At this moment, along with the introduction of the Five Thunders Righteousness Method, everyone on the scene cheered happily.

After the cheers, everyone began to look forward to it again!

They began to look forward to what Su Heng would do next!

On the other side, Su Heng, who was in the system space at the moment, began to think.

Which setting should he start with?

After thinking for a long time, he raised his head and said with a chuckle.:

"What I will do next is the setting of the equipment! Everyone can look forward to it."

With just one sentence, the barrage of comments started to roll like crazy.

[ Oh shit! What is a weapon refiner? Can anyone tell me about it? Why can't I understand what Su Heng is talking about?]

[You asked the right person, because I don't know the fucking answer. Who should I ask if you ask me? How can I know what refining is? I don't refine weapons!]

[Is Su Heng going to introduce a brand new setting? Oh my god, I’m really looking forward to it. What will it be like?]

[I guess it's not that powerful, it's just an ordinary weapon, but in order to be more impressive, it's called a weapon refiner! ]

The audience on the other side were also discussing.

As the host, Lina saw this scene and keenly caught the question.

So she picked up the microphone and began to ask questions to the judges:

"What do you think of the concept of refining equipment?"

After this was said, the judges from various countries were stunned.


Using this thing to test them?

It really stumped them all!

After many judges were silent for a long time, the judge from Long Country slowly spoke:

"It’s no wonder they don’t know! To be honest, I also read about it in a book a long time ago."

"Simply put, it is to refine treasures with powerful energy through various means."

"I didn't expect that Su Heng's research in this area has gone so deep that he has come up with such a profound setting for refining equipment! The young are really formidable!"

After saying this, the judge of Dragon Country looked at Su Heng with admiration on his face.

On the other side, the judge of Eagle Sauce Country said:

"Refine a treasure with powerful power?"

"Weapon refining? Isn't it just killing people and letting the dead souls entangle the weapons to make evil weapons in this way?"

"Haha, I didn't expect Su Heng to be such a person, it's really disappointing."

When these words came out, everyone on the field was shocked.

Then they began to discuss

"Oh my god, according to this method, wouldn't the one made by Boss Su Heng be even more terrifying? You know, the power of the things in the Boss's copy cannot be underestimated!"

"Is it possible to refine the super strong resentment of about 100,000 people and make it into a weapon? That would be too terrible! Boss Su Heng had better not do it!"

"What I'm most afraid of is that if someone brings this method to the real world, then it's all over! I advise Mr. Su Heng to be more rational."

"Oh, I'm scared when you say that. Boss, don't do this. The more I think about it, the colder my heart becomes."

At this moment, everyone on the field was discussing. It was obvious that everyone was extremely resistant to the setting that Su Heng was about to make. However, in the next second, Su Heng's setting was already ready.


[Introduction: Using one's own Qi to cultivate something into an independent supernatural power, the magic weapon that people often talked about in the past was made by a weapon refiner.

It requires absolute talent, so there are very few people who can master it. Moreover, the method is laborious and the average weapon refiner can only make a limited number of magic weapons in his lifetime.]

[Ding, the copy background setting has been submitted successfully!!]

It was obvious that

Su Heng's refining was completely different from what people called refining.

The next moment, everyone on the field couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Damn, this is the real refining! I was wondering how Boss Su Heng could make something like that, it's really awesome! This should be the real refining!"

"What kind of nonsense did the judges from the Eagle Sauce Country say? How dare they say that our Su Heng refined an evil weapon? Now you see, this is the real method of refining a weapon!"

"I only make a few magic weapons in my lifetime. The profession of a weapon refiner is really great! The magic weapons made in this way will never be strong enough!"

"So this is what it means to refine weapons, a powerful weapon made by pouring a lifetime of hard work into it? It is really admirable, it is indeed not comparable to ordinary things!"

At this moment, everyone on the field was discussing


[Introduction: From a very young age, the user must use secret methods to feed specific objects with their own Qi, and in the end these objects will become weapons that the user can operate at will.

The mind can also manipulate objects, and there is no limit to the type, but it is extremely wasteful of Qi.

If the mind user takes effort to move objects, the objects manipulated by the object control are as flexible as one's own fingers.]

[Ding, the copy background setting was submitted successfully!!]


[Introduction: Feeding something with Qi, and then turning it into something that improves your ability is called a chemical substance.]

[Ding, the copy background settings have been submitted successfully!! ]

Controlling objects, transforming objects, as these two settings were submitted.

The judges on the field were also excited for a moment.

John Bull's judge:"Too amazing! Because of the limitations of the weapon refiner, ordinary treasures are very rare."

"And now the two methods added by Su Heng are undoubtedly extremely useful! I think when ordinary people don’t have magic weapons, this should be the way they make magic weapons!"

The judges of the Mao Xiong country:"This is really an excellent method. Ordinary soldiers never leave their guns. If there is this method to nourish them!���It will be like a divine help for the soldiers.

Seeing this, the other judges also interrupted and described their own ideas.

Not long after, a huge cheer broke out at the scene.

"So, these two methods are to supplement the equipment refining? Oh my god, this is too awesome, it's really outrageous, Master Su Heng is really amazing!"

"To control objects is to raise things from small to large, to nourish them constantly, and then to make them usable as one's own arm. Isn't this just another different method of refining equipment?"

"In this aspect, the chemical substance is not so comprehensive, but I think its real power should be considerable and should not be underestimated! I can only say that Su Heng is awesome!"

"It's really amazing! He actually launched three equipment refining settings at once, and in such a short time. Master Su Heng is really amazing!"

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