Time flies.

With the preparation and mobilization of all parties.

The third copy production competition is about to start.

Dragon Country main competition venue.

After the last incident.

The audience who came to the scene at this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that there are huge crowds.

Even though the number of seats has increased to nearly 200,000, it is still in short supply.

The on-site qualifications that have just been issued were sold out in a short time.

This situation was unexpected by everyone.

And the audience who did not get the on-site qualifications can only watch the game through live broadcast.

Fortunately, the on-site competition facilities have ushered in a wave of updates, all of which have applied the current top photography technology.

Let the audience who did not come to the scene also experience enough visual experience.

And with the opening of the live broadcast room.

A large wave of people quickly poured in within a short period of time.

[It’s so hard to get the qualification to attend the event! I’m really sick of it! I really want to go to the event! To see Su Heng in person!]

[I didn't even go to work today! Just to witness this historic moment! The third dungeon making competition!]

[I heard that the competition has been updated! There may be a lot of content added later! I wonder if Su Heng can still perform exceptionally well!]

[ Su Heng can also be called a big boss? It's just that the villain has gained power! I don't know why you admire him?]

[Damn, you little black guys! How dare you insult my brother Su Heng! You are everywhere! You are just a bunch of shameless keyboard warriors! Damn it! ]

At this moment, the barrage suddenly began to quarrel.

With the end of the second competition, Su Heng was completely famous all over the world, and he also won a large number of fans.

But at the same time, he also attracted some jealous keyboard warriors.

Among them, there were especially many little black guys from foreign countries.

After all, Su Heng's status in Longguo is a national figure.

And the little black guys often start family tree defense battles with Su Heng's fans online.

Of course, Su Heng didn't know anything about these quarrels at the moment.

At this moment, he was making preparations in the backstage.

Not long after.

With Lina's introduction.

Su Heng, who was standing in the backstage, stood on the stage of the copy production competition again with other contestants.

At this moment, Su Heng stood on the stage and turned his head curiously.

It was obvious that most of the contestants were basically old acquaintances!

For example, Wright from the Eagle Country, who was wearing a flashy outfit, and Li Yi, who was standing next to him and was very respectful to him.

But of course, there was also an injection of fresh blood.

Su Heng also had some impressions of several of them, such as the girl with long white hair in front of him.

If I remember correctly, this should be John Bull's little princess!

In the last copy clearance, she seemed to be the second one to obtain magic!

I didn't expect that she would come to participate in the competition this time, it's really interesting!

There is also the Eagle Country, the first audience who successfully passed the Su Heng copy last time, now also came to participate in this copy production competition.

Even among the contestants at this moment, many people exuded the fluctuation of magic power, which Su Heng clearly captured.

There is no doubt.

In the eyes of the top leaders of various countries, those who first obtained magic have extremely high potential.

In this month, the status of these people has ushered in earth-shaking changes.

At the same time, they have also received extremely rigorous training.

Therefore, they are all sent to participate in the copy production competition.

At this moment, as everyone appeared on the stage, Lina picked up the microphone again and began to introduce:

"Okay! Now let's take your seats, contestants!"

"Next, let us welcome the judges to the stage!"

As Lina's voice fell, the hundreds of thousands of audiences on the scene also shouted.

After all, the judges on the scene are representatives carefully selected from the top ten countries.

However, like the contestants, several of them have been replaced.

This also represents a reshuffle of the power structure of the country.

Then, amid the warm applause and cheers of the crowd, the ten judges took their seats one by one.

Seeing this, Lina also picked up the microphone and began to introduce again:

"Okay, now the contestants and judges are here!"

"Then the copy production phase that everyone is most looking forward to will begin!"

"But what is different from before is that this time we have added a theme series! And this time, the dungeon production requires everything to be produced around our theme!" After the voice fell

, the staff pushed a lottery machine.

It was obvious that the theme this time would be randomly drawn through this.

And Lina also grabbed the long handle of the lottery machine and started to rotate it.

Seeing this scene, the barrage began to swipe in turn.

[I didn’t expect there would be a theme this time? If you draw a theme you are not good at, it will affect your performance!]

[Our main focus is to adapt to changing circumstances! Luck and strength are both indispensable!]

[It's almost time, let me witness this historic moment! What is the theme? Damn, I'm so anxious!]

[Please give our brother Su Heng a magic theme! Wouldn't it be better to strengthen everyone? I feel that Su Heng hasn't exerted his full strength in the last copy! ]

At this moment, everyone in the barrage began to speculate.

And the contestants also cast curious eyes.

After all, everyone is involved in different things, and the copies they are good at making are also different.

This decision will greatly affect the quality of their copies.


As the sound fell, under the gaze of everyone in the world, a golden ball gradually rolled out.

Lina also reached out to pick up the ball, then gently twisted it open and took out the note inside.

Then she showed it in front of everyone.

"The theme this time is! War!"

Seeing this theme

, some contestants have already started to sigh.

For example, Wright from Eagle Sauce Country is better at making various animals than war!

Originally, he wanted to learn from Su Heng's creativity this time and add dragon wings to his flame lion, but now it's completely out of ideas. Even Su Heng couldn't help but fall into deep thought when he got this theme.

After all, war is not just two or three people fighting each other!

There must be something that can shock everyone!!.......................................................................

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