At this moment, as the instance was successfully cleared, a white light flashed in the next moment.

Su Heng was teleported back to the instance system space.

The surroundings were filled with noise, and everyone was extremely excited. They witnessed this historic moment.

"Damn, Boss Su Heng is here! Boss is awesome!"

"Witness with your own eyes how the master escaped danger step by step and cleared the dungeon! This operation can only be, I give it full marks!"

"I didn't expect Su Heng to actually succeed! Let me show you how impressive we Dragons are!"

"The boss really put a lot of effort into making the dungeon! We were the ones who didn't know what was good for us and thought that the boss deliberately made the dungeon difficult!"

"The face was slapped with a loud slap! The boss is awesome! He used his actions to prove that people are not good enough, don’t blame the uneven road!"

"After this incident, the Dragon Kingdom soared to the sky!"

"Too ruthless! The one who created such an awesome copy was Su Heng! The one who cleared such a difficult copy was also Su Heng!"

"Dragon Country has hidden dragons and crouching tigers!!"

At this moment, everyone at the scene was cheering non-stop.

Because they witnessed the birth of a miracle with their own eyes!

Especially the audience from Dragon Country.

Dragon Country has produced a genius like Su Heng, which makes them feel extremely proud and proud.

One by one, they straightened their chests!

And the audience from other countries.

Can only constantly express envy.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that he could actually pass such a difficult copy! This is impossible!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, the judges from Sakura Country said with shock.

Unexpectedly, Su Heng could actually pass the difficult copy he made!

When he thought about giving away the Yitian copy and Yitian sword that he had finally obtained and hadn't even warmed up yet, he felt regretful.

The judges from Eagle Sauce Country were so angry that they beat their chests and stamped their feet:

"Damn it, it’s all my fault that I didn’t read the introductions of the various magics carefully!"

"If I had read the magic introduction clearly and knew the characteristics of magic, then I would have been the one to clear the dungeon!"

After witnessing Su Heng's way of clearing the dungeon with my own eyes, I felt admiration and regret at the same time.

The judges from the Bear Country looked at Su Heng with solemn eyes:

"After this, the strength of Dragon Country will surely increase greatly! Su Heng must not be offended!"

"It is better to please him in the future!"

Just because at this moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Ding! Congratulations to player Su Heng! Successfully cleared the dungeon (Fairy Tail - Phantom Overlord!)]

[Ding! It is detected that the player has passed the high-difficulty dungeon, and has been recognized by the system. The system clone has been obtained! You can check your character information and dungeon clearance status at any time!]

[Ding! The system detects that the player is clearing the dungeon for the first time! You can materialize any item from the dungeon! And gain control of the dungeon!]

[Ding! Congratulations to the contestant for successfully completing the hidden mission! All members survived! Note: No one in the selected faction died!]

[Ding! Congratulations to the contestant for winning the hidden reward! The copy you own has been upgraded, and the authority has been upgraded! You can change your own copy more! ]

At this moment, the system prompts sounded one after another, and Su Heng slowly digested it.

According to the information given by the system, the first system clone is actually equivalent to an information bar that can view its own situation.

At the same time, you can also view the situation of the characters in the current cleared copy, which is very convenient for Su Heng.

When and who cleared his copy under what circumstances and to what extent, these are all extremely useful information.

As for the materialized rewards, you can only choose from the things that appear in this copy. Of course, the system has already prompted the copy to be upgraded.

Su Heng is not sure whether there will be any changes after this. Of course, the first reward he has to choose is naturally Natsu's Fire Dragon Slayer Magic!

As for the copy upgrade! Su Heng has no clue about this for the time being, so he can only grope and see later.

Of course.

The top priority now is to collect the rewards first!

The next moment, Su Heng silently said in his heart

"System! Manifest the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic!"

[Ding! The Fire Dragon Slayer Magic has been successfully released!]

[ Fire Dragon Slayer Magic Information: Transform your own physique into a dragon's body, which is used to kill dragons. You can eat substances corresponding to your magic to restore your physical strength.]

