At this moment, along with the tasks of both parties and the status of the generals, they were presented to everyone.

The barrage began to scroll.

[Damn, this is a familiar formula! The protagonist's general is seriously injured again! It's safe, I will definitely choose Luffy this time, and I will definitely win!]

[Familiar formula, simple task! This must be the attacking side! Just save people! The defensive side's task is too difficult! Su Heng is such a bad guy!]

[Let the navy be so strong! Now the pirates' mission is simple, and the commander is seriously ill. The buff is fully stacked, so the attacking side will definitely win! ]

At this moment, everyone kept talking.

Obviously, everyone thinks that the attacking side has a greater chance of winning!

And the judges at this moment also have this idea!

So the next moment.

Ten Luffies entered the copy at the same time!!

A white light flashed in front of his eyes.

Luffy, chosen by the judges of the Eagle Sauce Country, officially came to the center of the battlefield.

At this moment, the air was mixed with a pungent smell of blood.

And when he opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him.

Even though he was a veteran, he couldn't help but gasp.

At this moment, a huge oversized giant fell on the battlefield, his abdomen was pierced, and one foot was cut off and fell to the side.

The soldiers below kept rushing together, and the flowing blood dyed the entire ice surface red.

Even when the feet stepped on it, they slipped a little.

Seeing this scene, even the barrage couldn't hold back.

[Is this a real war? After entering, I found that everything seemed different! This is too tragic, damn!]

[That giant should be Little Oz in the introduction! Is the one who cut off his leg Doflamingo? Too cruel!]

[I can't bear to watch these things! It's a bit uncomfortable! I advise everyone not to read the introduction of Little Oz, it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable! ]

At this moment, the barrage continued to discuss.

On the other side, the judges of the Eagle Sauce Country encountered the first crisis. The ship they were on began to fall to the ground!

But fortunately, they are also experienced people. After experiencing a series of hardships.

Finally, they succeeded in getting ashore!

However, at this moment, he glanced out of the corner of his eye.

I saw a person like sand on the side, who was ambushing and preparing to assassinate Whitebeard.

The key is that Whitebeard stood there motionless as if he didn't notice it!

Seeing this scene.

The judges of the Eagle Sauce Country were stunned.

I'm going to be assassinated as soon as I come? Then how can I play this war! Forget it!

Thinking of this, the judge gritted his teeth, and before he could get familiar with the rubber fruit in his body, he rushed over.

But everything was too late.

I saw that the figure like sand had already started the formal action! However, a cold light flashed.


The man just now was actually knocked out! And his appearance was also displayed in front of everyone

"Crocodile? The Sand-Sand Fruit? Fortunately, the first level is finally passed!"

Based on the previous impression, I still remember this person's name and the fruit he used!

But these are not important!

The most important thing now is his mission! Rescue Ace and defeat as many enemies as possible!

According to the impression in his mind, the rubber fruit should be immune to most attacks!

Thinking of this, feeling the power in his body.

The judges of the Eagle Sauce Country suddenly gained confidence.

So in an instant, like an arrow from a bow, they rushed into the battlefield in front.

Sure enough, relying on the ability of the rubber fruit, coupled with their own battle-hardened intuition on the battlefield.

At this moment, the judges of the Eagle Sauce Country really rushed forward a short distance.

At this moment, the barrage of comments also began to roll.

[You are awesome! At this pace, maybe I can become the first person to clear the Su Heng dungeon!]

[It's really too strong! It's just a pity! Su Heng must not have thought that all the foreshadowing he buried in this copy was discovered by others!]

[I want to laugh when I talk about this! If you succeeded the first time, can you succeed the second time? I think this time it's just a benefit! It's just to make wedding clothes for us!]

[Good, good, I am getting more and more satisfied! Come on, big brother! ]

At this moment, the barrage of comments kept rolling.

However, in the next moment.

Two figures suddenly rushed over.

Take a closer look! It was Doflamingo and Moriah who had just injured Little Oz.

At this moment, the two of them rushed towards Luffy.

And they started to use their ultimate skills right away!

Faced with this situation.

The judges of the Eagle Sauce Country fought hard.

The result was over!

He was exhausted and finally fell down!

The next moment, a white light flashed.

The judges of the Eagle Sauce Country fell down in the center of the venue of the copy production competition with sweat all over their bodies!

And not long after him, other judges also attacked one after another, and they were teleported back after failing the copy.

At this moment, everyone just realized that something was wrong.

[Didn't they say that choosing Luffy would definitely win? Why did they all fall down? I must be kidding!]

[I am dying of laughter. Judging from the current situation, Su Heng may be better! Maybe it is a trap set for us on purpose! Fortunately, the judges stepped into the trap!]

[A trap? Damn, it really is a good trick! Master Su Heng is really too outrageous! Is it okay to play like this? ]

Looking at the judges who returned in defeat, everyone started to discuss.

At this time, the judge from the Eagle Sauce Country seemed to have recovered. He picked up the microphone and said angrily:

"You are so good, Su Heng! You actually misled us like this! We thought we would definitely win if we chose Luffy! How could this be the result?"

""Okay, I admit defeat! I made a mistake this time! But I still want to say it! Su Heng, you are such a mean guy!"

After saying this, the judge from the Eagle Sauce Country immediately threw the microphone to the ground, and then returned to his own judges' seat to rest.

The other judges on the side were also disappointed.

"Su Heng, I didn't expect you to be like this! Are you deliberately misleading us? Oh, I'm a little disappointed!"

The judges from the Bear Country also shook their heads and returned to the judges' seats.

Facing the doubts of the crowd at this moment,

Su Heng just smiled.

Then he slowly said:

" No, I didn't mislead you! You guessed correctly! You should choose Luffy!"

As these words fell, the judges stopped walking.

Then they turned around and looked at Su Heng.

Su Heng just smiled.

"Choosing Luffy does have the potential to win! If you don't believe me, I'll show you how to win!"

As the words fell,

Su Heng slowly sank into the system space and directly chose Luffy!

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