At this moment, with Gajeel being defeated, it also means that this dungeon is about to be officially conquered!

And there is only one enemy left standing in front of Su Heng!

It is the strongest! The president Joseph, who is also known as the Holy Ten Wizards!


Su Heng was panting heavily at this moment. After consuming Gajeel's dragon power, his physical strength began to be consumed.

Not long after, he completely collapsed to the ground.

"Damn it! I'm exhausted! I can't beat Joseph at this rate!"

Looking at Su Heng who was in poor condition, the other contestants in the audience showed sarcasm.

"Great! If this continues, Su Heng will definitely lose!"

"Hahaha, his strength has been exhausted! The next thing to deal with is the final boss, President Joseph!"

"Now wait for him to be killed by Joseph! Then lose the game!"

"That's right, when he obediently hands over the copy, I will ask the country for permission and go in to study it myself! Then I will be the next champion.���"

" You're right! So, even if you don't get a rank this time, you may not be able to win next time!"

At this moment, several contestants in the audience couldn't help but start imagining their bright future.

Seeing this scene, Lina was worried about Su Heng, but she could only pray in her heart.

""Su Heng, I believe in you! You will definitely win! You won't let us down!"

On the other side, as Su Heng fell,

Lucy on the side also began to panic. After all, Su Heng became like this in order to save him.

And there was a Joseph behind him! Su Heng must get up, he must not fall here!

Thinking of this, Lucy racked her brains and finally summoned Sagittarius Sachidarius, ignited the flames through the blasting machinery.

Finally, Su Heng swallowed it and barely recovered his strength.

After recovering his strength, Su Heng first settled Lucy, after all, the battle in the next meeting would be extremely fierce.

Then, in her worried eyes, one person set out on the journey again!

"The last one is here! Joseph of the Holy Ten! If it was before, I might not be sure! But now I have mastered the power of the Flame Iron Dragon!"

"This move will consume a lot of magic power! You can only use it unexpectedly and save it for the last moment as a big move!"

At this moment, Su Heng was on his way while thinking about the battle plan in his mind. After a while, he came to the hall of the Phantom Ruler!

At this moment, Erza! Gray! Elfman! The three of them gathered here and fought fiercely with Joseph.

However, the three of them were no match for Joseph at all, and could only be repeatedly ravaged by him.

Looking at this violent and bloody scene in front of them, the barrage began to express their opinions

[Erza is so strong but she is still being beaten! How can we play this? There is no way to win, right? There is no way to win, it is too difficult to win!]

[The difficulty is too high! Joseph is too strong, not even on the same level! 1 vs 3 and still no win!]

[There is absolutely no hope of victory! This final boss! There is no way to defeat it. Su Heng’s design is too buggy!]

[Yes! We designed such a strong boss, but we can’t choose characters of equal strength. Even a four-player team battle is no match for him!]

[I think Su Heng has shot himself in the foot this time! He can't win at all! Alas, it's a pity that such a good copy was handed over to someone else! ]

At this moment, the barrage of comments all disapproved of Su Heng's move, thinking that Su Heng was impulsive.

Now it's time to reap what he has sown!

And the next moment.

Erza and others on the side also noticed Su Heng who came over. Seeing that he was covered in injuries, they couldn't help but say:

""Natsu? What are you doing here! Where's Lucy? You're covered in wounds, get out of here!"

Seeing this scene, Su Heng smiled and said,"Lucy has been placed in a safe place by me!"

"Don't worry! And stop joking, your injuries seem to be more serious than mine! Worry more about yourself!"

However, just as Erza turned her head back to her senses, Joseph raised his hand and launched a magic attack.

It seemed that he had no intention of following the rules of martial arts, and his attack was a sneak attack.

"Not good!"

At this moment, Gray and others seemed to realize that something was wrong.


The next second.

Su Heng had rushed over without knowing when, and stretched out his hand to block the attack.

At this moment, his body was covered with a layer of silver-gray scales.

Seeing this scene, everyone present shrank their eyes slightly, and Joseph on the side was even more surprised:

"The power of an iron dragon? How is this possible! You are a fire dragon! Did something unexpected happen to Gajeel?"

Looking at Joseph's surprised expression, Su Heng smiled slightly:

"Ha! You don't need to know so much.

You just need to know that you will be blown away by me in the next second!"

