number of years of hard training magic! (The maximum limit is 5 years)]

At this moment, along with Su Heng's level information, it was displayed in front of everyone.

"Oh my god! I passed after waiting so long! I almost thought I would fail!"

"After looking at the settings of various magics, this battle must be a fight that will cause the heavens to fall and the earth to split! I can only say that Su Heng is awesome!"

"I didn't expect that after adding so many backgrounds, this copy was actually successfully made! The boss is really awesome! I kneel down!"

"The broken system took so long to wait! I almost misunderstood Master Su Heng!"

Listening to the discussion of the audience around her, the host Lina also picked up the microphone and began to introduce

" You can see that at this moment player Su Heng’s copy mission is officially presented to us!"

"This time, the battle was a fierce battle between two wizard guilds! So what do the judges think of this dungeon?"

As the voice fell, the camera also moved to the judges' seat.

"Su Heng's copy may be difficult! But now that I have been blessed with the power of the Heavenly Sword! Clearing this copy must be easy!"

"You guys will see! The first one to clear the dungeon must be our Sakura Country! Of course, it will also open your eyes!"

"Let me show you how powerful the artifact made by the last dungeon contest champion is!"

The Sakura Country judge who had just received the Heavenly Sword was completely inflated! Then he spoke with disdain on his face.

For him, after receiving the Heavenly Sword, he was already invincible in the world. After all, the power in his body was not fake!

"Su Heng's magic setting is indeed very powerful! But this is his failure! Because the magic design is too powerful!"

"So when we go in and choose a role! We can get the powerful strength of the corresponding role! In this case, it is easy to complete the task!"At this moment, the judge from the Eagle Sauce Country also smiled disdainfully. When he saw the task, his heart was finally at ease.

This time he will take the initiative! He must win this victory in advance! All the others are just stepping stones for him!

"Don't worry, Su Heng! I feel your kindness, old man! Even if it costs my life! I will fight my way out of this battle!"

At this moment, even the old man of Longguo thought that Su Heng was paving the way for him! He did it on purpose!

This kid is trying to please me so much, could it be that he has ulterior motives!

Moved, the old man suddenly shuddered all over, and then looked at his beautiful granddaughter beside him, and other thoughts came to his mind.

Following his grandfather's eyes, Li Yi also looked at Su Heng in the copy space, and murmured to himself in his heart.

Paving the way for grandpa? This man is really courageous! Maybe I should learn from him after this time.

At this moment, the judges who are preparing to participate in the competition have their own thoughts, but they all believe that Su Heng's copy is very simple.

[Ding! The system has detected that there are multiple players applying to enter the dungeon! (Each player will enter an independent dungeon and will not interfere with each other) Do you agree (yes/no)?

Looking at the application information in front of him, Su Heng chuckled and then said

"Open the copy permissions and allow players to enter!"

The next second, barrages of comments began to appear!

[The system rules have changed? Each judge enters an independent space! Then it depends on who clears the level faster!]

[According to the judges, Su Heng's copy seems to be very simple! Who will win?]

[I don't know, but as long as it's not that fat guy from Sakura Country, it's fine! He looks too arrogant! I can't stand it!]

[Baka! You are not allowed to say that about the judges of our Sakura Country!]

[Damn it, damn it! You took advantage of our Dragon Country’s loopholes, and you still have the nerve to say that!]

At this moment, the barrage of comments kept coming one after another, but now everyone believed that Su Heng’s copy, no matter how amazing it was, would end up being quickly cleared..................................................

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