At this moment, along with the introduction of the innate Qi, the judges on the field were all excited.

Dragon Country judge:"Refine Qi? Not only is it refining Qi, but it is also cultivating the Qi in your body. Through this method, you can enhance your body's strength! It's really ingenious!"

Judge John Bull:

"I didn't expect Su Heng to come up with such an amazing setting this time, and the background is actually in the modern world! To be honest, I'm already looking forward to it more and more!"

As the judges spoke, the audience at the scene also kept discussing

"Great job, sir! You have created another setting in such a short time. After hearing what the judges said, it seems that it is really worth watching to practice in a modern environment!"

"This should be the cultivation method of the Dragon Country. I am now looking forward to what kind of cultivation methods other countries will have!"

"The theme of this time is country, so the contestants will probably focus all their attention on their own country, and Su Heng may not do other training methods!"

"That's not necessarily true. What if Master Su Heng really makes it? Anyway, let's wait and see!"

However, just as everyone was discussing.

At this moment, the judges of the Sakura Country began to feel dissatisfied when they saw that Su Heng had not made their system. They had done the Qi refining method and the alchemy method, so why didn't they do something with the excellent cultural heritage of their Sakura Country?

What's so good about the cultural heritage of Western countries? It's better to do something with their Sakura Country!

When the time comes, they can send it out and let their own players copy it. Wouldn't it be better to get a ranking directly?

This Su Heng is too hateful!

The next moment, the judges of the Sakura Country began to make trouble

"Wait a minute! Although Su Heng's setting seems a little different, isn't it exactly the same as the setting of telekinesis in some aspects?"

"The dungeon competition is all about fairness and innovation! But can Su Heng's behavior be considered innovative? This goes against the original intention of the competition!"

As soon as these words came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

"Damn, that seems to make sense! Upon closer inspection, this setting is indeed similar to telekinesis in some aspects! Does this mean that Master Su Heng is really powerless?"

"You found my blind spot! It seems to be true. So, is the setting of Qi really just a re-skin of telekinesis?"

"This is way off the mark, damn it! I didn't expect that Master Su Heng would stick with the previous settings. After hearing what you said, I feel a little disappointed!"

Listening to the audience's disparagement, the judges of Sakura Country also smiled and nodded.

Let Su Heng see how powerful their Sakura Country is.

In the other player's lounge, seeing that the judges of Sakura Country were actually picking on their own boss

"Damn, this guy is so damned! How dare he say that to the boss! No, I have to remind him right away."

""Members of the Fairy Tail Raiders Group! All of you, come at me together!"

Thinking of this,

Zhao Linger quickly called the members of the Fairy Tail Raiders Group and started to launch a barrage in Su Heng's live broadcast room.

[The judges of Sakura Country started to find faults! They said that the telekinesis setting of yours is the same this time!]

[Hurry up, boss! Hurry up and show them who is the real strong one! The boss is far from being questionable by them! ]

After successfully understanding the cause and effect.

Su Heng chuckled.

With the ability of these guys, this is the only thing they can question him about!

Telekinesis and Qi are the same, and there are indeed some similarities in the settings!

In this case, let me show you the differences!

Thinking of this, the next moment.

A setting was submitted by Su Heng.

[Five Thunders]

[The Five Thunders Method is called the Five Thunders, but in fact it is the Five Qi. When a human is born, there is innate Qi in the body. If you observe carefully, this Qi can be divided into five elements.]

[Pure Yang controls fire and is called Heart Qi, Yang controls metal and is called Lung Qi, pure Yin controls water and is called Kidney Qi, Yin controls wood and is called Liver Qi, and the balanced Yin and Yang controls earth and is called Spleen Qi. The five Qis gather together to form one, and the method they practice is called the Five Thunders Method.]

[Of course, when you first start practicing, the five qi have different strengths and it is difficult to use them at the same time, so you must focus on practicing one of them first.

People who have not yet lost their virginity are full of spirit and energy, and their yang qi is abundant.

Therefore, among the five qi, the heart fire must lead the gold lungs to be released first, which is the Yang Five Thunders, also known as the Crimson Palace Thunder, which is clear, agile, dignified and bright, opening and closing, fierce and unyielding.

The primordial yang of people who have lost their virginity has leaked.

If you start according to the original valve, the yang qi of the heart and lungs cannot be generated, and it is difficult to practice thunder.

So let the kidney water lead the liver wood, let the yin qi be released first, and wait until the yang qi is fully replenished before refining it. This is the Yin Five Thunders, also known as the Dirty Water Thunder.

Thick, turbid, strange and changeable, unrestrained, unrestrained, and about to rise up like mercury pouring on the ground, penetrating every pore]

[Ding! The copy background setting has been submitted successfully. ]

Five Thunders Orthodoxy, a powerful thunder method obtained through practice.

Facing everyone's doubts, this is the answer Su Heng gave them!

Isn't it said that telekinesis and Qi are the same?

Now! Sure enough, the next moment.

The judges on the field suddenly burst into strong light in their eyes, excited and excited.

Dragon Country Judge:"Is this the Five Thunders Orthodoxy of Taoism? Su Heng actually made it! Awesome, really amazing!"

"The Taoist classics were in pieces, with only a few things recorded, but Su Heng actually completed the Five Thunders Method and put it in the copy!! Genius!"

Judge John Bull:

"A means of summoning thunder to attack the enemy! The cultivation method is so unique! He has perfected the Taoist classics in a short time. Su Heng's strength should not be underestimated!"

At this moment, several judges expressed their approval of Su Heng.

The Sakura judges who were originally smiling were completely dumbfounded at this moment.

The audience around saw this scene and laughed.

"Su Heng is really awesome! And that stupid judge really made me laugh to death. He was just smearing Su Heng, but now he is slapping him in the face. He is so dumbfounded!"

"The Five Thunders Method seems to be quite awesome, and it is also an extremely powerful technique in Taoism. Now that it has been perfected by Su Heng and put into the copy, I estimate its power will be greatly increased!"

"No need to estimate! The power is greatly increased by 100%. Do you think there is any weak skill in Su Heng's copy? Once added to the copy, the strength will definitely be extremely strong!"

"Awesome! Boss! You slap me in the face so fast. I like to see those who find faults, with painful expressions on their faces like they are eating shit."

"To be honest, I have already spread the emoticons made by these contestants all over the Internet. If anyone dares to be unhappy, I will directly post the pain masks made by the judges and contestants in their countries!"

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