At this moment.

On the battlefield between Fairy Tail and Spectre Ruler.

The shouts of killing from both sides reached the sky!

The guild members of Fairy Tail raised their hands and released various different magic attacks!

The powerful magic power collided with each other, causing huge explosions one after another, knocking the Spectre Ruler's side to the ground!

The Spectre Ruler was not to be outdone. All of them were wearing black robes, holding a machete in their hands, and rushed towards the Fairy Tail people like ghosts.

At this moment, the entire battlefield fell into chaos, but everyone was fighting with all their might, because they all had a common goal, which was to defend their own guild!

Of course, at this moment, our Eagle Sauce Country judge, Kevin, was the exception. Even if the battle on the battlefield was fierce at this moment, it had nothing to do with him.

His only purpose was to find a relatively weak one and kill the other party! Complete the task, although from the current situation, I don’t know if Spectre can win.

But the first task must be completed! And his actions were also displayed to the audience without reservation.

So they couldn’t help but complain.

[Are you kidding me? Others are shouting for war and killing, but you are just slacking off here!]

[This is the most cowardly judge I have ever seen, bar none! Even that wretched fat guy from Sakura Country! At least he mustered up the courage!]

[You know what hiding is the best way, as long as you are steady enough, there will definitely be a chance of winning!]

[Just stand there and let me punch you 100 times and see if you can hold on until the opportunity arises!]

[The judges from the United States are too conservative! ] The barrage is expressing dissatisfaction with Kevin's behavior!

But at this moment, he is also miserable. After searching for a long time, he found that the opponents seemed to be more powerful than him. He finally found one who seemed a little weaker, but he ran away very fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

And the companions around him who could help him cover also fell under the hands of the crowd one after another, and became fewer and fewer.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Kevin gritted his teeth.

"No, let's fight! I have magic power, unlike those ordinary people without magic power before!"

Just as he racked his brains to think, suddenly a target in front of him made his eyes light up!

He saw a beautiful female magician in a bikini, with a curvy figure and a beautiful face, appeared in front of him.

And at this moment, the other party's mind seemed to be focused on other things, and did not look at him.

"Hahaha, my chance has come! Kill that woman! The first mission is accomplished!"

Seeing that the target of Kevin's attack was such a beautiful woman, the comments on the forums began to show sympathy for her.

[Oh my god, you beast! You are so cruel! No! Such a beautiful girl!]

[Kevin, you bastard, how could you do this! We don't have people like you in the United States!]

[You're a piece of shit! You've been hiding all this time, so I won't say anything! Now you want to do this to our Fairy Tail goddess!]

[You want to kill such a wealthy and generous female wizard? What are you going to see if you kill me? Are you going to see your mother?]

At this moment, everyone expressed their resistance and dissatisfaction with Kevin's ruthless behavior.

But Kevin didn't care about these at the moment. He used magic to secretly hide his figure.

Then he quietly touched the woman's side, and at this moment, the long knife in his hand was also raised high.

Under the sunlight, it reflected a dazzling light.

Seeing that Kevin was about to succeed, some viewers were still cursing Kevin, and some viewers couldn't bear to see this scene and covered their eyes.

The next moment.


With a loud gunshot, a bullet instantly pierced Kevin's head, bringing out a large amount of blood.

Kevin's body instantly collapsed, and before he died, he hadn't figured out how he died! With

Kevin's death, the barrage rhythm instantly exploded

[Holy shit, what the hell! Kevin was shot to death? There is science in the magic world? This is too wild!]

[I laughed so hard, I just watched it! This guy is using gun bullet magic! He uses magic to make bullets, puts them into guns and shoots them out! It's super powerful!]

[Damn, Master Su Heng is awesome! Combining magic and technology! I bow down to him! If this were brought to the real world! Everything would depend on him!]

[Well done! This scumbag deserves to die! I'll lead the applause! Fortunately, my wife survived!]

[After watching for so long, I was the happiest when this judge died! By the way, the one just now was my wife, so please be more conscious of others! ]

As for Kevin's death, not only did everyone not feel sorry, but they all applauded and cheered.

[Ding! Because your body is pierced by a gun, you have lost your ability to fight!]

[Ding! System prompt, this (Fairy Tail - Phantom Overlord) copy strategy failed! ]

At this moment, the system sounded, and Kevin fell to the ground in the middle of the field with a face that wanted to cry but had no tears.

Fortunately, the gun pierced his brain, making him die very thoroughly, without any pain, so he recovered soon.

After Kevin, the few remaining judges were eliminated and teleported back one after another.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Lina was a little dumbfounded. Since the copy making competition started, no one has ever made the judges look so embarrassed.

Those who should go crazy went crazy, those who should go stupid went stupid, and those who should pee peed.

Although this sudden situation surprised her for a while, Lina soon came back to her senses.

Then she picked up the microphone and began to perform her duties:

"Unexpectedly, this shocking moment happened! After all the judges entered Su Heng's copy, they were all eliminated one after another!"

"And everyone seemed to have some problems, which had never happened since the dungeon competition started! I didn't expect Su Heng's dungeon to be so difficult!"

"Now let's hand the microphone to the judges on the scene and let them tell us about the situation in the dungeon!"

Then, as the camera moved, Lina frowned and stepped over several embarrassed judges.

She barely found a few normal ones and then handed the microphone to them.

At this moment, the judges were all very excited. When they saw Lina coming, they quickly snatched the microphone and then roared loudly at the camera..................................................................

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