Looking at the shocked faces of the people on the field,

Su Heng began his next move!


[Introduction: The flame released with one's own Qi as fuel can be fully controlled]

[ Ding! The copy background setting has been submitted successfully! ]

However, seeing the setting made by Su Heng, everyone began to wonder

"Kundalini? Did Su Heng create another fire-controlling ability? I've created so many, and it's getting less and less interesting!"

"Yes! From the fire magic of Fairy Tail to the current Kundunmi, the fire ability has been used so many times, and it's all the same, it looks rotten!"

"Although I don't deny that fire is indeed a very powerful ability, but it seems a bit boring to do it over and over again in every copy!"

"Su Heng probably ran out of inspiration! After all, he has done the most fire-type moves, so it should be easy for him to do. But for us, it’s a bit perfunctory!"

At this moment, the audience around were talking about it. It was obvious that everyone was dissatisfied with the fire ability that Su Heng had made. After all, they had seen this ability many times! The judges on the other side looked at it and shook their heads. Judge John Bull:"Actually, what everyone said is not wrong. Fire is extremely powerful, so it is perfect to use it as a move in the copy!


"But Su Heng has done this many times, and the flame setting just now is not amazing! It can only be said that it is getting more and more ordinary!"

Yingjiang Country Judge:"After all, contestant Su Heng has done so many copies, it is actually quite difficult to ensure the diversity of his abilities and prevent them from being repetitive!"

"So let's be more tolerant. Even if he makes the same thing, it doesn't matter."

Seeing this, the other judges also made comments.

At this moment, Su Heng knew nothing about everyone's evaluation.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much.

Because now he is fully committed to the copy.

The next moment, one by one, new settings were submitted.

[Pure Lotus]

[The white flame that is spit out by playing the shakuhachi cannot be extinguished and only burns living things.]

[When you spit out the Pure Lotus, you will also suffer some damage.]

[Ding! The copy background setting was submitted successfully! ]

It was obvious that this was a different kind of flame setting.

At this moment, the barrage was also scrolling wildly.

[Su Heng is indeed a great man, he has made another innovation! A white flame that only burns fire objects? It sounds pretty amazing! It feels good!]

[I can only say that this setting is a bit weak, and has too many restrictions. It is not even as good as the previous one.]

[Yes, it can only burn living things, and what's outrageous is that it can also hurt itself. Is this kind of flame very strong? It feels a bit weak!]

[It seems that Master Su Heng is getting worse and worse at making flames! Yes, after all, he has made so many kinds of flames, so I can only say that I understand! ]

At this moment, everyone was expressing their doubts.

And this time, the information sent in the barrage was successfully captured by Su Heng.

Seeing this, Su Heng chuckled twice.

Is that so? Are you tired of the repeated flame moves now?

In this case, let me show you!

The Samadhi True Fire recorded in Taoism!

The next moment

[Samadhi True Fire]

[Introduction: Using the energy of the upper elixir spirit, the middle elixir qi, and the lower elixir essence, the fire of life ignited according to the law]

[It does not burn earth, wood or stone, but only the spirits of all things in the world. (A truly soul-stirring work of art will not change after being burned by real fire, but ordinary people will feel that the object has become dull.)]

[Ding! The copy background setting was submitted successfully! ]

With the successful submission of this setting, the field suddenly fell into madness.

The system immediately played a picture!

And what was presented in the picture was the effect of practicing the Samadhi True Fire to the extreme!

At this moment, the audience on the field were shocked.

The Dragon Country judge:"Is this the Samadhi True Fire? It is recorded in Taoist classics! Samadhi True Fire, Su Heng actually made it again! Genius, he is a real genius!"

"Another brand new flame setting! Even if other flames are powerful and can burn everything, the Samadhi Fire can directly burn other people's souls!"

Judge John Bull:"Su Heng, this kid, has been waiting for a long time. It turns out that the big one is here. Is the Samadhi Fire a flame that can directly burn the soul?"

"Yes, it is an extremely novel flame! And the power of the special burning flame is also extremely huge. Imagine that if the enemy has a strong defense, it is difficult to break through with ordinary moves!

Then as long as you use the Samadhi True Fire to attack his soul, you can defeat him in one fell swoop. It is indeed an extremely powerful move!"

The other judges also commented on it.

Seeing this, the audience around them also exclaimed when they heard it.

"Ashiba, is it really that awesome? A flame that burns the soul? But I think it's just ordinary! Are these people just exaggerating?"

"This Korean audience, can you please die! The little black guy has been slandering our pigeons for so long, I have endured it, and now our Samadhi True Fire has come out, and you are still slandering us?"

"Samadhi True Fire is the fire recorded in the Taoist classics of our Dragon Country. Now it has been successfully produced by Su Heng. I can only say that you are awesome!"

"Didn't you all listen to what the judges said just now? This is a kind of fire that burns the soul. No matter how powerful the enemy is, as long as his soul is weak, he will still die!"

"There are people who are bashing this cross-level skill? Damn, can you guys stay away? If anyone dares to bash me, I will fight him to the death!"

At this moment, the audience of Dragon Country were all excited.

"Great, Su Heng! You really succeeded!"

Lina said from the bottom of her heart while holding the microphone.

In the other side of the contestant lounge, the members of the Fairy Tail Raiders cheered.

"Hahaha, boss is awesome! Boss is so awesome, so cool, he actually made the Samadhi True Fire directly, such a magical skill!"

"The skill of burning the soul directly is too powerful, no, I must work harder and harder to obtain this skill!"At this moment, Zhao Linger stood up excitedly, and then made up her mind in her heart.

"In this case, let's make a bet! Let's see who will be the first to pass the dungeon and get this magical skill! How about it?"

Hearing Zhao Linger's words, Wang Xueyao on the side immediately showed a provocative look.

"Well, come on, who’s afraid of who?"

The scene was suddenly filled with the smell of gunpowder.

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