At this moment.

Facing Su Heng's appearance.

All the judges present did not intend to let him go, so they started to make things difficult.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Su Heng also smiled coldly.

He couldn't pass the dungeon by himself, and he made a fuss here for a long time, and he made a fuss just to make him pass the dungeon! Want to see if you can drive him crazy!

Okay, I'll satisfy you! But this matter will never be easily abandoned. Thinking of this, Su Heng said:

"Of course I can enter the dungeon! Not only do I want to enter the dungeon! I also dare to clear the dungeon in front of everyone!"

"Since you guys want me to go in so much, let's make a bet!"

Seeing that Su Heng agreed to enter the dungeon, several judges couldn't help but show joy on their faces, thinking that they had finally dragged this guy into the water!

So they said,"Okay! What do you want to bet on!"

Seeing that everyone took the bait, Su Heng spoke again:

"It's very simple! I just bet on whether I can pass the dungeon!"

"If I successfully clear the dungeon, I win! Then as a reward for winning"

"I want you to return the Sword of Heavenly Sword and the control of the copy that belong to my Dragon Kingdom!"

"Of course, if I fail to clear the copy, I lose! At that time, I will transfer the existing control of this copy to you! Do you dare!"

Hearing Su Heng's words at this moment, the judges couldn't help but take a breath. This kid is playing such a big game.

You know, although Fairy Tail is currently in a state where it cannot be cleared, the situation will obviously not always be like this.

If this control belongs to an independent country, then that country can use the power of the whole country to pass the copy.

Sooner or later, it will be conquered! In comparison, the value of this Yitian copy is too low! It's simply not worth the loss!

At this moment, several judges present couldn't help but think about it. After all, the judges of Sakura Country have gone crazy!

So now theoretically, the control of Yitian's copy has now belonged to Sakura Country. If they want to get this copy, several countries must unite and cut their meat to buy it as a bet, but the price is too high, and everyone is a little hesitant for a while.

"Haha! Okay, I made a bet with you! If you win, I will return the Heavenly Sword and the copy control to you!"

"But if you lose, the control of the Fairy Tail copy will be transferred to our Sakura Country!"

At this moment, the voice came, and everyone looked over. They didn't know when the judges of Sakura Country had recovered.

He also took the time to change his clothes and take a shower. He walked to their side with a fresh and odorless body, and spoke coldly.

Seeing him coming, the judges of various countries subconsciously looked at his crotch. Hey, it was washed quite clean!

"Bakayaloo! What are you looking at?"

Feeling the gazes of the judges around him, the Sakura Country judge couldn't help but feel angry, then looked at Su Heng and continued:

"How about it? Do you dare?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's eyes were focused on Su Heng, and they were all looking forward to his answer.

Lina, who was blocked behind Su Heng, looked at Su Heng with admiration in her eyes.

At the critical moment, this man stood in front of him, and then domineeringly retorted to the judges of various countries.

Now, relying on his indomitable momentum and a bet, he has made everyone hesitant!

This courage is so handsome! At this moment, Lina's heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

Looking at Su Heng in front of her, Lina couldn't help but carefully pulled the other's sleeve. Seeing this, Su Heng turned his head with a puzzled face, and Lina blushed and couldn't help saying:"Come on Su Heng! You can do it!"

Looking at the shy girl in front of him, Su Heng couldn't help but smile, then turned his head and looked at the people in front of him and said:

"Okay! But I've changed my mind now! My copy is obviously more valuable than Yitian! And I'm betting with all of you!"

"Don’t other countries have one or two copies in hand? Bring that to me! Only in this way can the value be equal, right?"

Hearing Su Heng's words, the judges present began to hesitate. After all, a copy is the property of a country. It is far from being decided by one person! The judges of Sakura Country are so excited! And the control of the copy is in his hands! He can do it.

But they can't. But after a while! All the judges received an order! That is to participate in Su Heng's bet!!!

"Su Heng! We, the Kimchi nation, have made a bet!"

"We in the United States are not afraid either! We bet with you!"

"We in the Bear Country won’t be afraid either!"...........

At this moment, several judges present participated in the bet. Even those who fainted, the country also sent new judges to participate!

The moment they learned the news, the top leaders of various countries seemed extremely excited! The copy making competition is a world-class event.

They have always been paying attention to the events on the field, and the copy made by Su Heng is of extremely high value in their eyes!

Now there is such an opportunity to cross the rules of the game and get this copy directly! The price is just a few useless copies that have been raided countless times.

Most of the value has been squeezed out. This bet is very cost-effective for them.

At this moment, everyone is overjoyed. They want to make this arrogant Su Heng pay the price! At the same time, they can't help but start to imagine the future!

On the other hand.

The top leaders of Longguo who knew the news were dumbfounded the moment they got the news.

I didn't expect Su Heng to be so irrational! He made such an agreement! It's a pity to lose the copy of Yitian!

But now everyone knows! In comparison, Su Heng's copy is more valuable!

Once it is obtained by other countries, they will exclude Longguo and unite the forces of several countries to conduct their own research.

Then after this competition, Longguo's status will plummet!

But now it's too late! This is a live broadcast facing the whole world!

Su Heng is the creator of the copy! Even he has spoken, this incident is irreversible! At this moment, the senior officials of Longguo shook their heads and sighed with worry on their faces.

In their opinion, after this incident, Longguo will never recover!

Su Heng didn't know what the other countries thought at this time. Even if he knew, he would still say these words.

Because he had confidence in himself, seeing that everyone agreed to the bet, Su Heng also smiled and said:

"In that case! The bet is established!"After the words fell, the next second.

Su Heng entered the system's copy space in front of everyone.

But this time he was no longer going to make a copy, but to challenge his own copy.

Carrying everyone's expectations! And also the rise and fall of the country!.........................................

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