[Note: The system has improved some defects, players can use it with confidence! ]

At this moment, the reward that Su Heng selected in the system space was also presented to everyone through the broadcast.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but become curious.

"Did you see it just now? It seems that Master Su Heng chose the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic!"

"I see! I wonder how powerful the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic would be if it were brought to the real world?"

"Stop talking, I'm already curious! I just hope that when Boss Su Heng comes out later, he can show off his skills!"

"I'm looking forward to it! That's real dragon-slaying magic! It's so powerful in the dungeon, I think it will be no worse in the real world!"

"Starting today, Dragon Country will welcome a great magician! Su Heng, I can only say that this is awesome!"

The next moment, as all the rewards were collected,

Su Heng was also teleported to the center of the venue.

Seeing this, Lina hurried over to pick up the microphone and began to introduce him:

"Player Su Heng! Everyone has seen the reward you selected in the dungeon just now!"

"I wonder if you would mind showing us how powerful the magic you created in the dungeon is?"

As the microphone was passed to Su Heng's mouth,

Lina also looked at Su Heng with curiosity.

Not only the audience was curious, but everyone would be curious.

And Su Heng also smiled.:

"No problem, everyone, stay away! Let me show you the power of the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic!"

As the voice fell, the staff on the scene hurriedly evacuated.

Even the judges who were a little closer, also moved away from the main venue.

After everyone stood still, under the attention of the crowd,

Su Heng began to show the charm of magic! At the beginning, a small flame was released from his body, and then the flame grew bigger and bigger, and burned more and more vigorously.

In an instant, it covered his whole body, but Su Heng, who was wrapped in flames, did not feel any discomfort.

Although he had experienced it once, when this power was truly possessed by him, even he was excited at this moment, and then he began to mobilize the magic power in his body.

Then he tilted his head to the sky.

Looking at this scene, everyone on the scene couldn't help but widen their eyes, for fear of missing this wonderful scene and regretting it for the rest of their lives.

The next moment

"The roar of the fire dragon!"


A huge flame burst out from Su Heng's mouth. It rushed to the sky above. Under this force, even the white clouds in the sky were instantly dispersed.

At this moment, the sky with white clouds suddenly became spotless.

The audience, who were curious in the last second, became miserable in the next second.

The extremely high temperature, even if it was not directed at them, but just being close to them, made people feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the flame came quickly and went away quickly. Su Heng took it back into his body soon.

After a brief silence, the cheers at the scene became even more deafening.

"Holy shit, is this dragon-killing magic? This is so awesome!"

"Even from such a distance, I could feel the huge power. Damn, my clothes were melted! The temperature was too high!"

"It's so cool! As a Dragon countryman, there is nothing more exciting than seeing this scene! I can only say that Master Su Heng kneels down to you!"

"After this, the national strength of Dragon Country will reach an unprecedented level! Su Heng is awesome!"

At this moment in this huge venue, the cheers from the audience can be said to be earth-shaking.

As the host of Dragon Country, Lina looked at Su Heng at this moment.

She couldn't help but feel proud.

Tears flowed from her eyes.

Then she quickly picked up the microphone and began to introduce him in front of the camera with a slightly trembling voice.:

"Did you see this? This was a scene full of people! Everyone at the scene looked extremely excited!"

"This is also a historic moment! The most difficult dungeon since the dungeon making competition started has its clearer at this moment!"

"That is contestant Su Heng from Dragon Country! Not only did he clear the dungeon, but he also brought powerful dragon-killing magic!"

At this moment, the situation on the scene and Lina's report were being displayed to everyone in the world through the camera!

Everyone was stunned. A human was actually spewing flames from his mouth?

How powerful is this dungeon to be able to do this!

Turning humans into superhumans! He has already broken away from the boundaries of the secular world.

Similarly, what kind of powerful person must be to be able to clear such a difficult dungeon!

Looking at this scene, everyone had the same idea in their minds...........................................................................

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