The next moment, as soon as the voice fell,

Su Heng rushed in front of Joseph and smashed his fist wrapped with the power of the fire dragon.

"The iron fist of the fire dragon!"

Looking at Su Heng rushing in front of him, Joseph was a little surprised at the moment, but he raised his hand to block it.

However, he underestimated Su Heng's strength.

Under the fist wrapped in flames, there was also a layer of iron scales, which immediately raised the temperature to a terrifying level.

Just a touch, Joseph's palm began to emit white smoke.

And his old face also showed a painful expression, and then he quickly retreated.

Then he looked at the bloody wound on his hand and became even more angry:

"You damned little devil! You really pissed me off! Get ready to be judged for death!"


An evil dark energy formed a spiral beam of light and rushed towards Su Heng.

There was no time to dodge.

The next moment Su Heng was hit and then fell not far away.

"Cough cough cough...!"

"It's really a bit unexpected! I didn't expect it to hurt so much! But, you are still not my opponent!"

At this moment, Su Heng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then stared at Joseph with a burning gaze.

"Don't try to be brave by yourself, Su Heng! He is not an opponent you can defeat alone!"

"Let’s go together!"

"Man! We must fight together!"

The next moment, the four looked at each other, nodded to each other, and then rushed out at the same time to fight with him.

For a moment, the magic power in the field collided with each other, generating a huge shock wave.

The headquarters of the Phantom Ruler was even broken in this battle.

However, everyone was no match for him. After a long time of fighting, everyone showed a disadvantage.

After a while, Gray and Elfman were the first to leave the field. At this moment, only Erza and Su Heng were left in the field, resisting tenaciously.

At this moment, Joseph looked relaxed.

"Humph! I will kill you all! When that old guy Makarov wakes up, he will see the shattered guild in front of him!"

"And when all his beloved children died tragically in front of him! His expression must have been filled with grief!"

"I want to let him see what despair and sadness feel like! Let him suffer and then kill him!"

"Take that! Despair ray!"

The next moment, a huge dark red beam of light directly hit the two of them.

Boom!.....Unable to resist, they fell to the ground one after another.

At this moment, Su Heng was fully aware of Joseph's strength, but it was not over yet! He had one last method.

"Erza! We can't defeat him like this! But I have one last method!"

"The dragon's physique is extremely special! So next, I want you to transfer all the remaining magic power in your body into me."

" At that time, I will use this magic power to stimulate the hidden energy in my body and defeat Joseph in one fell swoop!"

At this moment, as Su Heng's voice fell, Erza and others also nodded. This is the last resort!

The next moment.

Everyone put their hands on Su Heng's back, and then the magic power began to be input.

"You little brats! Still want to struggle? Prepare to die!"

At this moment, Joseph seemed to have sensed something was wrong and rushed forward to stop him.

But it was too late. At this moment, Su Heng had already absorbed all the magic power.

And on his face and body, pieces of dragon scales began to gradually emerge.

Unlike the previous iron scales, this time the dragon scales seemed to grow from his body, piling up layer by layer.

And correspondingly, a strong magic pressure was released from him.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Joseph couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. From his memory, this power was:

"Dragon power? Someone can actually use it!

�� The next moment

"nothing is impossible!"

"Take that, Joseph!"

"Dragon Slayer Secret! Unknown Fire Type! Red Lotus Phoenix Sword!"

At this moment, all the magic power in Su Heng's body was released, and outside his body, a layer of golden magic power was wrapped around him.

Then his body spun wildly, like a sharp sword, piercing through Joseph's body at an extremely fast speed!

And brought out a large amount of blood.


's body fell to the ground helplessly.

Everyone who saw this was dumbfounded.

After a long time, everyone who reacted began to cheer, and Joseph's men knelt down and begged for mercy.

So far, Su Heng's copy was officially cleared successfully!!!

And this historic moment made the barrage explode instantly!

[Oh my god, you are awesome! Scream! So cool! Especially the last move of the dragon-killing secret technique! It was so cool that I fainted!]

[I witnessed a historic moment! The most difficult dungeon was cleared! There is nothing much to say! I kowtow to the big guy in front of the screen!]

[From the beginning to the end, the boss's operation is getting more and more awesome! I can't describe it in words! It's so handsome!]

[I didn't expect that I actually finished the game! You guys are incredible! I admire you so much! Awesome!]....................................................

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