At this moment, as Su Heng officially entered the dungeon, the people outside the venue began to discuss

"Oh my god, Master Su Heng is really amazing! He actually chose Luffy to enter the dungeon?"

"But this is impossible to win! The navy is too strong! Although the mission of One Piece is relatively simple! But it is still difficult!"

"This mission is indeed very challenging! Although the mission of One Piece is simple, its power is much weaker than that of the Navy, while the mission of the Navy is completely the opposite!"

"I just don't know how Master Su Heng will deal with such a danger! It's possible that he will make an extremely powerful move!"

At this moment, everyone was discussing Su Heng's actions.

On the other side, the players who had been watching outside the field saw Su Heng's irrational scene and laughed at him.

"Haha! Su Heng, this guy! He was just criticized by the judges for a few words, but he chose Luffy out of spite? It seems that he doesn't have much tolerance!"

"Judging from the performance of the ten judges, there is absolutely no chance of winning if you choose Luffy! Even if Su Heng is familiar with it, all the operations are the same! This is courting death!"

"What a pity! If he could really choose a character and complete the game seriously! I could learn from him!"

"Why say so much? Su Heng is doomed to lose! He can only rely on himself to pass the next level!"

As the voice fell, the other players also agreed and nodded.

After all, even if Su Heng lost.

But it is undeniable that the copy he made is excellent!

There is still great development value in it!

On the other hand.

At this moment, before entering the copy, Su Heng carefully used magic to recall all the operations about Luffy in his mind!

Then he opened his eyes with a confident smile on his lips. He walked into the copy leisurely.

Then facing the prompt from the system.

Su Heng directly chose the pirate side, Luffy!

The next moment the system prompt sounded again!

The player's selected force was detected, and the task is now released!

[Mission 1: Rescue Ace!]

[Task 2: Defeat at least one opponent with the same strength as the character you choose. The more opponents you defeat, the higher the system score! ]

The next moment, white light enveloped Su Heng.

He came to the battlefield of the top war!

And the tall man next to him was Whitebeard!

Smelling the strong smell of blood from the tip of his nose.

Su Heng frowned.

Then the next moment.

An extremely powerful invisible force spread wildly from his body, instantly filling the entire battlefield!

But not long after, it was taken back into Su Heng's body.

Seeing this scene.

Even Whitebeard next to him showed a look of surprise, and then couldn't help but said in a lost voice:

"Conqueror's Haki? How could such a strong Conqueror's Haki suddenly awaken? What happened to this brat?"

Old Sand, who was just about to sneak attack Whitebeard, showed a vigilant look when he saw this and retreated to the side. At this moment, the three admirals, Sengoku, and Garp on the opposite side of the navy also showed shocked expressions.

However, after being shocked, everyone began to have other thoughts!

Among them.

Akainu's eyes when looking at Su Heng contained extremely strong killing intent!

Such a strong Conqueror's Haki! It hasn't been long since awakening, and he can control it freely? Can he let such a pirate go? This is a disaster! At this moment, Akainu even planned to give up all actions! Attack Su Heng first!

It was just a moment.

At this moment, there was a strange silence on the battlefield!

And this was all because of the super Conqueror's Haki that Su Heng had just awakened!

Looking at the situation on the field at this moment, the barrage exploded at this moment!

[Wow! What the hell did I see! I actually forgot there was such a setting? Born with domineering Haki? Damn, that's awesome! This is outrageous!]

[I have never seen such an outrageous operation! Such a rare domineering color was awakened at the beginning? What is this! Born to be the king?]

[Boss Su Heng, I advise you not to be too rebellious! I am really impressed! Look at Whitebeard's shocked look! Even such a strong person was shocked! How strong is this Overlord Color?]

[I just laughed at the boss! I didn’t expect that I was looking down on him! The boss is always the boss! He is someone I can’t figure out! ]

At this moment, the comments were full of"F*ck!"

The contestants who just laughed at Su Heng were stunned after seeing this scene!

"What's going on? This is too outrageous! Can anyone tell me why it can be played like this? Awakening the Conqueror's Haki at the beginning?"

At this moment, a player was stunned and roared

"Su Heng is always so powerful! He is not the same kind of person as us!"

"Maybe it was wrong from the beginning! This is too incredible! We are not his opponents at all!"

The players from other countries shook their heads and said helplessly.

On the other side.

At this moment, Su Heng carefully felt the power in his body.

Combined with the surprised tone of Whitebeard just now.

He understood that this was the power called Overlord Haki!

And it was ridiculously strong!

In this case! Don't blame me for being rude!

Thinking of this, Su Heng's mouth curled up a smile.

Then, he directly released all the strong Overlord Haki in his body.

The powerful Overlord Haki instantly covered the entire field.

In just a moment, most of the navy on the field fainted.

And the rest were basically the elite among the elite.

Everyone in the field fell into panic.

And at this moment, this scene was broadcast to everyone present at the copy production competition.

At this moment, some other countries' strategy groups who were preparing to learn from Su Heng's way of passing the level were all dumbfounded.

And some of the emotionally excited ones directly burst into swearing!

"Damn it! God, can anyone tell me what this guy is doing? How can we learn from this? I want to make a guide!"

"How can we make a strategy like this? How can we win like this? It’s totally different from last time!"

On the other side, the strategy team of the Korean country

"Ah Xiba! Su Heng is such a bad guy! Can't we do something more normal like last time?"

"You play like this? What should we do! Don’t you have a good idea of the difficulty of your copy? I am really impressed! How can there be such a person!"On the other side, the Sakura Country Raiders Group

"Damn it! Su Heng is such a bad guy! In order to prevent us from learning from his methods, he actually did such a thing!"

"This is too shameful! We strongly condemn this!"

The situation of the other attacking groups was basically the same.

Everyone was dumbfounded!...........................

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