At this moment, as the judges failed one after another, the audience was also shocked.

"Oh my god, I failed! Is Su Heng's copy really that difficult? I felt like I could succeed, but it turned out to be like this!"

"It feels like it's getting harder and harder! The judges failed again. It seems that we can only rely on Su Heng's performance next!"

"Woo....I was originally thinking of learning from the judges’ methods and successfully passing the level to gain the ability of Nen, but I didn’t expect to lose it all. Oh, it’s all over!"

"The difficulty of this dungeon is already very high! Now the judges have all failed, so let's not say anything. Let's look forward to Su Heng's performance!"

At this moment, everyone on the field was talking.

But it was obvious.

Their expectations have now shifted from the judges to Su Heng.

And Su Heng didn't let everyone wait too long!

The next moment he actually took a step directly into the dungeon.

And his move successfully attracted everyone's attention.

The next second

[Ding! Congratulations to the contestant for entering the dungeon, Hunter x Hunter - Chimera Ant]

[Players can choose any faction to join]

[Hunter Party]

[Mission 1: Defeat the Ant King Meruem!]

[Mission 2: Destroy all Chimera Ants that endanger humanity!]

[Task 3: Defeat at least one opponent with equal strength to the character you choose. The more opponents you defeat, the higher the system score will be!]

[Currently available characters: Gon, Killua, Morro, Kate...................]

[Isaac Netero/Not Selectable]

[Chimera Ant Square]

[Mission 1: Protect the Ant King Meruem]

[Task 2: Defeat at least one opponent with equal strength to the character you choose. The more opponents you defeat, the higher the system score will be!]

[Currently available characters: Neferpidou, Mentutu Yupi, Owl Yapofu............]

[Meruem/Cannot be selected]

At this moment, he looked at the prompt from the system in front of him.

Just smiled slightly.

Enter the Hunter World!

How can I not choose Xiaojie!

After all, the last part where the other party turned evil.

That depressed and sad look!

It can be said that it was really handsome!

Thinking of this, Su Heng no longer hesitated.

Then he directly chose the hunter Xiaojie!

And his action made everyone dumbfounded.

[Oh my god, no way! He actually chose Xiaojie. Are you giving up? Although Xiaojie has some strength, he is not good enough in this instance!]

[Su Heng is crazy! Isn't it a sure loss if I choose Xiaojie? There are strong opponents everywhere! How can I complete the task if I choose Xiaojie?]

[Isn't this a sure loss? The hunter couldn't choose, but he chose, and chose a weak one? Definitely a loss! There's nothing to see, it must be that the dungeon is too difficult, so I gave up!]

[I guess he's just giving up! So I just picked a character at random. I want to see how long Su Heng can last. It would be good if he can defeat the first opponent he encounters! ]

At this moment, facing Su Heng's actions.

Everyone expressed their incomprehension!

Then they began to question.

And Lina also picked up the microphone and started to explain at the first time.:

"Unexpectedly, in such a difficult copy, Su Heng actually made a choice completely different from that of the judges!"

"He did not choose the powerful force of the Chimera Ants, but chose the weaker Hunters, and also chose Xiaojie, who was not very strong among them!"

When the judges saw this, some sighed and shook their heads. They were regretting the decision made by Su Heng.

Some laughed secretly in their hearts, because they were very happy that Su Heng made the wrong choice!

The reason for this idea.

It is because they carefully studied every setting submitted by Su Heng!

In their opinion, maybe there was something wrong with their method.

But it is obvious that the character chosen by Su Heng is bound to lose!

It must be that the difficulty of the copy setting is too high, so now even I can't pass it, so I can only choose a character at random! However, no matter how everyone questioned.

Su Heng didn't care, he always insisted on his choice!

The next moment, he was wrapped in white light.

Feeling cold The feeling of the wind blowing past him.

Su Heng opened his eyes!

At this moment, the sky was filled with mind attacks like golden meteors!

Dragon Star Cluster!

Is it time for President Netero to start taking action?

But now the most urgent thing is to see how much I can use the ability of this body!

Thinking of this,

Su Heng closed his eyes and felt it carefully!

The next moment, a powerful force was released from his body and swept around in an instant!

Xiaojie's mind ability has undergone earth-shaking changes because of Su Heng's arrival!

Killua, who was originally following behind, also noticed that something was wrong with his companion.

Then he asked in shock:"What's the matter? How did your mind ability become so strong all of a sudden? And it seems to be different from before!"

Facing the other party's inquiry, Su Heng just said calmly:"Let's go, Killua! I can feel that Kate is there!"

As the voice fell, the two hurried over.

On the other side, the people who had been watching the barrage slowly came to their senses and then started to comment frantically!

[Huh? Huh? His strength increased instantly! And judging by Killua's shocked look, it seems that he increased quite a lot! This is too awesome!]

[Oh my god, is he cheating again? This is too awesome! How come his Nen ability becomes so much stronger once he enters the dungeon? Why the hell is this happening?]

[This is too outrageous! Just close your eyes and become stronger instantly? I'll try it when I enter the dungeon, just in case it really works!]

[I don't know what to say for a moment, I can only say, the boss is really awesome! This is too strong, I surrender, really surrender! ]

Facing this scene, everyone was shocked!

And the judges on the other side also started to comment

"How is this possible? We have studied every setting of Su Heng so many times! How could this be possible?"

"Could it be that after such a detailed study, Su Heng still has some hidden designs to hide from us?"

John Bull's judge said with a shocked face at this moment.

"Awesome! It's really amazing. No wonder he has such confidence and chooses hunter Fang Xiaojie to enter the dungeon!"

"I thought he was giving up on himself, but I didn't expect that we thought it was too simple. He was confident!"

The judge from the Bear Country said with emotion when he saw this scene.

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