At this moment, the venue of the dungeon making competition was filled with thunderous applause.

Just because just now, after a joint discussion among the top leaders, they decided to announce Su Heng as the champion in advance!

After all, judging from the situation at the scene, there was no need to compete any further!

And now, the host Lina stood on the stage with a microphone in her hand, ready to announce the final champion.

"Now! Let us announce the winner of the second dungeon making competition! He is Su Heng!" After the words fell,

Lina grabbed Su Heng's arm and raised it high in front of everyone excitedly.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was also excited.

Then they began to applaud.

"Su Heng is so handsome! I worship him! I want to give birth to your children! I want to give birth to 8 children in one pregnancy!"

"The moment Fairy Tail really appeared, I knew! Su Heng is the real champion!"

"The boss is really awesome! He created a copy like Fairy Tail! He will definitely win the championship!"

"The Fairy Tail Strategy Team is also very powerful! I am already looking forward to their performance later!"

At this moment, everyone on the field cheered.

It was obvious that everyone had guessed Su Heng's victory.

The judges on the side also stood on the stage.

Then they all began to praise Su Heng.

"Su Heng, your future is limitless! You will definitely become an extremely powerful master of copy making!"

The judge John Bull on the side exclaimed in admiration

"You are so young! You have achieved so much! The younger generation will push the older generation forward! The future is your era!"

"Come on! I hope that Su Heng, you can bring us more wonderful copies in the future copy production competitions!"

The old man of Longguo stroked his beard, and then said to Su Heng with satisfaction.

The other judges immediately stepped forward and gave high praise.

Looking at the scene in front of him.

Su Heng just smiled lightly.

He didn't expect that he would win the championship in advance!

But judging from the power he has now, he may have to get used to this kind of thing in the future.

He took the pure gold trophy and a bank card with a large amount of money handed over by Lina.

Looking at these things in his hand, Su Heng couldn't help but be a little speechless.

After all, these things are already dispensable to him.

"By the way, the next competition will be held in three months! Don't forget it!"

Lina seemed to remember something and reminded

"Really? Thank you for your reminder!"

Seeing this, Su Heng also smiled and then spoke.

At this moment, Lina looked at Su Heng and couldn't help but lose her mind. After a long time

, she left the stage with a red face after being reminded by others.

At this point, the 2nd Copy Production Competition also came to an end!................................................

One day after the competition,

Su Heng was lying on the bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Then he subconsciously turned on his phone.

After the competition, there was no doubt that his performances made headlines on major short video platforms.

#The Birth of the Champion Dungeon [Fairy Tail: Phantom Ruler] Creator Su Heng#

#Shocked! After the defeat, Su Heng participated in the dungeon making competition again, and actually did such a thing?#

#Shocking! After clearing the dungeon, he turned into a fire-breathing dragon and destroyed the world!#

#Shocked! Who are the members of the Fairy Tail Raiders Team? #At this moment, looking at these outrageous titles,

Su Heng turned off his phone with a dark face.

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't expect that after crossing over, his life trajectory would change so much!

During this time, he constantly practiced various magics brought from Fairy Tail!

Dragon Slayer Magic, Fairy's Glory, and various black magics of Zeref................

Not only that, he also did not forget to train the members of the Fairy Tail Raiders Team in hell every day.

After all, they represent the face of Dragon Country, so they can't be too weak!

During this time, other countries also expressed their desire to send some people to join the Fairy Tail Raiders Team.

And they all gave generous rewards, but Su Heng rejected them one by one.

The reason is very simple.

Fairy Tail is the Raiders Team of Dragon Country.

It represents the entire Dragon Country.

What's the matter with people from other countries?

The next dungeon competition will start soon!

What kind of dungeon will be made then?

Thinking about the plots that flashed through his mind at this moment.

Su Heng laughed out loud inadvertently....................................

On the other side, the top leaders of various countries were gathering together for a meeting.

As the convener of this meeting, the leader of Longguo held his chin with both hands and then said

"Everyone, the next dungeon competition is about to start! In response to various unexpected situations that occurred in the last competition!"

"We're going to make some changes!"

"First! We will set a theme! Then let the players make a copy according to this theme! This is to better test the players' abilities!"

"Secondly, we will also make changes to the raid strategy! Next, we will allow raid teams from all countries to enter and conduct raid strategies!"

"Of course, the judges and the audience also have the right to make strategies! The contestants themselves can also make strategies!"

"Based on the above points, I would like to hear your opinions!" After the words fell , there was an uproar at the scene.

"Wait? If we set a theme, won't that limit the players' performance?"

"After all, each contestant has different ideas and strengths! Isn't this unfair?"

The judge from Sakura Country questioned.

"No, I think only a more severe challenge environment can produce a better copy!"

"If this alone affects a player's performance, then I think the player's own level must be unsatisfactory!"

"Besides, we have already decided! This meeting is just a notification!"

Seeing this, the senior officials of Longguo just smiled, and then spoke domineeringly.

Seeing such a firm attitude.

Others also gave up their thoughts.

After all, they can't afford to offend Longguo now!.......................................................................

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