As the secret of the divination was revealed, everyone on the field exclaimed.

And the next moment, Su Heng made a new setting again!


[Tian Gang Qi]

[Introduction: The scattered energy lost by creatures in nature in space is called Gangqi!

However, with the introduction of this setting, the audience in the field suddenly became hesitant.

"Gangqi? Another kind of energy? Haven't we already added Qi? Are you sure these two won't conflict?"

"Su Heng must be confused! I have just made so many settings, it is normal to make a mistake now. When the two settings conflict, I will know as soon as the system prompts me!"

"No matter how you look at it, this is a bit outrageous! They have already set one energy, but now they have set another one! How can this be passed?"

"The setting of Tiangangqi looks good, but since there is already energy like Qi, another kind of energy will of course conflict with each other!"

At this moment, everyone on the field kept discussing.

It was obvious that for this setting made by Su Heng, everyone unanimously believed that this setting would definitely lead to conflict!

Wait a minute, and then in the next moment.

The system prompt sound came over

[Ding! The copy background was submitted successfully! ]

The crowd became restless

"Holy shit, the submission was actually successful? Does that mean the system recognized another energy? How is this possible? This is too outrageous!"

"It is estimated that this energy will be a completely different way of operation, so it is like this! It seems that we have underestimated Master Su Heng!"

"There are some things that have made me curious. How will the energy behave in this way? How can this energy be used?"

"Since the system admits it, it means that this energy is definitely not conflicting! Sure enough, this is indeed a bit curious."

Everyone on the field was curious!

And Su Heng did not let them down.

[Stepping on Gang Bu Dou (Saint Thief)]

[By walking and standing in a certain order, the meridians in the body will open up and absorb the Tiangang Qi in the space.]

[This method of walking is called stepping on the Gangqi. As long as the steps are not disrupted, the user can use the Gangqi to maintain vigorous energy for a long time. Specific steps can also allow people to inhale the Gangqi that can repair the body.]

[Ding! The copy setting background was submitted successfully! ]

As the background was successfully submitted, the system suddenly began to play the picture.

And the picture was the stepping on the Gang Bu Dou!

The next moment, the barrage began to scroll wildly.

[Wow, it's such an awesome setting? I didn't expect the skills of Gangqi to be so outrageous, too powerful! This, this, this, is outrageous!]

[Boss Su Heng is so awesome. Damn, if you learn this skill, you will be invincible by nature? This way, you won't be afraid of consumption at all. It's outrageous!]

[That's right, he actually made such an outrageous skill, Master Su Heng, this is too amazing! Think about it, when I fight with the enemy, I am not afraid of consumption!]

[It's really too scary. Others are constantly consuming energy in battle, but as long as you have this skill, you can keep recovering. It's too outrageous! ]

At this moment, the people in the barrage kept talking about it.

The judges on the other side of the field were also full of horror.

Judge John Bull:"A move that makes you invincible? Through special steps to absorb the energy, so as to achieve the effect of continuous recovery!"

"Su Heng is a true genius! The design of this skill is so ingenious! It's so amazing."

Judge from Mao Xiong:"Good, it's really great! If we can have this kind of move, we will never get tired in the battle with the enemy!"

"The tireless bear soldier is invincible! This skill is so powerful, I really want to go in and experience it now!"

The other judges also expressed their opinions on this move from their own perspectives.

The audience on the field also kept discussing it.

"It's really powerful! Among all the Gang Qi moves, this is probably the strongest one, right? Su Heng has released the big one in advance. Does he have no more moves?"

"Isn't it normal to have no tricks? People's energy is limited. Isn't it good enough to be able to achieve this level? Don't be too demanding!"

As everyone questioned.

The next moment.

Su Heng used a big trick again!

[Six-Storey Immortal Thief (Saint Thief)]

[One of the Eight Great Skills, the Ultimate Saint Thief]

["The"Six Storehouses" refer to the six organs of the human body that absorb energy.

Based on this, a perfect digestive system is created that can instantly decompose the ingested substances without producing toxic impurities or excretion.

By attaching the user's Qi to the saliva, it can produce a fatal corrosive effect on all objects, especially organic matter.]

[Because this ability allows people to perfectly absorb nutrients, it can significantly improve the user's physical condition, almost no aging, and the energy will become more vigorous. It will also make the user's odor disappear.]

[Ding! The copy background design was submitted successfully! ]

The next moment, a picture appeared on the field.

This scene made everyone crazy.

Another magical skill was born!

The judges of Dragon Country:"This....Su Heng actually performed such a heaven-defying move? It was much stronger than the Stepping Gang Bu Dou, this was the real ultimate move!"

"Too strong, this is really amazing, and it can actually prolong life, immortality, and immunity to all poisons? As long as you can learn this move, you will be truly invincible!"

Judge John Bull:"No matter from which level, this is a truly invincible skill, perfect nutrient intake! There will be no waste."

"And with the continuous digestion, humans will not only not age, but will become more energetic, that is, they will get younger and younger as they grow older? This is really amazing!"

As the two judges made their official speeches, the other audiences seemed to realize the power of this move!

So everyone cheered.

"Awesome, damn, this move is really amazing! So, if you learn this move, you can be truly invincible?"

"This is a real magical skill! After learning it, you will be immune to all poisons, rejuvenate, and live forever! This is something that many people dream of! Su Heng actually created it."

"Damn, this is too outrageous. The boss is really awesome. He is indeed a true genius. He has completely subverted my imagination. I have to admit defeat. The boss is awesome."

"I just thought this was the boss's limit, but I didn't expect it was just the limit of my imagination. The boss is so strong, there is no limit!"

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