At this moment, at the venue, seeing the microphone handed over by Lina, all the judges were extremely emotional.

The first to bear the brunt was the judge Kevin from the United States. After taking the microphone, he began to complain with tears and snot:

"Su Heng did it on purpose! He deliberately released those rules to confuse us! He made us think that his copy was simple!"

"But all this is wrong! His copy is extremely difficult! No one can pass it! Su Heng is too despicable!"

Kevin almost roared out the last sentence.

Then the microphone was handed to the strong man from the Bear Country, this burly and rough judge who was usually careless.

After entering Su Heng's copy, he came out as if he had suffered a great injustice. He looked at Su Heng in the copy space with resentment on his face, and then said in a deep voice:

"I agree with Kevin! I suspect that Su Heng's original intention in designing the dungeon was not to allow people to pass it! He just wanted everyone to see his skills!"

"In other words, Su Heng's design���It's a dungeon that no one can clear! He didn't even consider letting you clear it! This guy is such a bastard!"

The last sentence was said by the judge from the Bear Country with gritted teeth.

Seeing that two judges in a row were accusing Su Heng of evil deeds, the barrage began to discuss

[Is this copy really so abnormal? Two judges in a row said so?]

[From the beginning to the end, I can only say that it is really difficult! The probability of passing is too low, close to zero!]

[Look for yourself, among all the judges, which one has passed? The difficulty of this dungeon designed by Su Heng is very high!]

[Isn't that unplayable? How can we play this? And some people who enter are crazy! I'm a little scared. If it's really the audience's turn, I guess few people would dare to go up!]

[Fear, +1]

At this moment, the barrage was rolling frantically, and the microphone on the other side was handed to the old man of Longguo.

Looking at the microphone in his hand, the old man also sighed lightly.

He did not suffer too much pain in Su Heng's copy! The enemies he encountered were too powerful, and he was killed instantly with just one encounter.

In addition, the old man had been a soldier when he was young, and his willpower was relatively strong, so he was not as unbearable as others.

However, the feeling of the body being torn into pieces by magic in an instant! He never wants to experience it again in his life!

Therefore, he actually agreed in his heart that Su Heng's copy could not be passed, but it was rare that his own copy was designed so well.

Even if it is really difficult and really can't be passed, he has to say something good in front of the screen, so after brewing for a while, the old man picked up the microphone.:

"Su Heng's copy may be really difficult! But I believe there must be a way to pass it!"

"What's more, the magic in that copy, as well as various magical knowledge props, even if you take any one of them out, are priceless treasures to the country and even the world!"

"Therefore, contestant Su Heng, who provided the copy, deserves credit! Don't misunderstand him! Contestant Su Heng is a kind-hearted handsome guy!"

After saying this, the old man handed the microphone back to Lina, and then stood aside, watching the nose and heart, and stopped talking. Lina, who had just taken the microphone, seemed a little confused. She didn't expect the judges' reactions to be so intense.

But after adjusting for a while, she still picked up the microphone and began to introduce:

"It is just as the old man said! This dungeon may be difficult! But it is not impossible to pass!"

"Maybe Su Heng had left some clues in there, but we just didn't find them! The most important thing is that this entire dungeon world is a huge treasure!"

"So for the player Su Heng who provided this copy! We should give him a round of applause!"

At this moment, Lina's words were like a stone falling into the water, instantly arousing the emotions of some of the audience around.

"Bakayaloo! Are you kidding me! Our Sakura Country judges were scared to death in Su Heng's copy! Will ordinary copies have this effect?"

"That's right! Su Heng made the dungeon so realistic! Isn't it just to torture us? If he can pass it, let him go and see it all by himself!"

"Yes, if he can pass the level, ask him to pass it and show it to us! As long as he can pass the level, I won’t say a word!"

"Ah Xi! Our Kimchi Country's judges are also injured! Su Heng must go in once himself!"

"Su Heng, don't play dead! Do you dare to break into your own copy and say something! I get it! Your goal is to fool the judges of various countries, right?"

"Oh my god! What you said is really scary when you think about it! That copy of Su Heng is too scary!"

At this moment, the audience was furious, and everyone was wondering if Su Heng had made a copy that no one could pass.

There were even some extremists, looking at the judges who were emotionally broken, wondering if Su Heng did it on purpose.

At this moment, the condemnation in the field was getting louder and louder, and the judges on the side were watching coldly.

They wanted to see how Su Heng would explain this matter after he came out!

If the explanation was not satisfactory, then this matter would be broadcast live to the whole world, and then Su Heng's reputation would be in a mess.

Then he might not be in the next competition! And it might also indirectly affect to the international reputation of Longguo.

If he didn't explain and was really stubborn and went to the copy he created, then they would be happy even if he went crazy.

As for passing the level! Don't be kidding! You will know only if you experience it yourself! The horror of Su Heng's copy!

Looking at the huge scene around her, Lina began to feel a little helpless at the moment.

Even if her professional quality is high, she is now facing condemnation from audiences from all over the country!

The little girl is a little anxious at the moment. Seeing this, the old man of Longguo sighed and prepared to take it down alone.

The next second.

A voice came over!

"That's enough! What's the fuss? You can't pass my copy because your skills are not good enough! What does it have to do with my copy?"

"Didn't they think of this when designing the dungeon contest? What's the point of embarrassing a little girl?"

At this moment, a white light flashed, and Su Heng came out of the dungeon space and came to Lina. He said domineeringly to the tens of thousands of spectators and the judges in front of him.

"Humph! The competition certainly considered this situation! But your copy is different! Su Heng, look at the judges who entered your copy, they are either crazy or stupid!"

"And we really have to follow the rules of the competition! If the judges can't pass, the next one should be the contestant! What do you think? Do you dare?"

Seeing Su Heng appear, the judges of the Eagle Sauce Country quickly seized the opportunity and attacked Su Heng.

"Yes, Su Heng! As long as you dare to go in and try the copy you created yourself! Experience it like us! Don't say anything more!"

The judge from the Bear Country quickly echoed and said...........................................

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